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You need to see how this one ends!

SiN Gold, a classic first-person shooter with an original futuristic story of fight against an artificial outburst of criminal tendencies, and one of the best level designs of the 1990s, coming complete with the Wages of Sin expansion, is available for only $9.99 on

[url=][/url]SiN Gold is one of the great and memorable first-person shooters of the olden days. Upon release it was highly praised for the great execution of its original and involving storyline and great level design, but sadly, it suffered from long loading times and pesky glitches. The fact that the patch fixing these problems was over 30MB in size in the times of Dial-Up Internet didn't help as well. That is how a game that deserves a prominent place in gaming's all-time hall of fame ended up slightly forgotten and overlooked by many FPS fans. With all the trouble way in the past, it is now time to get acquainted (or reunited) with this fantastic title! You can explore different puzzles and new routes each time you play. You will hack computer terminals, control security cameras, and wreak havoc. You will encounter new dangers and intelligent beings in every mission as you fight your way to the ultimate showdown! And you better believe it, an ultimate showdown it will be. The game comes complete with the Wages of Sin expansion.

Begin your crusade against crime and bring down the sinister syndicate lead by the beautiful but deadly Elexis Sinclaire in SiN Gold, for only $9.99 on!
SiN by Ritual Entertainment?
I hope this means GoG will get Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 as well. Although I already own it.
tu32: SiN by Ritual Entertainment?
I hope this means GoG will get Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 as well. Although I already own it.
Had the same thought when I saw SiN released here but the difference is that SiN is an original IP while Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 was based on a license, God knows whether that one will ever be renewed.
tu32: SiN by Ritual Entertainment?
I hope this means GoG will get Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 as well. Although I already own it.
F4LL0UT: Had the same thought when I saw SiN released here but the difference is that SiN is an original IP while Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2 was based on a license, God knows whether that one will ever be renewed.
Aw, I forgot about that. Maybe the original contract was written without a time limit.
Tarhiel: I´d like to see here Requiem: Avenging Angel
That should certainly be nice, as I think the retail version (which I have) apparently has some game-breaking scripting bugs on Windows XP, and later. So you basically must play it on Windows 9x, I think. Or apparently at least some of the scripting bugs can be overcome by cheating, like using no_clip to get through stuck doors and such (if you know you have a bug).

It would be great to adding Episode: Emergence as bonus content.
I cannot allow this to fall so deep on the forum... this is without a doubt one of the classics of old...

I have more memories playing this than another game from my youth... If you like classic FPS even a little, you'll love this!

If this was out when first started i would have a very hard time deciding between this and blood. Anyone who knows me will tell you that blood is one of my all time favorite games in the history of everness and beyond!

Wishlisted, as I have alot of games now to play I will wait and hope to catch it on sale.

Now only hopes GOG will add Strife some day, another excellent and little known FPS.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by Ingsoc85
It's a funny thing, but I was the target demographic (single teenage male) when SiN came out, and even then I though Elexis was about 1% sexy and 99% joke. She's such a ludicrous caricature that I still can't believe how much noise has been made about her.
Tarhiel: I´d like to see here Requiem: Avenging Angel and Vivisector: Beast Inside one day :)
Isn't that the game that supposedly *truly* introduced bullet time to video games, a few months before Max Payne got released?

Edit: Okay, I checked. And it wasn't just a few months. Man, I need this game. I've only heard about it on several occasions in the context of Max Payne, never got to see or play it, though.

And dang, it was made by the same studio that made Uprising, another game that needs a GOG release.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by F4LL0UT
Thank you both for your input. I think I have it now: What GOG has here is the original 1998 game plus the expansion, and NOT the later-released episodic content that was on Steam.

I think part of my confusion stems from my thought that the 1998 game was also intended to be episodic.

Thanks for clearing everything up!

Will definitely be getting from GOG at some point.
Hey, I remember this game! The multiplayer was really good!
I will eventually get this sooner or later if there will be promo or someone will gift it to me. But judging from screens and gameplays watched recently it deserves full price and all praise can take and want this even more now. Shame really that such epic thing was shoveled to ground by bugs and HL1. By modern days it has story and gameplay of F.E.A.R. or Condemned. In 1998... that's quite achievement. ;-P

Next step: Psychotoxic maybe? ;-)
Post edited January 31, 2014 by HenitoKisou
HenitoKisou: I will eventually get this sooner or later if there will be promo or someone will gift it to me. But judging from screens and gameplays watched recently it deserves full price and all praise can take and want this even more now. Shame really that such epic thing was shoveled to ground by bugs and HL1. By modern days it has story and gameplay of F.E.A.R. or Condemned. In 1998... that's quite achievement. ;-P

Next step: Psychotoxic maybe? ;-)
Whoa i thought i was the only one who remembered Psychotoxic hope to see it here someday.
Post edited January 31, 2014 by GaminggUy45
HenitoKisou: I will eventually get this sooner or later if there will be promo or someone will gift it to me. But judging from screens and gameplays watched recently it deserves full price and all praise can take and want this even more now. Shame really that such epic thing was shoveled to ground by bugs and HL1. By modern days it has story and gameplay of F.E.A.R. or Condemned. In 1998... that's quite achievement. ;-P

Next step: Psychotoxic maybe? ;-)
GaminggUy45: Whoa i thought i was the only one who remembered Psychotoxic hope to see it here someday.
There is reason to it. First, game features female protagonist (I don't remember major fpp shooters with that, except NOLF). Second, graphics are decent, weapons have good feel to them and enemies are creative in multiple types. Third, atmospheric level design. Fourth, so much painful, almost impossible to make it run on modern system. I hope GOG team will take this challenge and manage to run it properly at last.
Post edited February 01, 2014 by HenitoKisou
Strife: Beware, I just try to launch the game and his addons but I've only a black screen .
I can hear the sound of menu selection but nothing can be done.
TheOperaGhost: Try renaming sin.exe to quake3.exe.
trusteft: Never played this before, what game does it resemble?
TheOperaGhost: Quake, Soldier of Fortune.
I've tried the solution of the support and your advice but nothing works.
It's weird, it's like my screen was desactivated for a small time.