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not in, but thanks for the giveaway

i liked the scenes with jar jar and scenes with the imperial shuttle (the design of this ship looks awesome, its a shame lucas used this great ship only as person carrirer).
Post edited January 23, 2015 by apehater
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I'm in for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.

My favorite moment in the movies? Hard to say, but I would have to give it to the duel between Anakin and Luke at the end of the 5th movie. Luke ready to fight, Vader tall and imposing upon him as their blades cross one another in the dark room.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Thank you for the GA! :) I'm in for KotOR II.

Hmm... the moment? Out of the films, it's probably the E1 final Darth Maul duel, but since I'm a gamer, my absolutely top-favorite will be a game one. I absolutely love when you earn "Legendary" on all the badges in the Battlefront II. :P
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Thanks for hosting another special giveaway and making it extra-special by gifting Star Wars games!

I'm in for Star Wars™ Empire at War: Gold Pack.

My favorite moment has to be the introduction of Han Solo (my favorite character) in Mos Eisley and the discussion between him and Obi-Wan. Great actors and great scene! If I had to choose a favorite movie then I'd pick Episode IV. As good as Episode V is, for me it's not even a contest. Simply put, THIS is Star Wars and what it's supposed to be. *flings poo at Episode I and II*
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I´m in for Knights of the old republic.

My favorite moment is the epic moment where Luke knows who really is Darth Vader.
Do. Or do not.

That is the question. I'll be back to enter for another.

In the mean time, thanks for your generosity once again!
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I would be in for Star wars Rebellion.

"The battle of Hoth sticks with me because the first time I saw an AT-AT in the theater my young mind was blown away with how cool it looked."

Exatctly the same for me, it must have been 1983/1984 in the cinema, I was just blown away as a a kid by the Battle of Hoth and the AT-ATs marching towards the shield generators. I watched it in a cinema with my parents on my birthday back then.

And thanks for the giveaway trentonlf, +1.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

X-Wing Alliance, please, if I'm the lucky one.

Choosing my favourite moment isn't easy, but, because I'm fairly sure it was the bit that most excited me when I first watched the films as a small child, I'll say the duel between Luke and Vader in The Empire Strikes Back.

Honourable mention to Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, for the second of the two scenes where Luke escapes from a Star Destroyer's tractor beam and Grand Admiral Thrawn confronts the crew member responsible (I can't elaborate further without spoiling the scene for those who haven't read the books - which every Star Wars fan should because they are amazing - but those who have will know what I'm talking about).
Post edited January 24, 2015 by ydobemos
ydobemos: Do. Or do not. There is no try.

X-Wing Alliance, please, if I'm the lucky one.

Choosing my favourite moment isn't easy, but, because I'm fairly sure it was the bit that most excited me when I first watched the films as a small child, I'll say the duel between Luke and Vader in The Empire Strikes Back.

Honourable mention to Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, for the second of the two scenes where Luke escapes from a Star Destroyer's tractor beam and Grand Admiral Thrawn confronts the crew member responsible (I can't elaborate further without spoiling the scene for those who haven't read the books - which every Star Wars fan should because they are amazing - but those who have will know what I'm talking about).
Totally agree, Timothy Zahn's novels are awesome. Some of the best Star Wars novels out in my opinion.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Not in
But thank you for the awesome GA!!

I love Ewoks <3 --- Im just gonna leave it at that =P
Sage103082: I love Ewoks
love them too, they taste like turkey
Sage103082: I love Ewoks
apehater: love them too, they taste like turkey
hmmm We differ on this one.. chicken is what comes to my mind first.
Do or do not. There is no try.

I'm in for Rogue Squadron.
Like a few my favorite moment is of the game (but the console version). Particularly the 4th level which is the first time you use the snow speeder. Favorite moment is downing that first AT-AT.
apehater: love them too, they taste like turkey
Sage103082: hmmm We differ on this one.. chicken is what comes to my mind first.
i was just testing you, of course they taste like chicken.

kitten tamer ... oh no, did you lose your unicorn again?
Sage103082: hmmm We differ on this one.. chicken is what comes to my mind first.
apehater: i was just testing you, of course they taste like chicken.

kitten tamer ... oh no, did you lose your unicorn again?
Nah.. he is out in the back pasture roaming free. For now I take on the excruciating task of kitten taming.

Any tips will be greatly appropriated =)