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<span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span>, an exciting return to the roots, is available for pre-order now, DRM-free on

Team 17 is turning 25 years old — and to mark the occasion, their biggest and foremost series is going back to the roots where it counts — as well as expanding in new and exciting ways!

If there's one thing to note about <span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span> outright, is that at its very core are the very same beloved physics behind Worms: Armageddon. Recreated from the subtle intricacies of movement and shooting, the oddities, all the way through the delicate matter of the ninja rope.
Team 17 is bringing back the most adored weapons that have shown up throughout the series like the Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenade. But there's a lot new here too — a weapon crafting system breathes new life into the classic arsenal (and gives you something to do between turns), tanks and helicopters introduce a new layer of mobility and destruction, and accessible building interiors provide tactical cover from the fires of wormy hell.
The worms have gotten a makeover too, but the hand-painted 2D battlefields remain, as always, your greatest friend and enemy in single-player and ranked multiplayer mayhem.

Check out the trailer below, and pre-order <span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span> – a modern take on a classic formula – DRM-free on

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Post edited July 19, 2016 by maladr0Id
avatar Team 17 is turning 21 years old...
Ahem... the trailer opens with the phrase '25 YEARS OF GAMING EXCELLENCE'.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by Lemon_Curry
I think GOG might have just gone cash blind, £20 for a pre-order Worms game, does it ship in a 24 carat DVD case?
avatar Team 17 is turning 21 years old...
Lemon_Curry: Ahem... the trailer opens with the phrase '25 YEARS OF GAMING EXCELLENCE'.
Yes, but if you take the 5, and carry over the zero, you get someone who's really bad at math.
Thanks, fixed. ;)
low rated
Post edited July 12, 2016 by Fairfox
I thought that the Worms franchise died years ago. Haven't seen one of their games advertised anywhere for absolutely ages now.

Wish someone would bring Lemmings to GOG.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by Antoni_Fox
Konrad: Yes, but if you take the 5, and carry over the zero, you get someone who's really bad at math.
Let's hope he/she never has to use the Holy Hand Grenade (of Antioch). :P
I like Worms, but holy hell, that is the ugliest art style I've probably ever seen.
Likely will add this to the collection but not pre-ordering and likely want to wait until a price drop... (especially want to wait just in case they go the DLC route again... wait for the "complete version"...)
high rated
How about bringing Armaggedon to GOG instead?
Mr.Caine: How about bringing Armaggedon to GOG instead?
And the original World Party.
avatar an exciting return to the roots,
Ahem! Wasn't "Worms World Party Remastered" already a "return to the roots"? They released it one year ago so I kind of fail to see the point of this new episode....
I support team17 greatly and would maybe even preorder this but not too sure on the mention of vehicles...
That and being old school I have no idea what games they are guest starring as masks?
Mr.Caine: How about bringing Armaggedon to GOG instead?
Yes!!! PLEASE!!!!

Sorry for the over enthusiasm, but I really loved that one.
Mr.Caine: How about bringing Armaggedon to GOG instead?
Agree to that.

Unfortunately, starting with 25 YEARS of GAMING EXCELLENCE is already a bad move given the fact that they stopped making good games 15 years ago.

They are known mostly for milking their own franchise, their customers, bad UI and lack of post release support.
I really hope they got their mojo back, but at this point they cannot be trusted on promises only.