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pakopakojr: Wait... so if people can leave without taking, that means there must be multiple games floating around if no one keeps a careful look-out?
cmdr_flashheart: Everyone's been really good about it lately, so +1s all around.
So that means the last penny... err, game(s) on the table is still...
<span class="bold">Impaler26</span> with The Ship (Steam Gift)?
Dustmuz: After reading A LOT of post in here..
i'm lost :D (its 4am here in Denmark by now)

list of games??

i got a few games here on GOG, i wouldn't mind giving away, if anyone can tell me how to :D

Exellent thread btw :)
Welcome, check out the OP

@pakopakojr: there are lots of pennies, if I understand you correctly, check the list in the OP.
Post edited June 24, 2014 by cmdr_flashheart
cmdr_flashheart: Not necessarily- if someone takes X, then they have to leave X. But they can even leave X without taking anything, if they want.
pakopakojr: Wait... so if people can leave without taking, that means there must be multiple games floating around if no one keeps a careful look-out?
Can't tell if they are multiples games foatling around ;: "normaly" we should maintain the list (link at the OP).All those listed are still avaible if you leave something. BUT some users forgot (i don't blame them) to update the list when they remove some games....sooo ... just ask to the person who left a game if it's still avaible (only advice i can give)..

This topic have so many pages, it's hard for one person to track down the games still avaible, at least the spreasheet *should* make things easier,
Post edited June 24, 2014 by DyNaer
Since two weeks have passed and no one asked for them, I'm removing these games from the list:

• The Race For The White House [DESURA] ( post )
• Tree Simulator 2013 - Treeloaded [DESURA] ( post )

And will gift them in Quick Giveaways very soon ( here's the first one & here the second ).
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Azrael360
stg83: and leave CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect (Steam)
Is this still available?

Adding Critical Mass (Steam) to the list.
Post edited June 25, 2014 by Stooner
Stooner: Is this still available?

Adding Critical Mass (Steam) to the list.
Sure is, PM sent. :)
stg83: Sure is, PM sent. :)
Thank you. ;p
stg83: and leave CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect (Steam)
Stooner: Is this still available?

Adding Critical Mass (Steam) to the list.
I'd take Critical Mass (Steam) and leave Power-Up (Desura) in return.
Stooner: Is this still available?

Adding Critical Mass (Steam) to the list.
Impaler26: I'd take Critical Mass (Steam) and leave Power-Up (Desura) in return.
PM sent!
Impaler26: I'd take Critical Mass (Steam) and leave Power-Up (Desura) in return.
Stooner: PM sent!
Received, thanks! :)

Currently up for grabs from me:

Chains (Desura)
Luminosity (Desura)
Power-Up (Desura)
Project Night (Desura)
The Ship (Steam Gift)
Post edited June 27, 2014 by Impaler26
Nothing to see here... :P
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Impaler26
RWarehall: For Plain Sight I'll leave N.P.P.D. RUSH – The Milk of Ultraviolet (Steam).
Is this still available?

Adding Syberia 2 to the list.

I would take the GOG-code for The Witcher and will leave a Steam-Code for Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, if I may.

Can someone please explain me if I shall wait or write the person that offered the game, not sure if I had understood everything?
Minerva14: Hello,

I would take the GOG-code for The Witcher and will leave a Steam-Code for Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, if I may.

Can someone please explain me if I shall wait or write the person that offered the game, not sure if I had understood everything?
you need to quote the offer you want to trade for.
Thank you very much for your helpful answer!

Now I quote the posting with the offer and hope the code for The Witcher is still available:
Garrett24601: I would like it. I can offer Starseed Pilgrim (Steam)

Edit: Thank you cmdr_flashheart
aJillSandwich: I would like Starseed Pilgrim, please. I can offer up The Witcher (GOG). Thank you very much. +1

PS: cmdr_flashheart said earlier in the thread that it's okay to offer up The Witcher.
Post edited June 26, 2014 by Minerva14