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rampancy: When are they going to restructure to focus on not being dickheads to their loyal customers and fans? Or maybe restructure to focus on making good Sonic games?
mistermumbles: So I guess something like Sonic Generations and All-Star Racing doesn't count then? I guess you really can't please everybody.
My kids will attest to this. These are my 3 highest games sorted by total play time on Steam.
mistermumbles: So I guess something like Sonic Generations and All-Star Racing doesn't count then? I guess you really can't please everybody.
paladin181: My kids will attest to this. These are my 3 highest games sorted by total play time on Steam.
Sonic 1, 2 and 3 + Knuckles add on... Try it. You won't regret it, I promise.
Gnostic: Focus of Mobile and Online PC?

That mean free to play micro transaction, mmo, DLC and Always Online DRM.

Goodby Sega, don't think we will cross path in the future.
011284mm: My first thought too.
I think (after reading that "news") I would rather hear that Saga were being bought out by Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony then to hear that they intend to focus on online PC and mobile.

I can just see it now, Sonic Online. Where you have to pay a weekly subscription to race the little blue ball of fur around all day with micro-transactions to level you up and buy new "outfits to improve gameplay", DLC new racetracks, whilst being able to also play on your smart Apple for a small sub-charge.

Please if there is a god and this is even close to their idea, end them, end Saga now while they still retain some good-faith.
saga ? when did sega change their name ?

and unfortunally that sonic online idea sounds like exactly the thing they and other publishers would do

paladin181: My kids will attest to this. These are my 3 highest games sorted by total play time on Steam.
Soccorro: Sonic 1, 2 and 3 + Knuckles add on... Try it. You won't regret it, I promise.
what if you dont like platformers ?
liquidsnakehpks: I thought this was just sega america getting canned over the god awful sonic boom failure , other regions affected too ?
retsuseiba: I remember reading somewhere that this was only related to Sega of America, and that their Europe and Japan divisions were unaffected (though I imagine that this decision will affect them somehow, so).

Though I don't remember reading anywhere that this was specifically related to Sonic Boom games.
sonic boom failure ?
i thought the games ( and the tv series which has been renewed for a second season ) were doing well
the critics savagaed the games ( and from the looks of it rightfully so the sonic cycle seems to be back ...again )
but sales were strong

so what happend ?
mistermumbles: So I guess something like Sonic Generations and All-Star Racing doesn't count then? I guess you really can't please everybody.
paladin181: My kids will attest to this. These are my 3 highest games sorted by total play time on Steam.
500 + hours
...thats...thats impressive
after transformed allstars kinda feels been there done that to me
Post edited January 31, 2015 by snowkatt
011284mm: My first thought too.
I think (after reading that "news") I would rather hear that Saga were being bought out by Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony then to hear that they intend to focus on online PC and mobile.

I can just see it now, Sonic Online. Where you have to pay a weekly subscription to race the little blue ball of fur around all day with micro-transactions to level you up and buy new "outfits to improve gameplay", DLC new racetracks, whilst being able to also play on your smart Apple for a small sub-charge.

Please if there is a god and this is even close to their idea, end them, end Saga now while they still retain some good-faith.
snowkatt: saga ? when did sega change their name ?

and unfortunally that sonic online idea sounds like exactly the thing they and other publishers would do

Soccorro: Sonic 1, 2 and 3 + Knuckles add on... Try it. You won't regret it, I promise.
snowkatt: what if you dont like platformers ?
retsuseiba: I remember reading somewhere that this was only related to Sega of America, and that their Europe and Japan divisions were unaffected (though I imagine that this decision will affect them somehow, so).

Though I don't remember reading anywhere that this was specifically related to Sonic Boom games.
snowkatt: sonic boom failure ?
i thought the games ( and the tv series which has been renewed for a second season ) were doing well
the critics savagaed the games ( and from the looks of it rightfully so the sonic cycle seems to be back ...again )
but sales were strong

so what happend ?
paladin181: My kids will attest to this. These are my 3 highest games sorted by total play time on Steam.
snowkatt: 500 + hours
...thats...thats impressive
after transformed allstars kinda feels been there done that to me
You WILL like it!!!
snowkatt: saga ? when did sega change their name ?

500 + hours
...thats...thats impressive
after transformed allstars kinda feels been there done that to me
My younger son LOVEs the Bonanza Bros. And they're not available in transfomed.
Soccorro: You WILL like it!!!
no no i wont

i played them on numerous platforms including the megadrive originals
they did nothing for me

i cant stand platformers
Neobr10: But even the lack of publishers was a consequence of Sega's past mistakes. EA, for example, refused to release games on Sega platforms after the Saturn launch date clusterfuck, which is the same reason why some important retailers also refused to stock Sega products.

And they were indeed struggling at that point. Sega's management was a mess,

The Dreamcast itself was an amazing console. It had everything we could have asked for: great exclusive games, the best versions of third-party games (like Rayman 2 and Soul Reaver), online capability out of the box, it was easy to develop for and a few other things. But there was simply no way for it to save Sega, unless they pulled a Wii out of it.
Maybe you're right. Maybe they were already past the point of no return. But nonetheless it was entirely down to the suits, even if they had screwed the console over before it hit the concept stage.
Neobr10: But even the lack of publishers was a consequence of Sega's past mistakes. EA, for example, refused to release games on Sega platforms after the Saturn launch date clusterfuck, which is the same reason why some important retailers also refused to stock Sega products.

And they were indeed struggling at that point. Sega's management was a mess,

The Dreamcast itself was an amazing console. It had everything we could have asked for: great exclusive games, the best versions of third-party games (like Rayman 2 and Soul Reaver), online capability out of the box, it was easy to develop for and a few other things. But there was simply no way for it to save Sega, unless they pulled a Wii out of it.
Navagon: Maybe you're right. Maybe they were already past the point of no return. But nonetheless it was entirely down to the suits, even if they had screwed the console over before it hit the concept stage.
not just the saturn launch date disaster sunk sega ( it sunk the saturn for sure the early release date came as a surprise for everybody including the developers and publishers
first wave titles had to be rushed and third party publishers waited till september pretty much squandering teh head start )

but the sega cd and the 32 X as well
the 32X more so it was released AFTER the saturn was already released in japan in 1994
and the 32X was killed barley a year later with sega going back on their word
in 96 sega also killed the sega cd and the megadrive to concentrate on the saturn

while this again made good financial sense it was a pr disaster
here sega was at it again killing their consoles unexpectedly especially because the megadrive was still doing well in 96
which alienated a lot of fans

even the saturns demis was badly handled

sega just let it die a slow agonising death in europe in 98 with a handfull of first party titles and a slew of imports
it was left to the official sega saturn magazine to promote the hell out of the meaugre offerings
while sega focussed on the dreamcast

as for upper managment sega of japan ( soj ) and sega of america ( soa ) were at each others throats during the mid 90's
soj wanted total control soa wanted a different direction
and it all came to a head when tom kalinske the head of soa resigned in 1997 ( kalinske was the one who speareheaded the megadrive in the usa and commisions thinsg like the sega sream and sega does what nintendon't )

this pretty much spelled the end for soa
soj installed bernie stolar ..and well most sega fans dont like him very much
he was fiercly opposed rpgs for one

sega well and truely died in 2001 whent hey pulled out of the hardware business but the first signs were there in 1994 in the form of the 32X and the schizm between soj and soa
snowkatt: sega well and truely died in 2001 whent hey pulled out of the hardware business but the first signs were there in 1994 in the form of the 32X and the schizm between soj and soa
Thanks for the history. :D Back then I had a SNES then a PC so Sega's internal difficulties kind of went mostly unnoticed by me until around the launch of the Dreamcast. So it was just really hard to understand how something so seemingly awesome got as comprehensively screwed over by the very company you'd expect to be supporting the hell out of it.
snowkatt: sega well and truely died in 2001 whent hey pulled out of the hardware business but the first signs were there in 1994 in the form of the 32X and the schizm between soj and soa
Navagon: Thanks for the history. :D Back then I had a SNES then a PC so Sega's internal difficulties kind of went mostly unnoticed by me until around the launch of the Dreamcast. So it was just really hard to understand how something so seemingly awesome got as comprehensively screwed over by the very company you'd expect to be supporting the hell out of it.
its off course a lot more complicated then that but soj and soa had a falling out and wanted to go in to different directions
in the end soj prevailled
snowkatt: its off course a lot more complicated then that but soj and soa had a falling out and wanted to go in to different directions
in the end soj prevailled
What you might call a Pyrrhic victory.
snowkatt: sonic boom failure ?
i thought the games ( and the tv series which has been renewed for a second season ) were doing well
the critics savagaed the games ( and from the looks of it rightfully so the sonic cycle seems to be back ...again )
but sales were strong

so what happend ?
I dunno about the games, but I was also under the impression that the Boom franchise as a whole was faring well.

Too lazy to look up sources stating so, though.
snowkatt: its off course a lot more complicated then that but soj and soa had a falling out and wanted to go in to different directions
in the end soj prevailled
Navagon: What you might call a Pyrrhic victory.
very much so
i cant help but wonder how sega would have fared if kalinkse didnt pack up and leave
snowkatt: sonic boom failure ?
i thought the games ( and the tv series which has been renewed for a second season ) were doing well
the critics savagaed the games ( and from the looks of it rightfully so the sonic cycle seems to be back ...again )
but sales were strong

so what happend ?
retsuseiba: I dunno about the games, but I was also under the impression that the Boom franchise as a whole was faring well.

Too lazy to look up sources stating so, though.
mayeb sega expected too much
it wont be the first time a publisher is dissapointed by something thats an unqualified success otherwise ( see square and tomb raider 2013 )
Post edited January 31, 2015 by snowkatt
snowkatt: very much so
i cant help but wonder how sega would have fared if kalinkse didnt pack up and leave
Impossible to say unless you've got a real strong insight into how likely it would have been that SoJ would have backed down. No doubt either way it would have been highly damaging and the company would still have peaked in the early nineties.
What does this all mean for SEGA coming to GOG?