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Money talks, and *insert MIB paraphrase* people are in general stupid, despite being able to be smart individually *end paraphrase*.
They saw money potential in this, all the same as with preorders, dlc milking, drm systems, early acess and more. If the later didnt make money they'd be gone already. Judging by the numbers given about modder earnings from already existing payed systems, Valve expects the trend to continue.
For Valve this is just another way to make money out of other community work like the Steam market.

We will see if it ends up being successful. Maybe it flops and most modders simply stay in Nexus and other sites and Valve quietly abandons the project later by simply not adding more games to it.
Post edited April 24, 2015 by IDPLAY

New Ways to Take Your Hard Earned Money

Get ready to pay for what you used to get for free. $$$

It's not enough that you bought the game, it's not enough that you paid for DLC/Season Pass, now you can pay for the mods too!

Seriously, does anyone actually rely on Steam for mods? The best mods are from Nexus and other mod community websites out there - and how long before those websites are made illegal due to this money hungry mentality?
i don't see this going well.

how many mods use assets from somebody else, or are based on the previous work/ideas of other mods? How many mods are only possible because of some great tool, that somebody wrote and then shared with everybody for free.
How many mods are made by are large team of individuals. Who is gonna decide how the money gets distributed?
a lot of toes are going to be stepping on, a lot of people will get pissed.

as a side effect:
you now need to provide a valid bank information to steam before offering something in the workshop. Even if you are offering it for free.
djdarko: and how long before those websites are made illegal due to this money hungry mentality?
No need to make them illegal with modders simply abandoning them if they don't offer them what Steam offers them.
Enebias: I know I'll probably get downrepped. I also preemptively apologize to everyone if they are offended, but posting this image was just stronger than me.
Seriosuly, I'm sorry.

What I think about Valve in just a few pixels:
I thought Valve was forsaking Windows in favor of their own Steam Machine?
Joining in the discussion here:

There is no quality and compatibility control. Valve doesn't do anything regarding any quality control. Through this system they can just cash in. If you buy something you should be entitled to a working product. Who's going to fully testrun it? With one day being eligible for a refund, this is bad.
GOG should capitalize on this honestly, right now announce plans for mods on Galaxy with an optional donate button for every mod with no charging ever being allowed... would probably gain a good bit of Steam users if they did.
BKGaming: GOG should capitalize on this honestly, right now announce plans for mods on Galaxy with an optional donate button for every mod with no charging ever being allowed... would probably gain a good bit of Steam users if they did.
It'd take them years to get that set up properly. Even Galaxy isn't anywhere near done yet.
BKGaming: GOG should capitalize on this honestly, right now announce plans for mods on Galaxy with an optional donate button for every mod with no charging ever being allowed... would probably gain a good bit of Steam users if they did.
Pheace: It'd take them years to get that set up properly. Even Galaxy isn't anywhere near done yet.
The back end of Galaxy is already largely done, and we know they got servers already available to host the content... all were talking here is the code to put it all together and make it usable. I doubt were talking years of work, months maybe if they put enough people on it.
WesleyB: On one hand, people who can't exactly work in the game industry are able to make profit off their modding hobby
Why should people make profit from their hobby? Why does everything need to be about making profit? Lots of people engage in hobbies, whether it be bowling, skydiving, gardening, or the obligatory playing games, without making a profit from it. People mod games in their spare time because modding is fun (for a whole bunch of reasons).

People still create levels for the original Doom on a regular basis, because it's an enjoyable outlet of creativity. Modding on-and-off has been a hobby of mine since the early 90's, but if making mods was my "job" (as opposed to just being a "hobby"), my decisions regarding what to make would completely change (and for the worse... zombie skins anyone? I hear that's a seller). Profit motive fundamentally changes the nature of an activity.
Pheace: It'd take them years to get that set up properly. Even Galaxy isn't anywhere near done yet.
BKGaming: The back end of Galaxy is already largely done, and we know they got servers already available to host the content... all were talking here is the code to put it all together and make it usable. I doubt were talking years of work, months maybe if they put enough people on it.
I'd be surprised if Galaxy was done within the next 6 months to be honest, and even then when it comes out they'll have to keep attention on it for quite a while still to work out all the newborn kinks. I'd say a year before they could really focus on something else. (not saying the work for the modding thing itself would take years, just that they have other things to do before they could think of it)

Some more news on the 'Valve Cut' front. Saw this quote on reddit:

There is, the guy whos making the fishing mod (that''s also in Early Access hahaha) says Bethesda get 45%, Valve 30% and he gets 25%
So I guess in the end the Valve cut might be very similar to the cut they take for Games, 30%. The rest is split between the publisher/modders.
Post edited April 24, 2015 by Pheace
BKGaming: The back end of Galaxy is already largely done, and we know they got servers already available to host the content... all were talking here is the code to put it all together and make it usable. I doubt were talking years of work, months maybe if they put enough people on it.
Pheace: I'd be surprised if Galaxy was done within the next 6 months to be honest, and even then when it comes out they'll have to keep attention on it for quite a while still to work out all the newborn kinks. I'd say a year before they could really focus on something else. (not saying the work for the modding thing itself would take years, just that they have other things to do before they could think of it)

Some more news on the 'Valve Cut' front. Saw this quote on reddit:

There is, the guy whos making the fishing mod (that''s also in Early Access hahaha) says Bethesda get 45%, Valve 30% and he gets 25%
I see what you mean, but they could easily divide up the work. At this point Galaxy is largely going to be about adding features since the back end of what makes it work is pretty much ready to go. Right now it's largely just working on the bugs, ect. I would imagine they got different teams working on different features for release, and this could easily be something they put a another team together to do.

As far as we know they could already have plans for mod support and are putting in the ground work in already to make it happen. Galaxy doesn't need to be done, or even released to get this up and working honestly.

Just my 2 cents. :)
Post edited April 24, 2015 by BKGaming
low rated
Gonchi: Just when you thought this industry couldn't get any worse...

Watching the content patch and it seems Valve wants to take 75% of the sales for the mods... Which is 100% Bullshit!

This is a very very very very very bad thing if they manage to secure a hold on this at those rates.