It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Well, I do wish you the best of luck and skill on your search. I know it sounds corny but positive thinking can help, even though things may look bleak.

So I have to use some of that with a customer of mine. Gotta send a collection letter for an unpaid invoice from last November, and I'm not great at that sort of thing. Been looking online for some samples and most of them sound kinda nasty. I'm not really a hardline kind of guy, especially in my business, and most everything I'm reading says that's the tack I need to take. Great.

On the upside, it's pretty remarkable that this is the first collection letter in 6 years of business. I have had a couple other deadbeats in the past (my past employer was one, grrr) but they eventually paid. The first, with my old employer, pissed me off badly since their delinquency came pretty close to putting me out of business that first year. Lesson learned and it's now water under the bridge. The second was kinda funny - I showed up out of the blue when I was in the area (it's about 350 miles from home) and they were ecstatic to see me since the machine happened to be down with a hard fault. "I'd love to help you but you still haven't paid me for the installation last year. Get me a check and I'll be more than happy to take care of the problem." They did cut a check, within an couple hours, and by that time their maintenance guy had fixed the bad cable. heh. They've since gone belly-up and I have no idea where that machine ended up.

I do recall one more instance, from a company that folded, but another company bought them out and I've since gotten work from the new owners after the machine changed hands. I let that one slide since it led to larger visits. It was a loss, but a small one compared to the new business I gained. If you gotta take a hit, then that seems to be the best kind.

With the current one I stopped by last month while in the area seeing other people. I talked to the controller, and handed him another copy of the invoice. Gave me a promise to "try" to pay at the beginning of May. May done come and gone so now I'm stuck sending a "WTF?" letter. This blows. That was my first order from them and I'd like to get more business in the future, especially since they're relatively close (three hours away). Maybe most frustrating is that my used parts (they were practically new), totaling around $1,500, saved them roughly $4,000 versus the cost of new. That ain't chicken feed.

I think I'm going to forgo most of the internet advice and not be as impersonal and, frankly, borderline nasty as many sites suggest. Certified mail, yes. Nasty? Not yet.
Mi enuas . Nenio interesa okazis hodiaŭ estas ne .
Well I found my copy of Shogun: Total War 1 in drawer, but I lost box long time ago. I wanted to play it and guess what: It asks for f*ing CD key.

Anyway I tried contacting SEGA support, as Shogun 1 site (Well, what's left of it) redirects to it's support. Spoken to some guy who was quite willing to send me another key, if I send him photos of discs. After I sent it, he told me he didn't realize I was talking about 1st game, he told me there is no way he can get those for me as EA published it. Went to EA for support, and as game is ancient there was no support for the game there. Tried firing email to, but I don't have any hopes as that one is officially non-existent .
...and now SafeDisc V1 is showing me middle finger on my Win 7 computer. F*ing DRm

Well that is what you get for wanting to play game legally. Oh the irony....

On the other hand, f*ck it I might go get myself sold-out version of the game for few $....
Post edited June 04, 2012 by IronStar
well my 25 year old car broke down for real this time. the cat. seems to have crumbled into little bits and pieces that started to jam the exhaust pipe quite good. As it's actually a really good car I'm looking forward to a repair bill of unknown size... Probably not lower than 1k (€ that is...). Too bad I invested in a completely new exhaust system last year which is ruined now...

Meanwhile some big headed guy at work demands my presence tomorrow quite early to ask me all kinds of unnecessary stuff about the state of my projects but yeah... he got appointed to be our new project manager and now fears that we may not perform "right" - all without further knowledge about the projects or our roles therein. The main problem I have with this is that without a working car I have to rely on public transport and the only usable train connection here still takes it's time and I have to reach the train station very early or loose a whole hour of work time waiting for the next train (and be late for this very important (not) meeting).
Post edited June 05, 2012 by itti
I don't think I've done a full clean of this apartment since early February. I had hoped that my brother moving in might motivate us to get it done, but two months with him here has, if anything, made it worse, considering he's a very busy person for some reason.

Now that summer's here I really don't have anything better to do, so I might as well stop procrastinating in this thread and get on it. Laundry takes care of itself, so I think it's time to throw out the garbage, sort the recyclables and return the empty cans to clear some space. (Container deposit legislation? Bottle bill? You don't have a word for beverage container refunds?)
Whitecroc: (Container deposit legislation? Bottle bill? You don't have a word for beverage container refunds?)
I just call it the bottle/can deposit. Everyone seems to understand what I'm on about.
Hahaha... man life, you're one twisted fucker.
Right then. The 200mm fan on my PC began spinning at a somewhat uneven pace which caused a cyclic and annoying sound. The fan in question is a Cooler Master MegaFlow, and I decided I wouldn't buy another one. Amazingly, 200mm fans have no standard mounting holes so I bought a BitFenix Spectre because it's got about as many as I have ever seen in one fan. Disassembled most of the case, removed the disobedient MegaFlow and got the Spectre in after a bit of pondering as to which holes aligned with those of the case. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that the enormous bits of plastic with the mounting holes meant I couldn't put the front panel of the case back on. Removed the fan and tried to fit it into the front panel, decided it would be impossible without using a knife, violence and lots of time.

Then I put the MegaFlow back in, this time with the rubber washers that came with the BitFenix between the fan and the case. Amazingly this seems to fix the noise problem, but that was of little solace because I would still have to return them to the shop with the fan (meaning disassembling the case again). I then figured I could replace the twin 120mm fans on the top of the case with the quieter 200mm one. Removed the small fans, pushed the 200mm one into the case... where it wouldn't fit because three redundant centimetres of motherboard tray were in the way. Cooler Master claim that you can have one 200mm fan or two 120mm ones on the top, but there are only two ways a big fan could possibly fit: 1) mounting it on the outside and looking like an idiot, or 2) finding a fan that's about 3mm thick.

So my deadbeat customer called yesterday - must have received my "Umm, would it be a bother for you to, ya know, actually pay me and shit?" letter. She said she was about to walk out the door and go to the Post Office to send payment. We'll see how it goes - it oughta be here tomorrow or Monday.

Fifteen minutes later the maintenance guy called, looking for a part. LOL. Ah screw it - I can't stay ticked-off for long. Besides, I know how some shops have really struggled these last few years. He knew about the six-month-old invoice and had talked to the powers-that-is to make sure that the funds were coming. "So, how soon do you need this assembly?" "Tomorrow would be great." <pause> "Yeah. You understand that I'm waiting on a check, right?" Anyway, sent it off today - I don't have much money or time into this item (I didn't get around to refurbing it yet) so it isn't a huge loss to wait a bit for payment. Gonna put a note in with the invoice, to remind them to PLEASE CALL if they can't make a timely payment this time around. I understand times are tough for many shops. But just keep me informed, would ya?
Finished all university related exams. Reading my uni email yesterday, I noticed that I have a 7 out of 10 grade for the Administration of Linux Systems subject.

Fuck x1: Wrote an email to the idiot in charge of the subject, and he told me that I didn't always participate in the lectures, so he had to cut me some points. I only missed two lectures because he didn't want to allow me to follow them online, yet he cut me 10 points (like I missed all 12 of them, that's a whole fucking grade).

Fuck x2: He also told me that my project, installing a mail server, antivirus solution and antispam solution on Fedora 17 wasn't good enough and had too few pages. 15 pages of text, every command detailed, working as it should, and you tell me it wasn't good enough and had too few pages? FUCK YOU!

Fuck x3: He also mentioned that I didn't do good enough on the exams. Well, I think I did great considering that we only had 45 minutes, instead of the usual 2 hours, because he was always in a hurry and wanted the exam to end faster. Fuck you, you piece of shit.

And to think that I had a GPA of 9.75 in Software Engineering before this crap. I am not trying to speak good about myself or whatever, I don't know much and never said I do, but, seriously, I find this thing pretty stupid.

/bad grammar spelling whatever, feeling sleeeeeeeepy
Elenarie: Fuck x2: He also told me that my project, installing a mail server, antivirus solution and antispam solution on Fedora 17 wasn't good enough and had too few pages. 15 pages of text, every command detailed, working as it should, and you tell me it wasn't good enough and had too few pages? FUCK YOU!
This is annoying to me. You're looking to go into the real world, where things should be done as efficiently as possible. When writing instructions, they should be done as clearly as possible. Adding weight / fluff to the paper accomplishes neither.
ismét tele van a hócípőm az emberekkel
I'm having a "someone is wrong on the Internet" moment. I want to say something to the poster(s) but that would only make things worse because it's the Internet. It was in one of GOG's subforums, so I ended up pettily downrepping everyone in the thread. </neckbeard>

I kind of want to hang out at a new forum actually.
I'm out of bacon, but it's raining and the shops are several blocks away.
Aaron86: I'm having a "someone is wrong on the Internet" moment. I want to say something to the poster(s) but that would only make things worse because it's the Internet. It was in one of GOG's subforums, so I ended up pettily downrepping everyone in the thread. </neckbeard>

I kind of want to hang out at a new forum actually.
I pretty much turn on my XBox 360 when this happens, I'll either fire up Netflix or a stupid and easy game and know that I won't be tempted to alt-tab back to my browser (damn MS for adding a browser to my XBox 360 soon, hopefully it'll suck and I'll never use it).
Hesusio: I'm out of bacon, but it's raining and the shops are several blocks away.
Maybe if you throw some beer or liquor into the trip it won't seem to bad trudging through the rain:)

Speaking of liquor... 1.75 liters of whiskey beckons.
Post edited June 10, 2012 by orcishgamer