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Your highness...

<span class="bold">Kingdom</span>, a stunningly beautiful and innovative 2D strategy sidescroller, is available now, DRM-free on

It's pixel art taken to the next level, and a completely new kind of game. The Kingdom is yours. You must tend to it. Kingdom mixes 2D sidescrolling gameplay with resource management and strategy. With the crown on your head, you are responsible for the well-being, prosperity, and unity of your procedurally-generated domain. And when the darkness comes at night to take everything you have, you'll stand by your men's side until the very end.
And remember the saying:

Wise Rulers know their kingdom will fall,
Brave Rulers do not despair.
Great Rulers know their riches can rule,
And spend every coin with great care.

It looks as beautiful as it sounds - the <span class="bold">Kingdom Original Soundtrack</span> is also available. So lead your <span class="bold">Kingdom</span> towards the next day, DRM-free on
Zergoss: the guy (once thought to be a bot) informing everyone they already own the game at that other location
Impaler's not a bot!

(Did anyone ever really think he was? I've read and appreciated some reviews i've seen at Desura when I used to go there.)

And at least he cheerily goes on about his business. I usually +1 the guy to try to counteract. But others are never nearly as cheery as Impaler...
Post edited October 22, 2015 by budejovice
Quite like the premise, the lovely pixel art (yes im one of those who think its slightly being overdone in general now), the music nice!!.Price nice. Only downside is "procedurally-generated " --- > seems to be common place now :/
WireHead: Regarding the game, i ser it as 10€ + 1€ in store crédito. I'm guessing it's the same value in Germany, but I don't earn the same as guys from there, so, please, forgive me when I sound pissed because of another game pulling this crap on me.
I'll just respond to this part in regards to my own situation. The game costs just under $12 for me, and no credit given. Some other games here give little to no credit, yet they cost about $40 to the American $20. You know what I do in these situations? I just don't buy it if I can't, instead of complaining. Games from here are going to be considerably more expensive if my dollar continues to slide. I also earn practically nothing.
Read: I'm not arguing with you; I'm simply telling you that just because I say one thing, doesn't mean I'm saying what you think I'm saying about other things... I'm just not as aggressively protesting the matter, as you seem to be.
Zergoss: the guy (once thought to be a bot) informing everyone they already own the game at that other location
budejovice: Impaler's not a bot!

(Did anyone ever really think he was? I've read and appreciated some reviews i've seen at Desura when I used to go there.)

And at least he cheerily goes on about his business. I usually +1 the guy to try to counteract. But others are never nearly as cheery as Impaler...
I think I only ever saw that comment once or twice, so it may have just been in the same vein as "ignore the troll"
Post edited October 22, 2015 by Zergoss
Zoidberg: I was quite happy seeing this released here... then I saw the regional pricing... :/

Guess it's torrent for me then, at least for now...

GOG staff, developpers seriously come to you and ask for these specific pricings?
CharlesGrey: Is it really that much of a problem? I'd understand it somewhat if there was no DRM-free version at all, but would you really pirate it just because they expect you to pay 1 or 2 Euro more than whatever the US price is? Worst case you could just wait for a discount instead.

And the whole discussion of regional pricing aside, the European price seems to be around 10 Euro, which doesn't seem bad at all for this kind of game, no?

So, on topic, does anyone know more about the game? Most importantly, is this a "rogue-lite", in the sense that you always start over at zero whenever you lose the game? Or is there any kind of permanent progress, such as upgrades, unlocked items etc.? Because I find the latter to be much more motivating. Kind of like the way it works in Rogue Legacy. And is there any story, as well as a goal to achieve, or do you just play until you meet your inevitable doom?
Around 10 seems decent of a price, I'm not for the lowering values of these kind of games, but I'm not getting this until the full price is around 8,99€.

I just crave for more clarity, the whole VAT being integrated in the price in Europe but not elsewhere (at least US). Is this really that hard to have a basic VAT free price that can then be converted before applying a specific VAT? That would be clearer, and the fair prices would be clearer too. VAT should be added to the sale price and paid by the buyer to his/her own country, not by the dev. Well that's another issue than regional pricing but it's sometimes linked (by people who don't know any better should I ask).

And yes, it matters to me: I don't want to participate on this thus if I can't find a "fair" price, I don't buy while I really wanted to get this game, now I can't. Well, except illegally, which annoys me to no end...

As for the game, the let's play I've seen doesn't seem to witness any kind of general updates, I guess the only thing that changes is your knowledge of the game and its rules.
stryx: Yes, it's regionally priced, but AFAIK one does get the difference in form of a bonus store credit. So unless that happens to be the last game one is ever going to buy here, I fail to see where the problem is.
Pica-Ludica: Pretty much this. I'm really tired to see people whine about regional pricing on every single new release when GOG offers you store credit with regionally priced games. They don't HAVE to - Steam certainly doesn't - but they do.
And they SHOULDN'T. Devs/publishers SHOULD stop dropping this crap on people.
Smogg: saw the game yesterday on "evening with sips" and hoped it would come to gog.
thanks :)
phaolo: Oh lol, I still have to watch that. Going now :D

budejovice: Fuckin' A, Zoidberg, isn't there a forum on a game store without regional pricing that you can post on? The torrent was a new and classy addition to the standard refrain.
phaolo: The (un)funny thing is that the fapper is always one of the first to post! -_-
RSS feed, bro.
Reever: What are people so annoyed about other people complaining about regional pricing?! The point isn't that GOG gives us store credit, the point is that us buying regionally priced games will only encourage the practice.

GOG has established that in order for more games with DRM to come in they'd have to give in to the practice, but that doesn't make it alright. So stop being assholes and let people complain when they want to complain.

It's better than that one dude always saying "I got this shit on steam not buying lulz".
CharlesGrey: I think people are annoyed about this particular user making, more or less, the same post on every release thread. Well, and the fact that he now proceeded to add "Oh well, I'll just torrent it lulz" to his usual standard reply.

And hey, anyone bothered by the whole regional pricing affair always has the option to simply not buy such games. Just as everyone else has the right to buy them anyway, as long as the price seems reasonable. Freedom!

Also, randomly calling people assholes doesn't make you look all that good.
It only shows how I wanted to get it. And I'll comment about a regionally priced release each time there's a regionally priced release. It's only logical. Besides, I do also congratulate on non-regionally priced releases (bought Odallus, which was a sale actually).

So if you want to pass judgment on me, please do it integrally, not only the parts that supplement your own point.
Post edited October 22, 2015 by Zoidberg
Arinielle: Wait... why was there a complaint about regional pricing for this when that's still a pretty damn low price for a game? Others with regional pricing were well over 30 dollars and some such.

Thinking about getting this one myself but waiting a while to see if there's anything else I need to be getting before the end of the month. the one(s) just saying they're going to pirate this or other games because they aren't absolutely dirt cheap... go back to your corner and stay there. :/ Entitled little brats. Cripes. So sick of this shit.
Point is moot: some higher priced games have the same difference than this game. On a lower game it's worse: here for instance it's 10% more expensive for no reason whatsoever.
NotJabba: Any idea whether there's a way to win, or do you just keep going until you die?
JudasIscariot: Well...

I just died and I got to day 34 just as I managed to find an upgrade that let me build stone structures.
Do you know that you don't die in this game, and those creeps are not trying to kill you? They hunt for valuables, where the most valuable item out there is your crown. And when you lose it, you lose legitimacy.

As without a crown, there is no king.

It is a fight against greed.
"a stunningly beautiful and innovative 2D strategy sidescroller ... It's pixel art taken to the next level"

It looks quite good actually, but "stunningly beautiful" and "next level pixel art"? And yeah, it might combine a bit of strategy and action but is this really that innovative anymore?

My impression is that somewhere at GOG there must exist a huge rose-colored google and whenever someone has to write something that goes outside he wears it.

Anyway the game doesn't sound so bad actually.
Trilarion: "a stunningly beautiful and innovative 2D strategy sidescroller ... It's pixel art taken to the next level"

It looks quite good actually, but "stunningly beautiful" and "next level pixel art"? And yeah, it might combine a bit of strategy and action but is this really that innovative anymore?

My impression is that somewhere at GOG there must exist a huge rose-colored google and whenever someone has to write something that goes outside he wears it.

Anyway the game doesn't sound so bad actually.
To each his or her own regarding graphics, but I think I can comment on gameplay since I played the browser-based free version of this game and it was surprisingly fun. I say surprisingly because it was very simple, but presented a reasonably deep mix of tactical and management decisions. If that first version's anything to go about, then this 'full game' should be a blast if you like genres like tower defence, although I feel this has a wider appeal
I'd actually prefer a release of Swords of Aragon instead, but anyway thanks for another linux game. I might try it some day.
Zoidberg: So if you want to pass judgment on me, please do it integrally, not only the parts that supplement your own point.
Then feel free to start a topic to discuss about regional pricing and complain (without any mention about piracy preferably) there every time new regionally priced game is released on GOG. This is just spamming/trolling/derailing similar to what Linux users did when GOG added Mac support. They spammed every Mac release topic with posts about lack of Linux version/support. Eventually it reached boiling point and GOG staff had to step in prevent it from deterioting into flame war between linux users and the rest of us.
The perception of "I'm paying more" is based on the idea that; all currencies hold the same value so one number being
bigger than the other is significant, that average earnings is the same among all countries, relative to what they pay.

Reasons why prices are more in some places than other is to do with purchasing power parity and "opportunity costs".

As for this game, I like it but wish there was -more- stuff to happen and do.

Archer accuracy is shockingly embarrassing. Not so much a 'kingdom' but a ragtag of noobs.
Post edited October 22, 2015 by Ranbir
Ranbir: The perception of "I'm paying more" is based on the idea that; all currencies hold the same value so one number being
bigger than the other is significant, that average earnings is the same among all countries, relative to what they pay.

Reasons why prices are more in some places than other is to do with purchasing power parity and "opportunity costs".

As for this game, I like it but wish there was -more- stuff to happen and do.

Archer accuracy is shockingly embarrassing. Not so much a 'kingdom' but a ragtag of noobs.
You can help them out by finding an archer statue that you can light up to enhance your archers or a while :) Same goes for your blacksmiths, you find a statue of a black smith, light it once or twice and your blacksmiths make stronger fences/structures :)

If you're lucky enough to find the upgrade to your castle to use stone then you might be able to unlock another class but I can't tell as I lost the game just before I could upgrade my castle to the third level :)
HunchBluntley: Regional pricing -- while it might suck for people forced to pay more than the baseline price -- is a one-time issue relevant only at point of sale; DRM lasts until and unless the developer/publisher/distributor decide to remove it. DRM is without a doubt the worse of the two problems from a long-term perspective, hence GOG's compromise. It's also worth noting that most of the "good old games" sold here are still flat priced except for the Russian/ex-Soviet state discount.
There are lots of OOGers which don't care if a game has DRM or not, they only care if the game is good and has a good price. However, there are others for which DRM free is as important as worlwide price. I'm not saying who's right or not, I'm just saying there are people who gets pissed on this matter and they can be very vocal about it.
CharlesGrey: Is it really that much of a problem? I'd understand it somewhat if there was no DRM-free version at all, but would you really pirate it just because they expect you to pay 1 or 2 Euro more than whatever the US price is? Worst case you could just wait for a discount instead.

And the whole discussion of regional pricing aside, the European price seems to be around 10 Euro, which doesn't seem bad at all for this kind of game, no?

Zoidberg: Around 10 seems decent of a price, I'm not for the lowering values of these kind of games, but I'm not getting this until the full price is around 8,99€.

I just crave for more clarity, the whole VAT being integrated in the price in Europe but not elsewhere (at least US). Is this really that hard to have a basic VAT free price that can then be converted before applying a specific VAT? That would be clearer, and the fair prices would be clearer too. VAT should be added to the sale price and paid by the buyer to his/her own country, not by the dev. Well that's another issue than regional pricing but it's sometimes linked (by people who don't know any better should I ask).

And yes, it matters to me: I don't want to participate on this thus if I can't find a "fair" price, I don't buy while I really wanted to get this game, now I can't. Well, except illegally, which annoys me to no end...

As for the game, the let's play I've seen doesn't seem to witness any kind of general updates, I guess the only thing that changes is your knowledge of the game and its rules.
Pica-Ludica: Pretty much this. I'm really tired to see people whine about regional pricing on every single new release when GOG offers you store credit with regionally priced games. They don't HAVE to - Steam certainly doesn't - but they do.
Zoidberg: And they SHOULDN'T. Devs/publishers SHOULD stop dropping this crap on people.
phaolo: Oh lol, I still have to watch that. Going now :D


The (un)funny thing is that the fapper is always one of the first to post! -_-
Zoidberg: RSS feed, bro.
CharlesGrey: I think people are annoyed about this particular user making, more or less, the same post on every release thread. Well, and the fact that he now proceeded to add "Oh well, I'll just torrent it lulz" to his usual standard reply.

And hey, anyone bothered by the whole regional pricing affair always has the option to simply not buy such games. Just as everyone else has the right to buy them anyway, as long as the price seems reasonable. Freedom!

Also, randomly calling people assholes doesn't make you look all that good.
Zoidberg: It only shows how I wanted to get it. And I'll comment about a regionally priced release each time there's a regionally priced release. It's only logical. Besides, I do also congratulate on non-regionally priced releases (bought Odallus, which was a sale actually).

So if you want to pass judgment on me, please do it integrally, not only the parts that supplement your own point.
10 euros is a decent price, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 euros are also nice prices
all depends on "what kind of game is it? "
basically i have a price i can afford and willing to pay as such , inside my head, when i see a game the engine starts and i calculate a price.
This game looks quite good but theres way too much motion, i saw the horse in the videos (youtube) move left then forth then left and all so quick and all things scrolled along aswell, way too much going on for my poor eyes/brain so i only pass this games based on motionsensitivity if i had no problems with those sensitivities i would have bought it.

now back to regional pricing: maybe its because some european couniires are considerd in the 'wealthy' area of Europe/part of the world, thus being able to fork out more cash on things compared to poor countries inside the EU.

But with all the stuff going on, it be a matter of time before the netherlands, belgium, and maybe even more former rich countties will all need wellfare cause with the current increasing arrivals its just a matter of time before the countries go 'bankrupt' cause we cant take these economics stress and costs anylonger.
Given that fact and the fact that we alread have 670K of unemployed (i think its way more but our goverment loves to fidle with numbers and info so you never know whats really going on.
I think its going down the drain, all the way to the sewers.
Post edited October 22, 2015 by gamesfreak64