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amok: actually. no, I am asking for evidence for the claims, you should appropriate this as it is something you yourself asks for in other threads.

What is funny here 9and I have read through that thread now) is that even though the twitter posts (and its context) and other links this TonyTiger has provided are correct, there is still no evidence in them that says Pitchford is withholding or stopping the release of the builds.

A couple of years ago there was a big bruwahaha about ethics in game journalism and gaming in general, do you not think the same standards should still apply?
RWarehall: Funny what you call "no evidence" when there are quotes describing exactly the reasons Randy has given. On top of the the say of those posting in those threads. Clearly constitutes evidence of some sort. I'd say the talk of "certification fees" and how Randy only wants to release them as part of a new collection is telling.

Piece together what we can induce from what we are told and there is quite a bit there.

As I just said, if it's money, I don't begrudge a developer from making a profit given the supposed extent of this material. I also know that IP, trademark and copyright protection requirements are complicated. There certainly would be lawyer costs involved even releasing it "for free" in order to make certain the right's holders are still properly defending their trademarks with such a free release.

But this all boils down to Randy having some role as a speed bump to the process making that part of it substantially true.

Those feeble attacks of the poster's credibility based on when he joined that forum is the part I found "fabricated" by the 3 of you. That poster clearly seems knowledgeable about the issue, and even a cursory read shows that. I have no doubt the the parties involved believe what they do. Your demands for "absolute proof" seem to be ignoring quite a bit of testimony which at least implies a fair bit of truth to the story.

As to the public asking Randy for the material to be released, I don't see a problem with it. It would show demand and provide incentive for it's future release. Those equating it with harassment are stretching the truth quite a bit...
The man (or woman...) do post many words, and many do make sense. However, he do not provide any evidence for the accusations later used in this thread. If he does, please point it out to me, I might have missed it.
Vainamoinen: tl;dr
fronzelneekburm: You know what? I'm not even going to bother to read that shit.
Dewd's having flashbacks from gamergate. lol

RWarehall: I looked at the posts and this "new user" you seem to be complaining about provides plenty of links to discord chats and quite a bit of factual information. But let's just hand wave it away because that user just joined that forum and 3 forum users with penchants for getting facts wrong say if that makes any sense...
It might be Fred. What do you think?
Post edited March 07, 2018 by richlind33
amok: The man (or woman...) do post many words, and many do make sense. However, he do not provide any evidence for the accusations later used in this thread. If he does, please point it out to me, I might have missed it.
His word is his evidence. His extended commentary about events shows he has a certain command of the information.

"But here's the fun part of the story - despite Frederik Schreiber offering to prepare these builds for release for free as well as an additional offer to prepare the mod tools for the final version of the game for release for free (they're much demanded by the fan community) as they have access to all of that material Randy Pitchford isn't interested. He claims that they would still have to pay "certification costs" somehow ignoring all the other companies that have released builds and content for free in the past like Croteam, id Software, 3D Realms, Volition, and more. Further more he has said that the only way he would ever release this material is if he could charge for it in some kind of Duke Nukem collection...he has also said the same about various Duke Nukem 3D prototypes..."

Do you Amok, or anyone else have any "evidence" which disagrees with this? Funny how you expect concrete evidence when your defense of Randy is completely devoid of the same.

I guess we shouldn't then believe all the actresses claiming they were preyed upon by certain Hollywood producers unless they can provide similar concrete evidence?

Or rather, should it be better judged based on the words and descriptions given? The paragraph above sure seems to include a great amount of detail. Are you disputing that Randy asked for "certification costs"? Or that Randy wants to sell the finished product or prototypes rather than release them for free?

We have a linked Discord channel among other things. That seems like quite a bit of evidence to me and the specific words used rather than being vague on the details speaks to credibility. I don't see any posts coming from Frederik Schreiber or Randy Pitchfork claiming these discussions never happened...

It's evidence enough for me, and I don't see your point in trying to outright dismiss it with a flimsy excuse.
amok: The man (or woman...) do post many words, and many do make sense. However, he do not provide any evidence for the accusations later used in this thread. If he does, please point it out to me, I might have missed it.
RWarehall: His word is his evidence. His extended commentary about events shows he has a certain command of the information.

umm..... ummm... no, no it is not. evidence is.... evidence... He can be a darn good liar, capable of spinning a good yarn. without evidence, we just don't know.

edit - do you know the saying " the best place to hide a lie is inside a truth"?

edit 2 - knowing you, I will preempt your response: "No, I am not saying he is a liar, I am saying what if"

edit 3 - not to mention that your are taking "the words as evidence" of someone you know absolutely nothing about. This is an anonymous person who made that account a couple of days ago. We do not know who it is, nor what his agenda is, nor what his bias is. For all we know it is Pitchfords little brother or ex-wife now sitting there and giggling.
Post edited March 07, 2018 by amok
low rated
RWarehall: His word is his evidence. His extended commentary about events shows he has a certain command of the information.

"But here's the fun part of the story - despite Frederik Schreiber offering to prepare these builds for release for free as well as an additional offer to prepare the mod tools for the final version of the game for release for free (they're much demanded by the fan community) as they have access to all of that material Randy Pitchford isn't interested. [...]
RWarehall: Do you Amok, or anyone else have any "evidence" which disagrees with this?
You're right, thanks.

We have yet to see evidence that Schreiber indeed did pompously promise to give away for free what doesn't belong to him.

Much obliged if you found and linked to the Schreiber quote in question.

Schreiber's ethics might still be salvageable if the rpgcodex guy is just making shit up.

amok: umm..... ummm... no, no it is not. evidence is.... evidence...
Besides, burden of proof lies with the... ahhhhh forget it. THAT he'll never grok.
Post edited March 07, 2018 by Vainamoinen
RWarehall: [...]
Do you Amok, or anyone else have any "evidence" which disagrees with this? Funny how you expect concrete evidence when your defense of Randy is completely devoid of the same.
no, and I don't need to, it is up to the accuser to provide evidence for the accusations. It is "Innocent until proven guilty", not "Guilty until proven innocent".

I am not defending Pitchford, i am saying we don't know - big difference there
It's not just about duke nukem. There are many other things gearbox did. Remember Aliens colonial marines? And what about all the half-life hype for the dreamcast from gearbox, and then it was released on ps2. I know the dreamcast was discontinued, but many other games where still released. And also remember, there were duke nukem games on gog, well.....not anymore, thanks to gearbox. so he might be innocent in this case, but his company made a lot of bad decisions, i think.
low rated
unisol2k1: It's not just about duke nukem.
No, of course not, that's just the pitch.

Others and me have acknowledged, in more variants than one could fathom, that Gearbox and Pitchford have done some pretty controversial shit.

But that doesn't mean that you are required to believe in a new conspiracy theory with, as of yet, a pitiful foundation.

Pointing at certain wrongdoings in the past to justify instant faith in whatever rpgcodex forum members make up, that's not helping anyone. Not even the OP, who would certainly like to uphold the superficial impression that it is, in fact, "just about duke nukem".
It's funny how you and Amok somehow now require absolute proof lest you call anything you disagree with a conspiracy theory...

The guy provided links to the Discord server and forum boards, copied screenshots which seem to have been shared there by Shackleford and apparently was discussed in detail on those boards. I'm rather certain his information is coming from there, but I'm not going to dig through all that to find the "proof" that two negative nancies are just going to make more lame excuses to dispute. It was one of you coming up with the lamest excuse of all about the user's join date, as if that had any meaning whatsoever... have provided nothing to this discussing except your random assertion that this isn't true and a conspiracy theory. All based on thin air. Talk about someone contributing nothing here...

Amok...say what you want, but we do know a lot. We have screenshots of the directory, we have game screenshots. A fair bit of information about these lost levels have been provided to us. But somehow that isn't enough for you...

We have nothing with regards to Harvey Weinstein either by your criteria, yet because of the details provided, the accusations are clearly true.

As it stands, Randy has even done a video interview about it where he tries to punt it off to 2K, saying they have the rights and any deal would have to go through them but how they probably aren't too interested in Duke anymore. Then he deflects talking about how other team members need to be consulted as he continues on about putting it together as part of a new collection. I saw 10 minutes of the interview and it comes off as Randy making a lot of excuses to me.

Is this real? Seems clearly so.
RWarehall: [...]
Amok...say what you want, but we do know a lot. We have screenshots of the directory, we have game screenshots. A fair bit of information about these lost levels have been provided to us. But somehow that isn't enough for you...
and I have never claimed otherwise. you are confounding to very different issues here:

did the build exist? probably, there seems to be evidence for it. how complete it was we can only guess. I have no reason to doubt this, nor have I ever done so.

did Pitchford "withhold" or stopped the release of the build? we don't know, there is no evidence.

RWarehall: As it stands, Randy has even done a video interview about it where he tries to punt it off to 2K, saying they have the rights and any deal would have to go through them but how they probably aren't too interested in Duke anymore. Then he deflects talking about how other team members need to be consulted as he continues on about putting it together as part of a new collection. I saw 10 minutes of the interview and it comes off as Randy making a lot of excuses to me.
well, you know what the rule is these days - "his words are evidence"...
Post edited March 07, 2018 by amok
low rated
amok: snip
We have a poster using specific words reportedly from Randy himself about "certification costs" and "quality control costs"...EVIDENCE!

We have Randy's own words trying to put it off on 2K and talking about including it as part of a new compilation...EVIDENCE!

What part of any of this is "no evidence"?

You clearly are not arguing in good faith. You are making a fool of yourself...
Vainamoinen: Besides, burden of proof lies with the... ahhhhh forget it. THAT he'll never grok.
Burden of proof for what exactly? Burden of proof doesn't mean constantly moving the goalposts to ask for more evidence. You seem to be the one who cannot "grok" anything. But that is pretty usual for you, since you clearly lack the ability to discuss any issue in good faith.
Post edited March 07, 2018 by RWarehall
amok: did Pitchford "withhold" or stopped the release of the build? we don't know, there is no evidence.
We know that the ball is in Pitchford's court, so if the release isn't happening, the buck stops there -- and possibly with 2K, also.
Post edited March 07, 2018 by amok
low rated
RWarehall: We have a poster using specific words reportedly from Randy himself about "certification costs" and "quality control costs"...EVIDENCE!
Inadmissible. Hearsay.

RWarehall: We have Randy's own words trying to put it off on 2K and talking about including it as part of a new compilation...EVIDENCE!
Oh really, do we? Let's see a full quote there buddy so we can finally talk about it.

RWarehall: have provided nothing to this discussing except your random assertion that this isn't true and a conspiracy theory. All based on thin air. Talk about someone contributing nothing here...
Your thin air smells like shit, because it's coming out of your ass. And dajum, has that same air passed your rectum a thousand times.

In fact, I asked for evidence that you should be VERY keen to present. In fact, I went out there and saw what I could find, joined the Discord chat, searched for articles, and lo and behold, I did confirm Schreiber's assertion that 80% of the game were finished (yet only that he asserted it). But of course, referring to the limits of evidence as I found them, I said I've seen no evidence for the obvious smear part to be true and I'd reserve judgement until I see some relevant evidence. A conspiracy theory, that's calling you an alt account downvoter because every time you step into a thread, my posts turn red. Funny thing is, there's much more evidence for this theory than for the theory that Randy Pitchford is for some reason the sole roadblock to release some files for which he doesn't have the full rights. And the only thing you could as of yet reasonably add to this thread is exactly that thought, even though of course you weren't the first with that assessment.

We're not doing it the gamergate way any more. We're not building our fortress of accusations on unfounded hearsay. We're not taking the contributions of MAGA fucks any more. We're not drawing any conspiracy maps in Paint to prove our point.

And we're not copying rpgcodex posts in full with a bit of false interpretation spread on top of it and then quickly hide when someone dares to demand evidence from the person making the claim, by proxy or not.
Post edited March 08, 2018 by Vainamoinen