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orcishgamer: Maybe if you throw some beer or liquor into the trip it won't seem to bad trudging through the rain:)

Speaking of liquor... 1.75 liters of whiskey beckons.
But I don't drink.

Though I am also out of nutella. I guess I've got no choice now...
orcishgamer: I pretty much turn on my XBox 360 when this happens, I'll either fire up Netflix or a stupid and easy game and know that I won't be tempted to alt-tab back to my browser (damn MS for adding a browser to my XBox 360 soon, hopefully it'll suck and I'll never use it).
I guess a big part what pisses me off about online posts/threads that piss me off is how they will be around forever until the web site dies. That must be why the "someone is wrong on the Internet" phenomenon exists.

Distracting myself with a game will be a bit challenging since I've grown a bit bored with my current games so I'll have to push myself to pick up something. I'm also currently unemployed, so I'm wary of spending money on a new game.

I'm thinking of picking up Minecraft again.
high rated
orcishgamer: I pretty much turn on my XBox 360 when this happens, I'll either fire up Netflix or a stupid and easy game and know that I won't be tempted to alt-tab back to my browser (damn MS for adding a browser to my XBox 360 soon, hopefully it'll suck and I'll never use it).
Hesusio: I'm out of bacon, but it's raining and the shops are several blocks away.
orcishgamer: Maybe if you throw some beer or liquor into the trip it won't seem to bad trudging through the rain:)

Speaking of liquor... 1.75 liters of whiskey beckons.
1.75l is enough to turn you into the humblest of supplicants, as you approach the porcelain god, known as the throne, to bestow your offering of sweat, tears, and pre-bowel sustenance, that such a volume commands.

Enjoy, pace yourself, and will check the thread to see how it goes.

To be ot, am bitching about the times I've found myself in that position!
Dischord: 1.75l is enough to turn you into the humblest of supplicants, as you approach the porcelain god, known as the throne, to bestow your offering of sweat, tears, and pre-bowel sustenance, that such a volume commands.

Enjoy, pace yourself, and will check the thread to see how it goes.

To be ot, am bitching about the times I've found myself in that position!
Well, I wasn't planning on downing the bottle in one go;) Third glass, one more or so to go.
I'm gonna bitch that the new meds are not to be taken with alcohol, dammit. Kinda missed that important note the first couple days, so oops. Guess I'm going on the wagon for a while. Bad timing, since we have some relatives coming up for a long weekend later in the week.
HereForTheBeer: I'm gonna bitch that the new meds are not to be taken with alcohol, dammit. Kinda missed that important note the first couple days, so oops. Guess I'm going on the wagon for a while. Bad timing, since we have some relatives coming up for a long weekend later in the week.
Oh man, that's like a double whammy, sorry:(
high rated
Dischord: 1.75l is enough...
orcishgamer: Well, I wasn't planning on downing the bottle in one go;) Third glass, one more or so to go.
Am glad of that. I got to thinking later, and believe that is a coma quantity of liquor unless it is spread out over a binge of a couple/few days.

I generally stop before the 'bumbling, mumbling, fool stage', but have ignorantly passed that point a few times in my life. I almost always manage to avoid the porcelain god ritual, but never the assignment of the text strings, 'dumb ass' and 'stupid ass', which seem to always float into my mind the next day. :-)
HereForTheBeer: I'm gonna bitch that the new meds are not to be taken with alcohol, dammit. Kinda missed that important note the first couple days, so oops. Guess I'm going on the wagon for a while. Bad timing, since we have some relatives coming up for a long weekend later in the week.
orcishgamer: Oh man, that's like a double whammy, sorry:(
Kinda. It's one of my sisters and her family, and we always have a great time. I guess I get to be the designated dud, er, driver. Should be a lot of fun and we're really looking forward to the visit.
Post edited June 11, 2012 by HereForTheBeer
ne_zavarj: ismét tele van a hócípőm az emberekkel
Nem hinném hogy különösebben számítasz reakcióra, de... mi történt?
Balazs: Nem hinném hogy különösebben számítasz reakcióra, de... mi történt?
Ki kell engednem a hónapok alatt felgyülemlett " gőzt " . :)
Glad to be back in Romania, oh wait, fuck not!

They make all this noise about the fact that students who went abroad for university don't come back to work in their field inside the country and that we're not patriotic despite the competitive prices in certain fields.

Oh, wait, here I am, I came back, I want to work for you guys, make a life in my own country, open a hackerspace, except you're treating me like shit!

People working in IT should be exempt from paying taxes on what they earn so that Romania will become a more important regional player in the world of IT (we already have big businesses here: IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, EA, Ubisoft, Gameloft, Freescale, Siemens, Ericcson etc.); the thing they don't tell you is that that exempt applies only to people who finished university in Romania: this in turn means that that "competitive" wage they're talking about isn't that competitive when 16% of it goes to the state and not in your pocket.

From that you also need to take out the money that goes towards healthcare (oh, wait, I'm a citizen of this country but am not insured because I was abroad for 4 years), the money that goes towards pensions, the other taxes and so on (around 30-40% of what I earn goes to the state).

So yeah, fuck you Romania and your stupid shit government, bureaucracy and idiotic rules and exceptions to rules.
Balazs: Nem hinném hogy különösebben számítasz reakcióra, de... mi történt?
ne_zavarj: Ki kell engednem a hónapok alatt felgyülemlett " gőzt " . :)
Most mondanám, hogy megértelek, de mivel nem ismerem a háttértörténetet, hazudnék. Mindenesetre, ha jól esik... :)
AndrewC: *snip*
I'm with you neighbour . We also have idiots ( aka government ) .
Balazs: Most mondanám, hogy megértelek, de mivel nem ismerem a háttértörténetet, hazudnék. Mindenesetre, ha jól esik... :)
Köszönöm .
Post edited June 11, 2012 by ne_zavarj
AndrewC: *snip*
ne_zavarj: I'm with you neighbour . We also have idiots ( aka government ) .
Yeah, it feels like this whole area is plagued by this: you guys, Poland, us. The only ones who seem to be in a better shape are the Czech.
AndrewC: Glad to be back in Romania, oh wait, fuck not!

They make all this noise about the fact that students who went abroad for university don't come back to work in their field inside the country and that we're not patriotic despite the competitive prices in certain fields.

Oh, wait, here I am, I came back, I want to work for you guys, make a life in my own country, open a hackerspace, except you're treating me like shit!

People working in IT should be exempt from paying taxes on what they earn so that Romania will become a more important regional player in the world of IT (we already have big businesses here: IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, EA, Ubisoft, Gameloft, Freescale, Siemens, Ericcson etc.); the thing they don't tell you is that that exempt applies only to people who finished university in Romania: this in turn means that that "competitive" wage they're talking about isn't that competitive when 16% of it goes to the state and not in your pocket.

From that you also need to take out the money that goes towards healthcare (oh, wait, I'm a citizen of this country but am not insured because I was abroad for 4 years), the money that goes towards pensions, the other taxes and so on (around 30-40% of what I earn goes to the state).

So yeah, fuck you Romania and your stupid shit government, bureaucracy and idiotic rules and exceptions to rules.
The real question is why in the fuck is anyone except the extremely poor exempt from paying income tax...?