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From MaGog's logs for 24 August:

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Mac OS X installer, English (eye_of_the_beholder_i_2.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** eye_of_the_beholder_i_2.0.0.3.dmg; gog-2 ***TO*** gog-3; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:41:42 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:56:20 GMT; 32,403,745 ***TO*** 32,403,764)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Mac OS X installer, German (eye_of_the_beholder_i_german_2.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** eye_of_the_beholder_i_german_2.0.0.3.dmg; gog-2 ***TO*** gog-3; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:42:10 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:56:51 GMT; 44,469,978 ***TO*** 44,470,074)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Mac OS X installer, Spanish (eye_of_the_beholder_i_spanish_2.0.0.2.dmg ***TO*** eye_of_the_beholder_i_spanish_2.0.0.3.dmg; gog-2 ***TO*** gog-3; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:42:37 GMT ***TO*** Mon, 24 Aug 2015 08:57:23 GMT; 30,831,537 ***TO*** 30,831,525)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Linux installer, English ( ***TO***; gog-1 ***TO*** gog-2; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:05:24 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:05:02 GMT; 26,407,112 ***TO*** 26,407,111)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Linux installer, German ( ***TO***; gog-1 ***TO*** gog-2; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:05:31 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:05:09 GMT; 24,967,346 ***TO*** 24,782,841)

NOTE! CHANGED FILE Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, downloadables, Eye of the Beholder 1: Linux installer, Spanish ( ***TO***; gog-1 ***TO*** gog-2; Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:05:27 GMT ***TO*** Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:05:06 GMT; no change in size)

NOTE! CHANGED Forgotten Realms - The Archives - Collection One, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch gog-3 (Mac), gog-2 (Linux) (08.24.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed the copy protection in the Mac and Linux versions of Eye of the Beholder I. To get past it, all you need to do is just type in anything at all in the prompt and press Enter.

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Gratuitous Space Battles 2, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.39 (gog-11) ***TO*** 1.40 (gog-12)

NOTE! CHANGED Gratuitous Space Battles 2, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.40 (24.08.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ This update is for Windows only.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect second and first-stage speeds for the fast cruiser missile.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: Frigate Missiles now have spline paths and rocket trails.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: Rocket trails now lighter.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: Added beam-convergence effect to the dreadnought fusion cannon and cruiser radiation beam.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: Tips of beam lasers are now rounded off correctly.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: On max detail, convergence points of converging beam lasers now create spatial distortion waves.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug fix: Rocket trails z positions fixed.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug fix: Debris Z positions fixed.
NOTE! ADD +++ Visual Change: Debris now has shadows on high detail
NOTE! ADD +++ Higher quality explosion effects now used for high-performance PCs on high graphical detail settings.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Ships with empty design slots were calculating average armor (armor resistance) wrong in battles (but not on design screen).
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Debris from exploding ships expands in a more controlled way now.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Debris no longer occasionally flicker, or has wrong color.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Better and smoother turret-tracking.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Fixed crash bug when comparing the shield penetration of some weapons.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Fighters now correctly return for refueling even if a carrier module has no repair supplies.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Fighters now take into account more than 10 docked ships when selecting a carrier module.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: The ! character and % are now usable where they previously were not :D.
NOTE! ADD +++ Bug Fix: Tooltips from challenge list window now no longer leak through onto challenge details window.
NOTE! ADD +++ New feature: Delete All messages button added to online screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Armor stacking penalty reduced by 5% in all cases.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Cruiser Heavy Shield Strength increased from 200 to 250.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Cruiser Medium Shield Strength increased from 150 to 200.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Cruiser Light Shield Strength increased from 50 to 150.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Cruiser Light Shield Weight reduced from 80 to 70.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Cruiser Shield Caster Recharge reduced from 6 to 5.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Heavy Shield Strength increased from 30 to 65.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Medium Shield Strength increased from 70 to 91.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Light Shield Strength increased from 50 to 70.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Light Shield Recharge increased from 4 to 6.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Light Shield Recharge increased from 4 to 6.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Plasmatic Shield Cost reduced from 110 to 80.
NOTE! ADD +++ Balance Change: Frigate Fast Recharge Shield Power increased from 16 to 22.

NOTE! CHANGED Gratuitous Space Battles 2, file_size: 381 MB ***TO*** 391 MB

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The, all_files, Patch 1.08.2 (part 1 of 2) [Windows]

NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The, all_files, Patch 1.08.2 (part 2 of 2) [Windows]

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The, all_files, Patch 1.08.3 (part 1 of 2) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 1.02+ -> 1.08.3

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The, all_files, Patch 1.08.3 (part 2 of 2) [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 1.02+ -> 1.08.3

NOTE! CHANGED Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, The, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.08.3 (24.08.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Introduces a retro-active fix to some of the achievements that were amended in the patch 1.08. This time for real.

NOTE! CHANGED Satellite Reign [Upcoming], rls_date: Unknown ***TO*** August 28, 2015
GOGdammit, I wish they'd stop pumping out these multi-GB patches for Witcher 3 and just do a bloody small incremental one. I'm rapidly approaching my bandwidth cap.
Shadowrun Hong Kong just got a patch (apparently currently Windows-only)
high rated
GR00T: GOGdammit, I wish they'd stop pumping out these multi-GB patches for Witcher 3 and just do a bloody small incremental one. I'm rapidly approaching my bandwidth cap.
Wish I could give you some of mine, as I have no caps.

Cheers to Mr MaGog for doing GOG's job and letting us know there was one more patch for TW3.
Satellite Reign in 4 days, so many games so little money. I've passed up Shadowrun: HK, doubt I'll be able to do the same with this.

Good thing Soma is still a month away.
From MaGog's logs for 24 August (part 1 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Hacknet, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 3.008 (gog-1) ***TO*** 3.011 (gog-2)

NOTE! CHANGED Hacknet, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 3.011 (08.24.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ From the developer:
NOTE! ADD +++ Most notably, the Junebug error has been dealt with (very sorry to everyone who was affected by this!). I've fixed several other smaller issues, including the quickload buttons on the load screen being broken for some users, and made some stabilization improvements to the save system while I work on the bigger fix.
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 3.009 (08.24.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed "John Boorman" save file issue (and most save file loading errors)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed many issues that were causing people to lose save files.
NOTE! ADD +++ Made the active mission canceling system much more clear with CSEC.
NOTE! ADD +++ Players were never intended to pick up contracts during the endgame sequence, or accept multiple contracts at once. The new UI makes this much more obvious. A more robust fix, supporting multiple contracts, will hopefully come in a later update.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed issues causing strange (Broken) pointclicker behavior for some users
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed issues with "scp" command not correctly downloading files to specified directories and filenames in some cases
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed being able to use the netmap while the os hasn't finished loading
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed several issues with... specific medical firmware.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some issues with FTPBounce.exe visuals - visual upgrade still to come.

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Invisible Inc., all_files, August 18th patch [Windows], dl_ver: gog-2 -> gog-2 ***TO*** gog-2 -> gog-3

[Probably just a GOG version typo fix]

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Shadowrun: Hong Kong, all_files, Patch 3.0.4 [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 3.0.3 (gog-1) -> 3.0.4 (gog-2)

NOTE! CHANGED Shadowrun: Hong Kong, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 3.0.4 (08.24.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ The Mac and Linux versions will be updated ASAP.
NOTE! ADD +++ Core/Engine Bug Fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue causing incorrect Nuyen value to be displayed in Sell Screen.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue causing mismatch between displayed and actual skin color for certain skin options in Character Creation.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that caused some Backer names in the credits to have missing characters.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could lead to Elf Female models displaying incorrectly.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could lead to item loss when loaning items to some actors in specific situations.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could lead to actor duplication under certain edge-case save load conditions.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could leave Water Shrine Spirit unable to attack.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved minor animation issues.
NOTE! ADD +++ General minor VFX and Animation bug fixes and polish.
NOTE! ADD +++ Other minor bug fixes.
NOTE! ADD +++ Content Bug Fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Minor grammar and visual tweaks and polish.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that caused a conversation to duplicate in Misdirection mission.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that caused Matrix in the City of Darkness to have incorrect starting Trace.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could cause plot specific information to be revealed early.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could leave the Player unable to leave the Assist mission under specific cases.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could leave the Player unable to leave The Dig mission in certain cases.
NOTE! ADD +++ Resolved issue that could prevent Hostile actors from spawning correctly in Bad Qi mission in certain cases.
From MaGog's logs for 24 August (part 2 of 2):

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Swindle, The, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.04 (gog-6) ***TO*** 1.051 (gog-7)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Swindle, The, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.04 (gog-7) ***TO*** 1.051 (gog-8)

NOTE! CHANGED Swindle, The, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.051 (08.24.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Inconsistent Fall Damage on some systems. If Fall Damage happens and feels wrong, please email your ErrorLog (next to the game's .exe) to, thanks!
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: bolstered further fringe cases of 'jumping near the ground counts as a jump'
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: game should no longer generate Doors that go nowhere.
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: it's no longer possible for TurrentDrones to shoot you through a wall if they're right next to it
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: if electrified TeslaBots stepping on hacked mines did ever kill you, which looking at the code I'm not sure could ever have been the case, they now definitely won't.
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: the friendly helpful ability to jump when falling & close to the ground, as it's getting reported as a bug ;)
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: another issue that could prevent the "Stolen Time" achievement unlocking
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: an issue whereby SpeedyBots could see through doors on systems with a low framerate
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Bug Rigging animation continuing to play after changing tools
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: various OSX input/ controllerissues
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: various Linux input/ controller issues
NOTE! ADD +++ FIXED: Linux Menu Select issue
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: Increase to basic Jump Height
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: 'Caterpillar' Bot spikes are slightly more forgiving
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: it's no longer possible to set off the alarms by attempting to steal the Devil's Basilisk before security is shut down, since that evidently confused one too many people.
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: Basilisk Security is slightly more forgiving.
NOTE! ADD +++ TWEAK: removed 1.04's inability to open doors near computers, since that annoyed more people than were pleased by it

NOTE! CHANGED Swindle, The, file_size: 490 MB ***TO*** 467 MB

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, all_files, Windows installer, English (part 1 of 3), dl_ver: 1.00 (gog-3) ***TO*** 1.01 (gog-4) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, all_files, Windows installer, English (part 2 of 3), dl_ver: 1.00 (gog-3) ***TO*** 1.01 (gog-4) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, all_files, Windows installer, English (part 3 of 3), dl_ver: 1.00 (gog-3) ***TO*** 1.01 (gog-4) (same for all other languages)

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, all_files, Patch 1.01 [Windows], dl_ver: ***TO*** 1.00 (gog-3) -> 1.01 (gog-4)

NOTE! CHANGED Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.01 build 3005 (8-24-2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Hotfix for double cursor and online multiplayer issues

NOTE! CHANGED Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power, file_size: 4 GB ***TO*** 0.8 GB

[The file size change is probably a GOG page bug]

NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], bonuses: ***TO*** 3 wallpapers, artwork

NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], rls_date: Unknown ***TO*** September 22, 2015

NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], sys_req_win: TBA ***TO*** Windows 7 (64-bit) or later, Processor: iCore i3 / AMD A6, Memory: 4 GB RAM, Graphics: Mid-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 5000 series with 1GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space, Recommended system requirements: Windows 7 (64-bit) or later, Processor: iCore i5 / AMD FX, Memory: 8 GB RAM, Graphics: High-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 8000 series with 2GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space

NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], sys_req_mac: TBA ***TO*** OS X 10.10 or later, Processor: iCore i3, Memory: 4 GB RAM, Graphics: Mid-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 5000 series with 1GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space, Recommended system requirements: OS X 10.10 or later, Processor: iCore i5, Memory: 8 GB RAM, Graphics: High-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 8000 series with 2GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], sys_req_linux: TBA ***TO*** Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor: iCore i3 / AMD A6, Memory: 4 GB RAM, Graphics: Mid-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 5000 series with 1GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space, Recommended system requirements: Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17, Processor: iCore i5 / AMD FX, Memory: 8 GB RAM, Graphics: High-range NVIDIA GeForce 400 series / AMD Radeon HD 8000 series with 2GB VRAM, Hard Drive: 25 GB available space

NOTE! CHANGED SOMA [Upcoming], compatibility: ***TO*** Compatibility notice: Integrated Intel Graphic cards are not supported.

[The bonuses are already available for download]
From MaGog's logs for 25 August:

NOTE! Probably ADDED FILE Shelter 2, all_files, DLC: Mountains: wallpaper

[I expect the DLC will be arriving to GOG soon]
Pillars of Eternity (Base Game) has been updated to version 2.0.

(Changelog) Patch 2.0 (8-25-2015):

PS: I also just noticed there's 1.5GB Sized Documentary in the Goodies, was this part of today's update?
Post edited August 25, 2015 by Ganni1987
Ganni1987: Pillars of Eternity (Base Game) has been updated to version 2.0.

(Changelog) Patch 2.0 (8-25-2015):

PS: I also just noticed there's 1.5GB Sized Documentary in the Goodies, was this part of today's update?
That documentary was added ages ago, I think it was there upon PoE's initial release :)
Ganni1987: Pillars of Eternity (Base Game) has been updated to version 2.0.

(Changelog) Patch 2.0 (8-25-2015):

PS: I also just noticed there's 1.5GB Sized Documentary in the Goodies, was this part of today's update?
JudasIscariot: That documentary was added ages ago, I think it was there upon PoE's initial release :)
Thanks, I must have missed it then :)
high rated
Ganni1987: Pillars of Eternity (Base Game) has been updated to version 2.0.

(Changelog) Patch 2.0 (8-25-2015):

PS: I also just noticed there's 1.5GB Sized Documentary in the Goodies, was this part of today's update?
Cheers for the heads up, much appreciated as Pillars of Eternity is one of the games I get no update flags for.
From MaGog's logs for 25 August:

For a few hours earlier today Crookz - The Big Heist had moved from the "Upcoming" to the "New" tab (and even got a rating or two from some conscientious goger(s)). Now it's back to the "Upcoming" tab.
mrkgnao: From MaGog's logs for 25 August:

For a few hours earlier today Crookz - The Big Heist had moved from the "Upcoming" to the "New" tab (and even got a rating or two from some conscientious goger(s)). Now it's back to the "Upcoming" tab.
I can see it in the "New" tab right now.
mrkgnao: From MaGog's logs for 25 August:

For a few hours earlier today Crookz - The Big Heist had moved from the "Upcoming" to the "New" tab (and even got a rating or two from some conscientious goger(s)). Now it's back to the "Upcoming" tab.
Geralt_of_Rivia: I can see it in the "New" tab right now.
Yes. And now it's released again.