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Wow... I see many frustrated wanna be politicians working for game industry... LOL ... seriously I am starting to think about to change my hobbies... this is starting to be RIDICULOUS
Post edited October 05, 2014 by YaTEdiGo
Vainamoinen: snip
Dear ideological enemy,

You appear to be commited to taking this personally.

A - I did not mean to insult you.
B - At this time I just want to understand you better. Where did you get the idea I want us to be friends?
C - I did not, in fact, insult you. Grammar and logic incoming:

Troll: someone that intends to waste other's time and/or cause an emotional reaction.
What I said: "I am concerned however, that this is not a discussion you are interested in having - you are kind of taking very aimed potshots, instead of engaging head on. If so, kindly don't be a troll and say so at the outset."
Why it's not an insult:
1 - I still believe your intent may not be trollish, despite you just taking 2 words out of context of a large post.
2 - It's a conditional sentence, the second part is only true if the conditional is met. So far you have not addressed my points head-on, again.
3 - "Kindly don't be a troll" is imperative, not present tense, per context that it refers to your future reply. Therefore no implication that you are already a troll. I basically asked you not to waste my time, looks you took that personally.

SJW: someone who fights for social justice
What I said: "For one, your anti-capitalism political ideologies are IMO obviously related to your likes and dislikes as expressed in the gaming context, you are a SJW..."
Why it's not an insult:
1 - You are posting and defending social justice viewpoints. Ergo, "fighting" for them.
2 - It's basically a shorthand summary describing how I perceive your intent in this thread. You seem to advocate socialism over capitalism, group over individual responsibility, equality of outcomes over opportunities, political correctness over freedom to offend. Ergo, "social justice". Why would you take personally such a description? Isn't it true?
Vainamoinen: If you, as an individual, consider yourself part of THIS group, then the article can not in the least be insulting to you. These lines should also be put in the larger context of gamergate and its 'demands' to video game journalism.
Who are you to decide what should or shouldn't be insulting to me? Her article was full of insults to gamers (just like the other 'Gamers are Dead" articles). And even those jibs that don't apply directly to me, I have the right to be outraged about them anyway. If someone starts spewing out racial hatred, I feel I have every right to respond in defense of my friends.

Furthermore, I disagree with your whole premise. You equate gaming culture to "mindless consumerism" merely because you do not like the choices some subset of the gamer community makes? I personally do not play the Call of Duty shooters, tried MW2 briefly, not my thing. This doesn't mean those who buy it are mindless. I've met maybe people who love various games in the series. They have passion, they enjoy it, their love for the genre is far from mindless. I've found them to be critical of some releases showing they are a discerning audience. Thus, I find your comments insulting to my fellow gamers.

Another thing I find insulting is the way you just assume I have not read the article as a whole (or even at first just assumed I had not previously read it). Just because I disagree with you is no indication that I have faulty reading comprehension. We are all each entitled to our opinions, and my opinion clearly differs from yours.

And just because someone uses "us" or "we". I've known enough people who consider themselves a "True xxxxx" while spouting out their hate of the rest of any given subculture. Frankly, I can give a rat's ass for these people and their self-claimed more enlightened attitudes, and as such feel I have a right to exclude them from my own definition of, for instance, "Core Gamer".

I don't have a problem with people buying Call of Duty or anything from Blizzard. I don't have a problem with people supporting Steam and Early Access. I don't have a problem with people attending E3 to see the early trailers. I respect their rights as true gamers to spend their own personal funds as they see fit because they are enjoying what they are doing. To me, these are also real gamers. They are not mindless. They each have made choices and financial sacrifices for their hobby like I have. Just as I'd consider a feminist or LGBT gamer who supports only titles which have a minimum level of inclusion. As long as they are not spewing hatred for the rest of the community or telling all of us how we are all "doing it wrong".

Where I do have a problem is with people like Leigh Alexander and you where you feel its necessary to throw out insults at your fellow gamers. Especially Leigh Alexander and her hatred for white men (you can see her bigotry from her tweets), but also to you and your disdain of the "mindless core gamers". We are all gamers on some level, but if you want respect (and games journalists should be coveting this due to their positions), then you need to treat your community with the same respect.
While that article was shitty I can't imagine being "outraged" over it. That's just as bad as people on the other side being outraged by some classic boob armor.

Everyone should stop being outraged and have a beer.
StingingVelvet: Everyone should stop being outraged and have a beer.
That gets my vote for internet quote of the month.

I'm so exhausted by the mentality of about 90% of the internet that has to always be outraged or offended by something someone else says. Get thicker skin and learn to deal with shit in life. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick. Life is about struggle, happiness, sadness, loss, and amazing moments of tragedy and triumph. We're allowing ourselves to be turned into litigious, thin skinned whiners who do nothing but complain and threaten to file lawsuits against everyone in sight.

There's 3 important life lessons here that many are forgetting.

1. Start being an individual and stop being a part of a group. Groups only want to use you as another member in their 'strength in numbers' dynamic. Stop it. You didn't pop out of your momma with your own charity foundation, so stop acting like you did.

2. Accept the fact that some people are just not going to like you in life. People can and will judge you from everything from the color of your skin to your opinion on 18th century expressionist art.

3. Take a wise man's wise words and stop being outraged all the time and enjoy a beer... or at least the beverage of your choice.
StingingVelvet: Everyone should stop being outraged and have a beer.
Emob78: That gets my vote for internet quote of the month.

I'm so exhausted by the mentality of about 90% of the internet that has to always be outraged or offended by something someone else says. Get thicker skin and learn to deal with shit in life. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick. Life is about struggle, happiness, sadness, loss, and amazing moments of tragedy and triumph. We're allowing ourselves to be turned into litigious, thin skinned whiners who do nothing but complain and threaten to file lawsuits against everyone in sight.

There's 3 important life lessons here that many are forgetting.

1. Start being an individual and stop being a part of a group. Groups only want to use you as another member in their 'strength in numbers' dynamic. Stop it. You didn't pop out of your momma with your own charity foundation, so stop acting like you did.

2. Accept the fact that some people are just not going to like you in life. People can and will judge you from everything from the color of your skin to your opinion on 18th century expressionist art.

3. Take a wise man's wise words and stop being outraged all the time and enjoy a beer... or at least the beverage of your choice.
StingingVelvet: Everyone should stop being outraged and have a beer.
Emob78: That gets my vote for internet quote of the month.

I'm so exhausted by the mentality of about 90% of the internet that has to always be outraged or offended by something someone else says. Get thicker skin and learn to deal with shit in life. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick. Life is about struggle, happiness, sadness, loss, and amazing moments of tragedy and triumph. We're allowing ourselves to be turned into litigious, thin skinned whiners who do nothing but complain and threaten to file lawsuits against everyone in sight.

There's 3 important life lessons here that many are forgetting.

1. Start being an individual and stop being a part of a group. Groups only want to use you as another member in their 'strength in numbers' dynamic. Stop it. You didn't pop out of your momma with your own charity foundation, so stop acting like you did.

2. Accept the fact that some people are just not going to like you in life. People can and will judge you from everything from the color of your skin to your opinion on 18th century expressionist art.

3. Take a wise man's wise words and stop being outraged all the time and enjoy a beer... or at least the beverage of your choice.
Both comments are on point.

I came back to the GOG forums to check out the new sale and saw that this was still going on. While people are "fighting" this "war", I'm playing video games. Why are people being surprised that know assholes are acting like assholes? Play your fucking games. Instead of scouring the Internet looking for "evidence" of....whatever, you could be playing your favorite game. People always talk about having backlogs but would rather try to get the "oh shit you got rekt #yolo" in on someone instead of knocking the backlog down some.

Y'all have fun arguing over nothing. I'll have fun playing games. As long as we're having fun, I guess.
low rated
StingingVelvet: While that article was shitty I can't imagine being "outraged" over it. That's just as bad as people on the other side being outraged by some classic boob armor.
I respectfully disagree. Boob armor is stupid in every way, but it seems to come from a primarily "hey wouldn't this look cool" place rather than being anything intentionally malicious. Alexander, on the other hand, has a large body of work consisting of little more than overt hatred toward anyone and everyone who dares disagree with her. That would all be easily ignored if she were an anonymous Twitter troll, but she's represented the industry in Time, Gamasutra, Destructoid, HuffPo, and a bunch of other big-name sites.

Disingenuous outrage over a small element in a much larger game is totally different than a spiteful (and wildly racist, based on some of her Twitter comments) person being allowed to remain a prominent writer and voice of the industry. That terribly biased piece exemplifies her many journalistic failures and drew attention to them, leading to said outrage, and I can only hope she'll finally be exorcised from the industry for it. Just one of many similarly toxic personalities needing to go.
low rated
The problem is that while you enjoy your games right now many of the "new" kind of games will not be what we might like exactly due to this political and social nonsense. We can enjoy our "politicaly incorrect" games for how long ? Do you think that the problem of their influence just goes away because we ignore their BS right now ? There is also a saying in politics... if you dont take care about politics they will definately do about you... get it ? Never underestimate someone or a powerfull group that is ADDICTED to their message/ agenda. This is not a little phenomenon this is everywhere in our society too. But if you only look at games then well you are pretty misinformed what is going on!

So we can either ignore everything around us in the "industry" that is heavily influenced by feminazis or we try to raise our voice to make sure these cracies dont have the last word.

And the whole debate started because of some aliens feel the need to educate us and especialy game devs. how to spread a "good" message.. or to be preciously... social justice aka being a crazy! These people dont care about me or you or any other gamer and they made it very clear. The "problem" that we have are the cracies in the industry or the clowns in the industry and they will not just go away in silence. We cant ignore their agenda because if we do they will succed in their social programming and censorship in the end!

Let us try to imagine the feminazis have a free pass into every aspect of game design ? What do you think these new games are alike ? I seriously doubt the fun when everything has to be "not offensive" to anyone operandi!
Post edited October 06, 2014 by NWN_babayaga
StingingVelvet: While that article was shitty I can't imagine being "outraged" over it.
Jumping into the middle of the discussion, a little browsing backwards didn't find me the article link, so I'll give a more general response, based on several "anti-gamer" articles I've read.

In many of these articles it would be easy to switch Christian for "gamer" (and even easier with Jew or Muslim, but I'm deliberately sticking to a less controversial religion and a US majority one). An article could readily quote extremists, Christian boards, and whatnot, say things like "some people might say that these are a minority voice" and conclude with "I don't want to call myself Christian any more."

And as a Christian you'd be outraged, and rightfully so when there are countless articles in the Christian media you read decrying how terrible Christians are and how they should no longer be called that.

So why would someone identifying themselves as a gamer not be insulted by being told many times that gamers are terrible people and that they're irrelevant, and be told that by game developers and game journalists?
227: I respectfully disagree. Boob armor is stupid in every way, but it seems to come from a primarily "hey wouldn't this look cool" place rather than being anything intentionally malicious. Alexander, on the other hand, has a large body of work consisting of little more than overt hatred toward anyone and everyone who dares disagree with her. That would all be easily ignored if she were an anonymous Twitter troll, but she's represented the industry in Time, Gamasutra, Destructoid, HuffPo, and a bunch of other big-name sites.

Disingenuous outrage over a small element in a much larger game is totally different than a spiteful (and wildly racist, based on some of her Twitter comments) person being allowed to remain a prominent writer and voice of the industry. That terribly biased piece exemplifies her many journalistic failures and drew attention to them, leading to said outrage, and I can only hope she'll finally be exorcised from the industry for it. Just one of many similarly toxic personalities needing to go.
You make some decent points here. Let me reply though by saying that, like Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow on the political commentary extremes, Alexander gets her power from clicks and mentions, and she gets those clicks and mentions not only by riling up those on the far side of her cause, but also by getting you supppppppper pissed about what she writes. You are playing into her hands in the exact way she wanted you to.

I dislike her writing, and usually I dislike her arguments, but getting outraged over it is exactly what she wants. If everyone on your side of this debate just shrugged her off she would have very little power.
StingingVelvet: I dislike her writing, and usually I dislike her arguments, but getting outraged over it is exactly what she wants. If everyone on your side of this debate just shrugged her off she would have very little power.
I don't know if I agree with that. I mean, I see no point in getting upset over it, and any kind of angry reaction does play into her agenda by making it look like she's right, but I don't think ignoring it is the answer either. She gets most of her power from people who agree with her and support her agenda, especially people who don't know much about gaming (like the mainstream news sites that she writes for). I think her really biased and insulting articles do need to be challenged, but in a calm polite way that doesn't "prove" the points she's trying to make about gamers being evil terrorists.
low rated
GamerGate is sadly not a problem that will simply be solved by ignoring it. These SJWs are not just game journalists fishing for clicks with provocative articles, this is a campaign by a special interest group backed by academic funding. Sargon of Akkad did a fantastic job tracing things back to DiGRA and how it was turned from a benign group of people who wanted to just examine the technical details of video games.

The second video is especially relevant where the speaker outright tells his audience, game journalists, that he demands of them to drop their ethical standards. He denounces GTA as a video game and then destroys the disc. He might as well called it degenerate art and burned it at this point.

These people have the power to actually destroy video games. Not "destroy" in the sense that Nintendo made video games for normal people with the Wii, but destroy in the sense that they infest the game companies and directly affect the output. We already know that DiGRA members like the guy in the first video work for major publishers, and we know that Anita is being employed as an adviser.

I don't really play modern games and I don't really care about boob-plates, but I don't want people who do want that sort of entertainment be denied it. And once they accomplish one thing they won't stop, they will continue. Today the boob plate, tomorrow Super Mario Bros. Besides, if we can't even stop corruption in a joke like video games journalism, how could we stop corruption where it really matters?
Jennifer: I don't know if I agree with that. I mean, I see no point in getting upset over it, and any kind of angry reaction does play into her agenda by making it look like she's right, but I don't think ignoring it is the answer either. She gets most of her power from people who agree with her and support her agenda, especially people who don't know much about gaming (like the mainstream news sites that she writes for). I think her really biased and insulting articles do need to be challenged, but in a calm polite way that doesn't "prove" the points she's trying to make about gamers being evil terrorists.
I just think the best way to deal with extreme opinions on either side is ignoring them. I get that she writes for Time and shit, but no gamer really looks to Time for proper gaming coverage. And she only gets those gigs because she gets such attention elsewhere.

Anyway, just my opinion.
Jennifer: the points she's trying to make about gamers being evil terrorists.