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I love the sound of a Chainsword in the morning.

Warhammer 40K: Sanctus Reach & Warhammer 40K: Armageddon are now available, DRM-free on, for up to 75% off until February 27, 2PM UTC.
Welcome to Sanctus Reach. The bloodthirsty Orks have nearly wiped out humanity from the entire system. But the Space Wolves still stand fast. Push back the greenskins in hectic, 3D turn-based battles where every tactical choice can be fateful. Or side with the savage Orks in the Legacy of the Weirdboy DLC before you crash them again as Castellan Jakren Stein in the Sons of Cadia DLC.

Armageddon transports you to the Second War of Armageddon, where the Imperium must defend itself against the advancing Ork invaders. Hex-based, tactical combat, starring iconic characters and over 300 unit types, will pull you into this brutal universe for hundreds of hours. Keep playing with Untold Battles, the FREE DLC included in the base game, or challenge yourself further with the additional missions in Vulkan's Wrath, Angels of Death, Glory of Macragge, Ork Hunters, and Golgotha.

Or get the stand-alone expansion Da Orks, a tale of blood and wanton destruction, starring our favorite space-barbarians.

For a more comprehensive list of everything Warhammer 40K released today, go here.
Vadalma: I am interested in Armangeddon, but if there is really a limit in movements/turns, than... well...
muttly13: So general response to everyone asking about the turns in Arm. Yes, there is a limit. Its not some generic cap, its built into the level design. Some scenarios are races against time and it forces movement. If you do choose to play, you will find without the impetus to move forward you fall into a WW1 slogfest.

Oh, and the DLC is simply another set of scenarios based around your faction of choice. If you like the Ultramarines for example, go for it. Personally, unless you have a real affinity for one faction or another, are a completionist, or just really love the gameplay, there is very little reason to buy them all.
Thanks for explanation. Yes, I can see the counter in the screenshots (on top). OK, will rethink.
Digital_CHE: Now, be good and release Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine!!
Yes, please!
And that twin-stick shooter, what is it called? Kill Team?

And also, I would like to see some other games:
W40K: Fire Warrior
W40K: Dawn of War series
Post edited February 21, 2018 by Vadalma
GREAT! There is always a space on my shelf for Warhammer games (provided it's not FPS)

BTW - I cannot see manuals on games' pages and they are included on Steam...
Was interested in Armaggedon but I'm going to wait for a better discount on the whole game with all the dlcs that are sold separately. Again as others said why is there no complete edition available like on Steam?

Still nice to see another Slitherine release. Now give us some Ageod goodness next time.

DreamedArtist: Still waiting for the RTS warhammer 40k.
A lot of us are. But that series belongs to Sega not Slitherine.
Post edited February 21, 2018 by Matruchus
Niggles: Sanctus the one to get?
Crosmando: I've heard that it's the WH40K game that's the closest to the tabletop game rules. Not sure if that's true though.
As far as I know, there are some issues with Codex rules in Sanctus Reach. E.g. SM squads where all members are equipped with heavy weapon. Krak grenades not equipped by default, but only as (possible) reward for levelling tactical squads of SM. Nobz should be leaders of squads, instead there are squads composed only with Nobz.

There are more of them (I would suggest to check out Slitherine's forum for more details, especially post of "TheWise" user (I took those examples from his post)... But if you're looking at it from perspective of someone, who is not very "into" tabletop rules/codex, I'm guessing that most those things won't be noticeable.

And I admit, that I personally like some "differences" from Codex rules, e.g. mentioned "heavy squads".
Post edited February 21, 2018 by MartiusR
high rated
Hi all

tburger: BTW - I cannot see manuals on games' pages and they are included on Steam...
Apologies about that, they weren't flagged on the site to contain the manuals but they actually do.

The product pages also show up as containing the manuals.
DreamedArtist: Still waiting for the RTS warhammer 40k.
Unfortunately its still not fixed after all these years. Its better but there are still some game breaking bugs in Soulstorm specifically. God, that was such a cool series totally Goat F'ed by clowns. If you do some research there are some mods that fix a bunch of things and bring it close to reasonable. My grip on those things is that there is always some lean that the community fix has that they call "balance".
X-com: Apparently there is an easy workaround, here is a quote from the steam boards:

"Couldn't find a mod on the forums posted above but if you press shift+ctrl+alt+c together it will bring up the cheat menu. From there you can input any number of turns you want.

Just type: turnsX

where X is the number of turns you want. You will have to do this on each map though "

The link is: here.
Thanks for this info, X-com. I can now purchase this game with no reservations. I'll just set turns to 1,000 or something and take my sweet time with the various missions, lol.
Random_Coffee: Has anyone here tried running Chaos Gate in Wine? The original CD-version is platinum-rated on WineHQ, so there is hope!
darktjm: Platinum ratings on appdb are worthless, since they give no hints on what to do when things invariably go wrong. This is especially a problem when reporters don't even bother to list the graphics driver they're using. I have not spent a great deal of time getting it to work, but for me, it doesn't. It requires staging to display color graphics (rather than red monochrome), and it fails to set the resolution of the combat window properly (setting virtual desktop to 1024x768 sort of works, but then the game isn't full-screen), and it has no sound outside of movies. Of course your results may be better than mine. Good luck.
Yes.. that is true. I have had a few platinum-rated games work pretty badly, or not at all. As my flair says, I am still a Linux-noob though, so there is still a lot to learn. I have only used the standard Wine so far, but I see staging and staging-nine on the AUR as well. Also, I found this, which is a lot more helpful than the appdb.
Post edited February 21, 2018 by Random_Coffee
tkkn123: Thanks for this info, X-com. I can now purchase this game with no reservations. I'll just set turns to 1,000 or something and take my sweet time with the various missions, lol.
Glad to help. For some it may be monotonous to have to do this every stage but I think it's a small price to pay and there is no modding required so it's a great little cheat
That was quick. Just a couple of weeks ago some said - including me - they're interested in the WH40k games, and now the games are on GOG - thanks a lot for that!!
Since I got Sanctus+expansions on Slitherine's site already I "only" bought the Armageddons+expansions for my birthday.

And since it worked once for WH40k... when will we see Battlestar Galactica+expansion(s) on GOG? ;-)
Galasien: Best WH40K games since Chaos Gate and Rites of War. Period.

athineos: I am thinking of buying Warhammer® 40,000: Chaos Gate and play it on WIN XP. has anyone used WIN XP with this game and experienced any crushes, issues etc? I heard it was unplayable on WIN 10. Any response is appreciated
Galasien: I played it on both WinXP and Win7 and had no glitches (safe a little music stuttering in menus on Win7).
Also, is it true that Da Orks and Armaggeddon do not have a single player skirmish mode so the replay value is not good after finishing the campaigns? Chaos gate and Rites of war had more replay value
DreamedArtist: Still waiting for the RTS warhammer 40k.
muttly13: Unfortunately its still not fixed after all these years. Its better but there are still some game breaking bugs in Soulstorm specifically. God, that was such a cool series totally Goat F'ed by clowns. If you do some research there are some mods that fix a bunch of things and bring it close to reasonable. My grip on those things is that there is always some lean that the community fix has that they call "balance".
God damn, That was a fun game at the time, Someone needs to grab the IP for that game and remaster it or something and then I would be like hell yeah!
Random_Coffee: Also, I found this, which is a lot more helpful than the appdb.
This isn't really the time or place for me to post this, but I will anyway. I mean, I shouldn't have even answered about Chaos Gate, since it's only marginally related to this announcement.

I actually believe that a single thread with over 1300 posts/70 pages is a phenomenally bad idea, and whenever someone pops up on the game-specific subforms and tells people who ask about wine support for that specific game to go to that thread, I cringe. For all its faults, at least appdb has a usable search function, and lists each game separately. Having a single thread with just the summary might be reasonable, if the information for each individual game were duplicated in the game-specific subforum. The fact that this thread is in the general discussion forum (and not officially stickied) makes it worse, as it will always be buried under the spray of new posts.

Also, while I'm somewhat off-topic, I actually bought 5 WH40K games, since they were on sale, and I am stupid and insane. Of these, Chaos Gate is marginally playable (as described above), Armageddon and Final Liberation are near perfect (Armageddon just screws up the intro video), and Sanctus Reach and Rites of War are garbage (both hang on startup), but again, I just bought them and am still busy with other stuff, so maybe there's a magic incantation I've not yet tried that will make them all perfect.
Remember these being pretty big on the wishlist (at least the series, dunno if exactly these games), happy to see them here!
MartiusR: 1.This "hot seat" mode in Warhammer 40k: Armageddon is currently implemented in very weird way. Because you need to log into Slitherine's service (so you must be online), then create a game and join to this game. Yup, it's probably the first time, when playing in hot seat mode require being online and logging to some other service.
Well, console games often do something similar, requiring each local player to be logged into a separate Live or PSN account (the main reason for this probably being achievements). Admittedly you don't have to be online for that but the principle seems to be the same as what you're describing in Armageddon. And that sucks.

Anyway, instabought Armageddon as I've been eyeing that one for years. Bought it without the DLC for now, though, as I want to convince myself that I even enjoy the game first and the way it's priced I'm not willing to just buy the whole package blindly.
Vadalma: Yes, please!
And that twin-stick shooter, what is it called? Kill Team?
Last I checked that one was a console exclusive. And it's not good. Even in coop with my girlfriend we didn't enjoy it much. That the game is so bad only makes a PC port even less likely.

Vadalma: And also, I would like to see some other games:
W40K: Fire Warrior
W40K: Dawn of War series
Fire Warrior is pretty shitty, I even replayed it recently (I actually own it boxed and even still have that Kais figurine from the limited edition lying around somewhere) and no amount of nostalgia could salvage it.

Agree on the Dawn of War series, though. I'd buy a complete package of the first game blindly, especially if it came with Galaxy support (which the devs should be able to pull off as they also patched in Steamworks not that long ago).

Alas, all these games you've listed are owned by SEGA and thus we're not any closer to getting those.
Post edited February 22, 2018 by F4LL0UT