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1. Do. Or do not. There is no try
2. Rogue Squadron
3. Hmm, does assembling my Lego X-Wing count? Because I loved it! :D
Else I loved in Jedi Academy (I think it was in that game) when I figured out I could grab people and drop them off the ledges... oh how much fun I had then :P
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Aningan
1. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
2. I am in for Battlefront 2.
3. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Battle Of Hoth.

Thank you!
Post edited January 23, 2015 by s_nalbantov88
Thank you trentonlf. That's a very generous giveaway! These games are very new (and as such, they don't have any serious discount) so it's difficult to get them.

Do. Or do not. There is no try. I'm in for "Knights of the Old Republic".

I'm your father, Luke
The empire at it's highest moment. Darth Vader beats Luke and walks away with a frozen Hans Solo. The only reason why he didn't blast away the entire Bespin's Cloud City was that he wanted to take his son to his side.

Nah, I'm just kidding..... I saw the movie a few times before I understood completely what happened. The most powerfull warrior of the empire dueled with an untrained Jedi Padawan and let him live, because of his paternal feelings!
Post edited January 23, 2015 by phandom
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
I'm in for myself for

my favourite scene:

I can't decide, so not in. Thanks for the chance though.
I LOVE the series, so it's hard to choose a single moment. Maybe when you play KOTOR and can select when talking to master Vandar something like: "Yes, master, I shall follow the light path (LIE)". LOL'd.
But what about the "bummer" moments? Mine was everytime a stormtrooper missed a shot, after the "only storm troopers are so accurate" moment of killing unarmed farmers.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by javihyuga
Every great occasion merits a trenton GA XD Thanks! And in thanks, I can tell you exactly my favourite Star Wars moment. It will be silly.

Jedi Academy, mission to Taspir III. Jaden is pissed. She's been dealing with all sorts of jetpack-troopers, annoying acolytes, lava, switches, not to speak of that rancor on Tanaab, and she's just about had enough of the lot. Lo and behold, she jumps off yet another conveyor lift only to find Rosh. The snivelling, backstabbing little twat really has it coming! He's begging for mercy and Jedi forgiveness, and it's taking a supreme effort of will, worthy of the greatest Luke Wan Jinns in Jedi folklore, not to shut him up then and there. Speak, Jaden! Vent it out! It's the slovenly Jedi way. How can she know he won't betray her again? How do I know this isn't just another twick? How can...

Wait, what? IT'S A TWICK! The great Jennifer Hale, ladies and lads, in one of her not-so-finest moments. She single-handedly put the comedic cherry on top of this campy, overly dramatic, Star-Wars-ish soap. Do I feel guilty that for all the accolades she's acquired over the years, this is what I remember her for? Nope! Heck, it's practically a hallmark of my Star Wars memories.

I'm a weird person :P

So what the heck! There's a lot of new old Star Wars goodness in here, and I need to start making up deficiencies. And while I should probably focus on getting and playing the Sith Lords, I'm really really curious about Empire at War. What can I say, I feel a persistent nagging need to redouble my efforts and crush the rebellion! Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Spinorial
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

My favourite Star Wars moment was getting a light saber in Jedi Knight 2,
in the movies it probably was when Darth Sidious was all like a turtle on its back as Vader took him and threw him down the chimney. :D

Post edited January 23, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Thanks for the awesome giveaway, trentonlf, although not in.

When I sat down to think about it, I couldn't really pick a favourite moment. But then I thought...all the little moments in the Millennium Falcon! The ship itself: so familiar, although I can only bring to mind the cockpit and the main room (and the secret smuggling compartment of course :D), the cosiness of all the main characters there, all the great moments occurring (them playing that holographic game, Ben teaching Luke about the Force, Han arguing with Ben, Han arguing with Luke, Han arguing with the droids, Han arguing with Leia :D, the battles they took part in, etc.).
1) Do. Or do not. There is no try. In it for myself.
2) Kotor II
3) It's hard to say because there are lots of them. One of my favourite moments, however, takes place in Dagobah during ESB. When Luke tries and fails to rise the X-Wing from the swamp he walks away in defeat and Yoda then uses the Force to rise the X-Wing for him. Luke sees this and is astounded, exclaiming, "I don't believe it!" Yoda wisely replies, "That is why you fail."

Two for one: Another of my favourite moments actually takes place in Kotor II. When you first arrive in Nar Shaddaa you're promptly faced with the choice of helping a beggar or teaching him a lesson on what happens to those who waste your time. No matter what you do, however, whether you're kind or cruel to him, something (bad) will happen to the beggar. I know some people don't like it because it makes your choice meaningless but I took something different out of it. I saw it as a carefully crafted moment to have Kreia teach you a lesson, that being kind or cruel in your interactions will both have repercussions that you sometimes don't intend. In this specific example, if you're kind to the beggar, it will make him a target. If, on the other hand, you're cruel to him, he'll pass on that cruelty to others. I saw this moment as Obsidian trying to break free from the mold of doing good resulting in good and doing bad resulting in bad. Unfortunately, I don't recall a similar situation in the rest of Kotor II but it's been a while.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by OdanUrr
Do. Or do not. There is no try. Empire at War for me please.

There so many great moments, mostly in the original trilogy, it's so hard to pick one... others have already mentioned some of them; the first appearance of a Star Destroyer in ANH, the Ozzel, Piett and Vader exchange in TESB, the battle of Hoth in TESB, the banter between Han and Leia/C3PO in TESB, Jaba in TROTJ, many R2D2 moments, meeting and training with Yoda in TESB...

For my favourite moment I'm going to go with a sequence from TESB, with two Yoda quotes that I actually use in real life =). Yoda tells Luke to lift the X-Wing from the swamp using the Force. The fantastic "Do. Or do not. There is no try." quote follows after Luke says that he'll give a try. Luke fails and tells Yoda that he wants the impossible. Yoda does it himself and Luke says he doesn't believe it, leading to another fantastic Yoda quote: "That is why you fail."

EDIT: Ninja'd by OdanUrr.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Tannath
Tannath: Do. Or do not. There is no try. Empire at War for me please.

There so many great moments, mostly in the original trilogy, it's so hard to pick one... others have already mentioned some of them; the first appearance of a Star Destroyer in ANH, the Ozzel, Piett and Vader exchange in TESB, the battle of Hoth in TESB, the banter between Han and Leia/C3PO in TESB, Jaba in TROTJ, many R2D2 moments, meeting and training with Yoda in TESB...

For my favourite moment I'm going to go with a sequence from TESB, with two Yoda quotes that I actually use in real life =). Yoda tells Luke to lift the X-Wing from the swamp using the Force. The fantastic "Do. Or do not. There is no try." quote follows after Luke says that he'll give a try. Luke fails and tells Yoda that he wants the impossible. Yoda does it himself and Luke says he doesn't believe it, leading to another fantastic Yoda quote: "That is why you fail."

EDIT: Ninja'd by OdanUrr.
It's a great moment. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. =)
Not In. But as always, thank you and +1 for the awesome giveaway!

I'm not a big Star Wars fan, so I'm not sure I have a favourite moment. It's been so long since I have seen them that I can't really remember much, but if I think of something I will edit this post later and add it in.

Good luck to all those entering!

P.S. You beat me to it with the Star Wars giveaway! Don't you know it's ladies first? You Jedi have no manners. ;-)
Post edited January 23, 2015 by ddickinson
Do. Or do not. There is no try. I'm in for myself, for Rogue Squadron.

My favourite moment is probably in Empire Strikes Back, when Yoda is revealed to be... well, Yoda. I really feel sorry for kids today who watch Star Wars starting with the prequels first, and have that and Vader being Anakin spoiled for them from the start.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.

I'm in for Battlefront 2.

My favorite moment is Vader's and Luke's duel at the end of Empire Strikes Back.
Not in, but thanks.