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Wonder how much work it would take to remove the U-Play DRM from those games?
fortune_p_dawg: dude, you really have a dachshund?
a dachshund
an olde english bulldog
an Egyptian Mau
4 miniature donkeys
a lion head rabbit
low rated
tinyE: a lion head rabbit
Is that something like a jackalope?
tinyE: a lion head rabbit
Breja: Is that something like a jackalope?
We do have a jackalope mount in one of the rooms. :P TRUE.
GOGer: i guess no ubisoft games past 2011 will ever come to gog. perhaps they truly are too entangled in the uplay garbage. however, if pirate copies do work (and i don't know) that means they could -especially officially- be made to work drm free and could --in theory-- come to gog.

frankly, what's the newest and biggest major game on gog right now? i'd say dying light. (obviously witcher 3 & shadow warrior 2 don't count, and some ea games like crysis are good examples but much older than dying light)

these are the final years of the dying pc gaming scene. from now on, it's only deeper and deeper into the cloud. eventually games will not come to gog simply because they will be too cloud reliant (even for single player games) and not even because of policy.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaaha hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahah ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaah! Hahaha! Bwah... bwah... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaah!!1! 11!!!!one!!!!1!

<insert JMich here>
UbiSoft and Bethesda, we know who we're talking about here right? These 2 companies along with EA are not much of a team player, especially when 2 out of 3 have their own game client.

I miss a few games I used to play from Steam too, but to be honest there are so many great alternatives and new games coming out on GOG that keep me more than hooked regardless.

There are many reasons why those "mainstream" games don't come to GOG.
GOGer: i guess no ubisoft games past 2011 will ever come to gog. perhaps they truly are too entangled in the uplay garbage. however, if pirate copies do work (and i don't know) that means they could -especially officially- be made to work drm free and could --in theory-- come to gog.

frankly, what's the newest and biggest major game on gog right now? i'd say dying light. (obviously witcher 3 & shadow warrior 2 don't count, and some ea games like crysis are good examples but much older than dying light)

these are the final years of the dying pc gaming scene. from now on, it's only deeper and deeper into the cloud. eventually games will not come to gog simply because they will be too cloud reliant (even for single player games) and not even because of policy.
Oh, grow up.

Speaking of growing up, I could literally lose several fingers and still count the games from 2011+ that I'd want from Ubisoft on here.

Hint: "ABBA: You can Dance" isn't one of them.

Oh, I think the biggest game on GOG right now is probably some indie game from Poland, I hear.

I've heard the former since I first was aware of that nugget, and the latter is just some new tinfoil hattery. "The Power of the Cloud" turned out to be largely bullshit, and won't happen majorly due to major discrepancies in data transmission speed. Now, consoles have been dying pretty steadily as they've got practically no use in the modern era.

Edit: Also, Hatred sucked. If I want to experience that, I'll just go listen to Crawling in My skin or something like that.
Post edited March 20, 2017 by Darvond
Ganni1987: UbiSoft and Bethesda, we know who we're talking about here right? These 2 companies along with EA are not much of a team player, especially when 2 out of 3 have their own game client.

I miss a few games I used to play from Steam too, but to be honest there are so many great alternatives and new games coming out on GOG that keep me more than hooked regardless.

There are many reasons why those "mainstream" games don't come to GOG.
Oh, you didn't know? GOG has a direct line to Ubisoft and EA and can freely ask them for any game they want and either company instantly caves in and will bow to GOG, then spend months re-engineering their games to rip out Steam and add Galaxy support as appropriate. Also, both companies constantly kick on GOG's door with armfuls of games for GOG to sell and GOG never answers the door and tells them to go away.

Because of these two absolute verifiable facts, the original poster has every right to be maximum angry with GOG, but also every right to be angry with everyone in the community who uses GOG too, just because... why not! I mean, merely bringing it up will surely guilt GOG into opening their mailbox and bringing all the games from EA and Ubisoft inside and start selling them right?


It's amazing how so many people have it entirely backwards how this whole process works and are just pissed off at the world and throw hammers blindly without trying to seek out information and understanding first.
Ganni1987: UbiSoft and Bethesda, we know who we're talking about here right? These 2 companies along with EA are not much of a team player, especially when 2 out of 3 have their own game client.

I miss a few games I used to play from Steam too, but to be honest there are so many great alternatives and new games coming out on GOG that keep me more than hooked regardless.

There are many reasons why those "mainstream" games don't come to GOG.
skeletonbow: Oh, you didn't know? GOG has a direct line to Ubisoft and EA and can freely ask them for any game they want and either company instantly caves in and will bow to GOG, then spend months re-engineering their games to rip out Steam and add Galaxy support as appropriate. Also, both companies constantly kick on GOG's door with armfuls of games for GOG to sell and GOG never answers the door and tells them to go away.

Because of these two absolute verifiable facts, the original poster has every right to be maximum angry with GOG, but also every right to be angry with everyone in the community who uses GOG too, just because... why not! I mean, merely bringing it up will surely guilt GOG into opening their mailbox and bringing all the games from EA and Ubisoft inside and start selling them right?


It's amazing how so many people have it entirely backwards how this whole process works and are just pissed off at the world and throw hammers blindly without trying to seek out information and understanding first.
i like the "too bad!" part of the topic title. haha.
I doubt the GTA series will ever come to GOG as it contains various other licenses (music and the like) that R* probably won't find it worth renegotiating. I'm still kinda mad they gutted my Steam games when some licenses ran out—they hadn't run out when I bought them, dammit!
MightyPinecone: I doubt the GTA series will ever come to GOG as it contains various other licenses (music and the like) that R* probably won't find it worth renegotiating. I'm still kinda mad they gutted my Steam games when some licenses ran out—they hadn't run out when I bought them, dammit!
That does suck for people who bought the games and feel slighted for sure. I'm not thrilled about it either however I turn the music off in those games as it distracts me so not a major issue for the game for me, but still irritating if they had the license for the music for a period of time and people owned it during that time.

I can see if they shipped something and didn't have the license at all and got sued, then removing it, but not sure if that's what happened. R* is not my favourite company in the world due to their DRM and other anti-consumer practices though either. :)
Guys you are falling for an obvious bait thread.
GOGer: these are the final years of the dying pc gaming scene.
...he said, from a PC, on a PC gaming forum.
MightyPinecone: I doubt the GTA series will ever come to GOG as it contains various other licenses (music and the like) that R* probably won't find it worth renegotiating. I'm still kinda mad they gutted my Steam games when some licenses ran out—they hadn't run out when I bought them, dammit!
skeletonbow: That does suck for people who bought the games and feel slighted for sure. I'm not thrilled about it either however I turn the music off in those games as it distracts me so not a major issue for the game for me, but still irritating if they had the license for the music for a period of time and people owned it during that time.

I can see if they shipped something and didn't have the license at all and got sued, then removing it, but not sure if that's what happened. R* is not my favourite company in the world due to their DRM and other anti-consumer practices though either. :)
This might be a pet peeve of mine. It was essentially the last straw for me when it came to Steam and DRM, and also the reason I always read through the changelog before I download a patch.
Lord_Kane: Guys you are falling for an obvious bait thread.
It's fun bait. A really silly fish.