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Vainamoinen: Germans be like "I CAN NOT BELIEVE I LEARNT ENGLISH FOR ZIS" ;) ;)
neumi5694: First world problems indeed :)
Haha, yes.

Why bother learning Englisch, when you can play Mönkey Ißland in German instead!

Anyway, what is rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle in German?
PixelBoy: Anyway, what is rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle in German?
It's "Ein Gummihuhn mit einem Karabiner-Haken"

And now that I think of it ... Also the MI remakes only had german subtitles, so MI6 is not the first monkey island game without german voice over.
neumi5694: It's "Ein Gummihuhn mit einem Karabiner-Haken"
As you noticed, "Karabinerhaken" is not "pulley", it's "snap hook". The translator Boris S.-J. was indeed thinking of a modern zip line, not the pulley mechanics of old.
Post edited November 03, 2022 by Vainamoinen
neumi5694: It's "Ein Gummihuhn mit einem Karabiner-Haken"
Vainamoinen: As you noticed, "Karabinerhaken" is not "pulley", it's "snap hook". The translator Boris S.-J. was indeed thinking of a modern zip line, not the pulley mechanics of old.
Hmm, that translation makes the puzzle considerably easier! I wonder if that was intentional?
FrodoBaggins: When will developers learn that forcing DRM into a game prevents loads of people from buying it?
Sir_Kill_A_Lot: The sad thing is that doesn't seem to be true.
Look at Thimbleweed Park Sales from 2018 Q3.
Note: GOG sales from Q3 were not included in that chart, but it probably wouldn't have changed a lot.
Also note that this chart is about money, not units sold. So for example units sold from mobile platforms are higher in relation to other platforms.
Some people may buy a DRM'd version, but many of us won't.
And if you knew there was a whole fanbase, clamouring to buy your game, would you turn them away and refuse their money?
neumi5694: It's "Ein Gummihuhn mit einem Karabiner-Haken"
Vainamoinen: As you noticed, "Karabinerhaken" is not "pulley", it's "snap hook". The translator Boris S.-J. was indeed thinking of a modern zip line, not the pulley mechanics of old.
Hm, I'm not an expert with anything that sounds like sport, but the times I've used something like a zip line it did involve (multiple) pulleys.
You might use such carabiner to attach it to your straps but on the zip line itself is that pulley thing, which can of course resemble a chicken, it happens!

It would probably put quite some stress on a rope if carabiners were used directly extensively.

Therefore I'd argue the German translations makes it harder!
It definitely does for something involving a monkey :D
my name is anime catte: Hmm, that translation makes the puzzle considerably easier! I wonder if that was intentional?
Probably not. Boris mostly just did his own thing, which made the translation better in some parts, but worse in others. He translated 'pieces'o'eight' with "Goldstücke", but I guess Ron would have protested against the accurate "spanische Silberdollar".

Things got really wild for LeChuck's Revenge though.

The "monkey wrench" pun was completely intranslatible. It still would have been a reach, but a translation for a similar kind of wrench, at the time, was "ein Engländer", literally, "an Englishman". So Boris asked Ron to program an Englishman complete with umbrella and melon hat to put at that piano. Thankfully, Ron refused. What Boris did to soften the puzzle was to let Guybrush utter the line "This monkey's play is so stiff, you could loosen a screw with it" when looking at Jojo. Hence giving away the puzzle solution.
Post edited November 03, 2022 by Vainamoinen
Sir_Kill_A_Lot: Therefore I'd argue the German translations makes it harder!
Yeah, some word play jokes don't work at all. A few work actually better in German. It's always give and take.

I just say "monkey wrench" ... that riddle drove non english speaking players crazy.
Apart from it's official name (something like adjustable screw driver), gearman speaking people call it "Franzose" ("Frenchman"). There is also a similar tool often called "Engländer" (Englishman) which has no screw thread, but a lever instead.
Post edited November 03, 2022 by neumi5694
Sir_Kill_A_Lot: The sad thing is that doesn't seem to be true.
Look at Thimbleweed Park Sales from 2018 Q3.
Note: GOG sales from Q3 were not included in that chart, but it probably wouldn't have changed a lot.
Also note that this chart is about money, not units sold. So for example units sold from mobile platforms are higher in relation to other platforms.
FrodoBaggins: Some people may buy a DRM'd version, but many of us won't.
"many of us" means you and me and many people who are already using GOG, e.g. people here on this forum, but even here quite a bunch of MI fans have already bought it on Steam.
"Some People" means more or less the rest of the world :-(

FrodoBaggins: And if you knew there was a whole fanbase, clamouring to buy your game, would you turn them away and refuse their money?
Regarding fanbase: If I look at a place like Official Thimbleweed Park Forums nearly everyone there has played it already. :-(

We are apparently a minority. I wish RtMI was a Kickstarter like TWP. We can be a loud minority :-)
Post edited November 03, 2022 by Sir_Kill_A_Lot
Vainamoinen: The "monkey wrench" pun was completely intranslatible.
In Italian it would be called a parrot wrench!

Vainamoinen: What Boris did to soften the puzzle was to let Guybrush utter the line "This monkey's play is so stiff, you could loosen a screw with it" when looking at Jojo. Hence giving away the puzzle solution.
Nope, didn't work so well for me back then :-)

neumi5694: german speaking people call it "Franzose" ("Frenchman"). There is also a similar tool often called "Engländer" (Englishman) which has no screw thread, but a lever instead.
The ingenious thing about Franzose is that you put a similar sized nut on the other side and this tool design allows you to exert more torque than with something like an Engländer would be possible!
Post edited November 03, 2022 by Sir_Kill_A_Lot
neumi5694: I just say "monkey wrench" ... that riddle drove non english speaking players crazy.
Not to mention some English speakers with adjustable spanners! :-)
I know this is not the place for ads, but I had to do it anyway.
In case you are looking for another promising old style adventure
The campaing runs for a few more hours. They already reached several stretch goals, but maybe you are interested.

Now back to the monkeys!
neumi5694: Now back to the monkeys!

Monkey, monkey... this reminds me of something. Was it wrenches? Nah.
Oh, do you know Marcel Weyers? He made the German translation of Return to Monkey Island.

Seems like he will be also translating Foolish Mortals.


There is a Kickstarter tier (but also as add-on) for Foolish Mortals which allows you to be a Ghost at the Bellemore Waltz.
Maybe someone could send a photo of Jojo (the monkey) as ghost template, that would be fun...

Monkeys... are they even listening?
Post edited November 03, 2022 by Sir_Kill_A_Lot
Sir_Kill_A_Lot: Monkeys... are they even listening?
Good times, good times
When the only reason you can think of
why Return to Monkey Island is still not on GOG
is that they're afraid they'd have to explain
why it took them so long