It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Retro City Rampage was also updated to version 1.04 today :D
Nirth: That's convenient, this way newbies will have less issues because of Vista/Win7 UAC system.
F4LL0UT: Curiously I have not had a single issue because of the "program files" folder. Is this only a problem if you don't have admin rights?
It becomes a problem with older games and, sometimes, UAC. Also, save games get affected for older games IIRC as they tend to save in their own directory unlike newer games that are set up to leave saves in AppData\Local.
JudasIscariot: Also, save games get affected for older games IIRC as they tend to save in their own directory unlike newer games that are set up to leave saves in AppData\Local.
Starmaker: That depends on the game.
Of course :D. I was going by the general behavior of most newer games. As always, exceptions do arise :D
Fuzzyfireball: Edit: Safe to say ALL Interplay titles now actually. Minus a few like Kingpin.
I would say about 2/3 instead of all, but that's just me >.>
Fuzzyfireball: Kingdoms and Screamer report a missing .bin when trying to install. Anyone else?
Congratulations, you've found the first bug in our new installer :P
(no special characters in install path is a feature)

We will address it tomorrow, for now please leave integrity box unchecked for installers smaller than 700MB.
de_Monteynard: Is this permanent? Because so far, I've never had any problems installing GOG games into a folder using non-English characters (such as č, š, ž) and it would be unfortunate if you suddenly decided to change your existing policy.
Alphanumerical unicode characters should be OK.
Gabelvampir: Does the new installer have a check function for his files like the old one did? I did not see one.
If you mean the integrity check then yes, but only for games divided into few .bin files.
Gabelvampir: And I think it is a bit stupid that the new one does not support periods in the path as the old one had them.
Actually it depends - there are games that can't handle commas in install paths.

BTW I'm still waiting for people to notice few little but useful things added to the installer by popular demand :-P
timppu: Why only big games have integrity check? I always found it convenient that GOG games have the integrity check, regardless of their size.
Actually they do, of a sort - check Digital Signatures in exe properties, select our signature and click Details. You will see if it's OK or invalid. If it's invalid then the file is damaged.
Foxhack: Bump.

Redneck Rampage's manual has been replaced with a version without a watermark courtesy of some weirdo who hacks foxes or something.
Fuzzyfireball: Looking in the .conf, it looks like a mistake.
Apparently so. I'm checking it right now.
I apologize for that error, we'll fix it asap :(

EDIT: quick fix (until we update the build later today)
edit your dosboxBlood_*.conf and change
this part:

imgmount D game.inst -t iso

to this:

imgmount D game.ins -t iso

and in game folder rename game.inst to game.ins
Post edited November 23, 2012 by Thiev
Blood is now updated and this issue resolved.

Please let me know of any further problems with new installers.
ninja'd by one of our own :D
Post edited November 23, 2012 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: The new fixed and updated installer for Blood is up and ready to be downloaded.
awww :D
but you tried :P
JudasIscariot: The new fixed and updated installer for Blood is up and ready to be downloaded.
Thiev: awww :D
but you tried :P
Next time, next time *goes off to plot...*
Poulscath: That looks like it's changing to Mac or Unix line endings. Maybe the config file was written with a non-windows computer or a DOSBox option needs tweaked.
I modify .conf files in Notepad++, it's probably just one of stray settings. I'll pay more attention to that next time.