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What we do in the shadows.

Unavowed is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM, 10% off until August 15th, 1:30pm UTC.
Evil is awake in the city that never sleeps. Enthralled by a demon you did unspeakable things until the Unavowed freed you from its spell. Joining this ancient society that battles the supernatural might be your only chance for some answers and -perhaps- redemption.
Prepare for a branching narrative full of fateful choices and RPG elements in Wadjet Eye's most ambitious adventure to date.

Complete your collection with the game's Soundtrack.

In the press:

RockPaperShotgun calls the game "one of the most impressive point and click adventures made in many, many years".

PC Gamer concludes that it's "An atmospheric, well-designed adventure elevated by borrowing elements from role-playing games".

AdventureGamers describes it as "a stylish urban supernatural fantasy that is touching, funny, endearing, replayable and above all, fun".
Post edited August 10, 2018 by maladr0Id
AlienMind: *rubs eyes*
Wadjet Eye game in SUPER VGA!
Finally I can play these with my special eyes :-)
Happy to read you can now play a game.
Always run the games that are pixel in a window if its provided in the options, this way the graphcis look brighter and sharper , they are smaller but they look more detailed.
Some of the screenshots make this look way sillier than the description makes it sound.
low rated
Early reviews are in:


PC Gamer:


Yup, that's my weekend sorted.
Post edited August 08, 2018 by maladr0Id
Wishlisted :)

Wow, i own all Wadjet Eye games on GOG, except this one :)

But there is no linux version :(
It would be nice to have soundtrack in other formats too (flac, ogg) :)
Post edited August 08, 2018 by yukiai01
Dear Wadjet, you show once again how stunning pixel art games can look.
The story sounds intriguing.
Did you choose another engine, one that does not support Linux, or is that version still in the works?
low rated
gamesfreak64: I checked the folder after install ( i always do that) and a few Steam related files are installed whcih cannot be moved or the game will show a dialog telling it is missing something, i wonder why a non steam game needs a steam .dll file ?
That's usually because the developer chose to have a single build which supports steam, but doesn't require it.

It's a valid development choice, though not the only way to achieve the same result. (For example, a more sophisticated method might look for the accompanying steam DLL before trying to load it, but that is less straightforward and introduces complications which can lead to problems - simple is usually good!)

Basically, the mere presence of a DLL doesn't necessarily imply a dependency on the corresponding external service.

EDIT: sometimes the developer can mess up and create an unwanted dependency, so you're right to be on the lookout for such things
Post edited August 09, 2018 by mvscot
It's good!
Also, I second Linux and Android and Switch and every device in the universe would be better off having this available for it. So please make it available for those :-)
Linko90: Not normally into this kind of game, but this has caught my eye. For some reason, I get a vibe of the book Nocturnal. *rubs curious chin*
fortune_p_dawg: my chin is always curious
It looks great ^_^
So far loving this game. The easter eggs for those of us who played the Blackwell series is awesome by the way ;)
i would have bought it instantly if only it had linux version.

if anyone intrested - quote from devs on the 'other' forum:

Porting to everything is something we REALLLY wish we could do, but we are a tiny company with very little resources. Our priorities are always the game in front of us. As for Linux, I know there has been great success with emulators such as WINE so we usually just steer folks to that.

There is TECHNICALLY a way to compile AGS games for Linux, but there are so many variations of Linux that supporting it is beyond what we can do. I don't feel comfortable selling a product that we can't actually support.
Another day one buy this year.
Unity game. No Linux version? They can do better, especially since they aren't new to releasing for Linux.
Post edited August 09, 2018 by shmerl