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Outgrowing the simple life.

<span class="bold">Balrum</span>, a tactical, open-world RPG about braving the epic or everyday challenges awaiting in and around your farm, is available now for Windows, Mac and Linux, DRM-free on, with a 40% launch discount.

Darkwood is your adopted home, ever since your family had to settle there 20 years ago. Life has not always been easy but lately a disturbing sense of peril permeates the atmosphere and you intend to find out what evil lurks in waiting.
Your epic travels in this dangerous world of turn-based combat and real-time exploration will be interrupted by calmer moments of maintaining your growing homestead, crafting custom items, and taming a loyal companion to journey with you. Soon you'll become a powerful adventurer that can clear entire dungeons from horrible creatures but don't forget your humble beginnings and the people of Darkwood in their hour of need.

Grow strong and your own vegetables in the diverse RPG world of <span class="bold">Balrum</span>, DRM-free on
The 40% discount will last until July 5, 12:59 PM UTC.
Post edited June 28, 2016 by maladr0Id
This looks really interesting. I have actually been looking for a deeper crafting and farming experience in an RPG. The one aspect that throws me off is the look of combat. The GOG tag says it's Turn-Based, but I've come to learn that tthe fine folks here at GOG have a much wider definition of "Turn-Based" than I do considering GOG assigns this tag to everything from Might & Magic and X-Com to Freedom Force and Door Kickers. The trailer video shows some combat but it doesn't look like anything I would call Turn-Based, it looks more like an MMO. Does anybody know enough about this game to give some insight in how combat is handled? I did a quick Google search and all I found soo far is that the combat is detailed and somewhat unforgiving.
My first reaction was : Looks like Ultima Online .

Wishlisted .
Previous debate.
Two apostrophe typos in the description.

So yeah.

This game requires Java.

Remember when everyone bitched and moaned that the original version of Defender's Quest used Adobe AIR? At least that game didn't require fucking Java.

If the game refuses to launch for you (as it's currently refusing to launch for me), you can check out this thread on the developer forums:

Edit: The game runs fine now that I've installed the latest version of Java 8 using the installer on Oracle's website. It's just that I've been loathe to install JRE 8 on my computer, as it's notorious for messing up the legacy version of Java that I need for some of my other apps.
Post edited June 28, 2016 by rampancy
The skill system seems to be the same like in the Gothic games:
Level up, find a teacher, who is hidden somewhere in the world, spend money and learning points.
Okay, so this game has died for me because this is the dumbest skill system one can create!!
I was just about to link that!
Hrm, intro discount price is right, Avadon/Divine Divinity-esque graphics, turn-based combat...yeah, I'm a sucker for those. Not so crazy about the hunger/thirst mechanic, though.
Game looks interesting.

Too bad they choose to use Java.

Unfortunately, that makes it a big NO-GO for me.

I don't want Java on my system. It has too many vulnerabilities. Now, if I had something "important" that required it I might consider that as a reason to load Java; but thankfully I don't - and a game is definitely very not important enough.

Oh well, it does look interesting; I'll give it that..
No relation? :)
Okay, seen a few gameplay vids now. It`s a mix between Gothic, Stardew Valley and a little bit of The Settlers.
Despite the dumb skill system, it looks interesting.
Not my cup of tea - since graphics and animations seems to be worse than in Divine Divinity from 2002, thank you, but I´ll pass.
I guess it is more for people with serious RPG-deficiency.
And Avernum was first in this regard (terrible graphics, supposedly good story (haven´t played it for long, but that´s what I heard) and I would say typical RPG mechanics).
Reminds me of Eschalon too much.
No matter how much I like something (and I finished the entire trilogy), I don't get interested in things that are almost the same.
In the end the game sounds like more work than fun, though I know that appeals to some folks. To me the point in which it stops being escapist fun is right around where your character has an equal chance of dying from a Balrog attack or from not getting enough roughage in their diet.
Judging from a video posted in this topic:

There appears to be no gender selection, which is a dealbreaker for me (assuming the PC is male).

Difficulty isn't as customizable as it should be. It would be better if combat difficulty and survival difficulty were separate choices.

One other concern: Are there missable stats in this game? (In other words, if, for example, I chose not to raise Vitality until later, will I be penalized in terms of HP? Or will raising a skill early prevent me from taking advantage of a free increase later?)