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Killer on the road.

Carmageddon: Max Damage and Carmageddon TDR 2000 are now available, DRM-free on With them comes a pileup of high-octane offers so let's get right on them.

48h GIVEAWAY: Get Carmageddon TDR 2000 completely FREE until January 20, 2PM UTC. Claim it through the front page banner. No catch, no clutch!
NOTE: Giveaway has now ended.

Discounts: Max Damage 50% off until January 25, 2PM when bought individually or 75% off when you complete your Carmageddon bundle including all four games in the series. Once the giveaway expires, TDR 2000 will also be 50% off.

Drive straight into the ultimate road carnage! Race the time as you turn pedestrians and drivers into gooey roadkill with your highly customizable vehicle and use all manner of silly power-ups to unleash mayhem in the most creative way possible. Make up your own brutal style as every game mode, car, environment, pedestrian type or enemy driver adds their own flavor into this bubbling cauldron of human members, bent metal, and unapologetic fun.
Great releases today. Picked them both up as I have only ever played a demo disc of the original game way back in the day.
Since Carmageddon tdr 2000 has nosebleed pack i was interested in playing it.
But i only have an integrated 6150 nvidia card and can't get into the game do i need to tinker with some files?
Does it even work on windows xp?
Errors i am getting
1)failed finddephtbufferformat
2) Rendering failed to initialize

Edit: found the solution the advanced settings are in the start menu shortcut and gog games just set the options to render device :
Microsoft direct3d hardware acceleration through direct 3d HAL
It does work on my windows xp now.
Though i haven't raced yet,now did race and it crashed at first then tried high res version and it didn't crash.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by Fonzer
Don't see the appeal, but I love Saints Row so who am I to judge. :P
Klumpen0815: As one of the few people worldwide who liked TDR2k, I say: Thank you!
I'm the other one! /hug
high rated
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
That's complete bullshit. The Carmageddon series has been around for a very long time and I've yet to hear about a car rampage because of it. Everyone is able to recognize the difference between a game and reality, no matter what TV "experts" try to make us believe.
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
mystral: That's complete bullshit. The Carmageddon series has been around for a very long time and I've yet to hear about a car rampage because of it. Everyone is able to recognize the difference between a game and reality, no matter what TV "experts" try to make us believe.
didn't you know? All these radical muslims played Carmageddon...
high rated
NovumZ: ...
Well people get ideas and absorb them.
Sorry, that's exactly the wrong example and something which has been pushed out for a long time. "Video nasties made my dear little boy a monster" or "video games made my daughter start shooting people with guns attach to her feet". Its bollox. Stupid people will always find something to blame, media is just a very easy target. Family, society, repression are far more likely candidates however. 1 person goes on a shooting spree and the 999,999 others who played the game and didn't should all stop playing just for that one. Personally I think these things take the aggression out of most people more than the other way round.
Thanks for the freebie! :)
well... I know have one Carmageddon game in my inventory... thanks!

I guess?
Thanks for the free game.
That disclaimer in the TDR2K page XD
Epitaph666: I've been playing Carmageddon games since 1997 and i've never had troubholy shit the police gtg
Why go? Be true to the Carma spirit: run over them!
mystral: That's complete bullshit. The Carmageddon series has been around for a very long time and I've yet to hear about a car rampage because of it. Everyone is able to recognize the difference between a game and reality, no matter what TV "experts" try to make us believe.
Epitaph666: didn't you know? All these radical muslims played Carmageddon...
Yeah, also remember the mid 90's where I rampaged all across Canada in a giant mech? Man I was all over the news and it was awesome. Thank god Mechwarrior gave me that awesome idea.

Also, on a semi serious note, there isn't much difference between Carmagedon and Chinese auto racing. If the cars weren't decorated with all sorts of nasty stuff in Carmageddon, you probably wouldn't notice the difference.
Thanks for the freebie GOG and Stainless! Nice to finally see Carmageddon Reincarnation finally show up. I wonder why the name was changed to Max Damage? I guess Stainless wanted to get rid of the stigma associated with Reincarn's problems, or the changes were significant enough to warrant a name change.
Thanks for the freebie. A tiny bit curious how much truth there is to that "it's the turd in the series"; not that it's of any real matter, not really my cup of tea.

More importantly, good to see Stainless Games finally making good by their DRM-free supporting backers; better late than never, as they say.