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Killer on the road.

Carmageddon: Max Damage and Carmageddon TDR 2000 are now available, DRM-free on With them comes a pileup of high-octane offers so let's get right on them.

48h GIVEAWAY: Get Carmageddon TDR 2000 completely FREE until January 20, 2PM UTC. Claim it through the front page banner. No catch, no clutch!
NOTE: Giveaway has now ended.

Discounts: Max Damage 50% off until January 25, 2PM when bought individually or 75% off when you complete your Carmageddon bundle including all four games in the series. Once the giveaway expires, TDR 2000 will also be 50% off.

Drive straight into the ultimate road carnage! Race the time as you turn pedestrians and drivers into gooey roadkill with your highly customizable vehicle and use all manner of silly power-ups to unleash mayhem in the most creative way possible. Make up your own brutal style as every game mode, car, environment, pedestrian type or enemy driver adds their own flavor into this bubbling cauldron of human members, bent metal, and unapologetic fun.
Falci: Max Damage is Reincarnation rebalanced (as in, you don't die as quickly from being rammed by the AI) and with some more content. It's the version that was released on consoles.

And thanks for the freebie, though TDR2k is the worst PC game of the series.
tinyE: I read some reviews of Reincarnation and most of them mentioned the awful physics, spinning out of control from the slightest bump. What you are saying is they fixed that? I also read the performance on it is kind of shit, bad FPS.
I don't really think they changed the physics, as that didn't bother me when I was playing Reincarnation, so I don't think I would notice differences there. The performance improved greatly from the initial Reincarnation release, but not a lot from the last version of it, I think.

Here, have LGR's review of it for a better informed review:

For those who are wondering, the music is FINALLY working! GOG version BEST CONFIRMED!
Better late than never. Instabuy/-gift.

And yeah, it sucks that Kickstarter backers had to wait for 3 years. On the plus side, Max Damage seems to have good and proper Galaxy implementation. If I remember correctly, back during the campaign Stainless said that only the Steam version will have multiplayer, so at least in that regard they delivered more than they promised to their DRM-free backers.
nightcraw1er.488: Whats up, its just like real life, except you don't get all the respiratory problems associated with emissions. You must drive you 16 wheel monstrosity around running down pedestrians and cyclists left right and center, how else will you get your fat stupid body those 10 yards down the street to Aldi!
You didn't went to Germany recently, did you? Because that's exactly how a German driver reacts when you steal his right of way. I only say: "Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger."

NovumZ: I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
There are no innocents...
Carmageddon TDR 2000 might be a turd,but it's one of those rare "good" turds.Thank you Stainless and GOG for bringing more Carmaggedon here ;).Cheers
PaterAlf: The gamecard description for Carmageddon TDR 2000 is probably the funniest we have here. It really made me laugh.
That it is :))
I used to dream about having a pc powerful enough for TDR 2000 :P Must've still had my 8MB Voodoo 2 back then.

Max Damage looks phenomenal but last I followed the game it appeared that there were some serious performance issues even on very high end systems. Hopefully this has been fixed.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by Matewis
To be fair, the turd game of the series now belongs to C:MD :)
NovumZ: Our society is going in wrong direction if this is considered an artistic expression.
Not an expression, but you can get a bonus for artistic impression...
WOW!!! Just wow!!! After so many years of begging for TDR 2000, it's finally here!
For me it has the best atmosphere of all 4 games (Max Pack, 2 , TDR 2000 and Max Damage) and some powerups are simply awesome (don't forget to check the Afterburner powerup while you're airborne)!!!
The only fault for me on the game is the last set of maps that are in the Police District. Kind of boring map and ruins the atmosphere of the rest of the game!

As for Max Damage, it's a great game! The damage physics are unbelievable, and the graphics are good. Music and Sound is ok too. The only thing for me is that it doesn't have as much "Ram em down" moments if you max your car with powerups, like the older games had. At least that's how i felt driving them. Even if you had built your car fully, you could still get destroyed easily. But that maybe cause i played it on Hard.
Overall a great and humorous game.

Don't listen to guys like NovumZ. There's no moral dangers that will be projected to humanity by playing this game. I've been playing Carmageddon games since 1997 and i've never had troubholy shit the police gtg
Post edited January 18, 2018 by Epitaph666
Thanks GOG and Stainless! Instafreebied (and bought). :)
As one of the few people worldwide who liked TDR2k, I say: Thank you!
nightcraw1er.488: Whats up, its just like real life, except you don't get all the respiratory problems associated with emissions. You must drive you 16 wheel monstrosity around running down pedestrians and cyclists left right and center, how else will you get your fat stupid body those 10 yards down the street to Aldi!

NB I think cars should be banned from all cities and towns fully, keep them only in the gaming world!
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
I can't wait to imitate this video game!!

... after I finish building my light saber en genetically engineer that 3-headed monkey
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
NovumZ: Well people get ideas and absorb them. We had already quite few scenarios around the world imitating video games.

I don't mind destruction derby style game but Do Not include innocents.
You can use Presidential modes so there is definitively no innocents.