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<span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span>, an exciting return to the roots, is available for pre-order now, DRM-free on

Team 17 is turning 25 years old — and to mark the occasion, their biggest and foremost series is going back to the roots where it counts — as well as expanding in new and exciting ways!

If there's one thing to note about <span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span> outright, is that at its very core are the very same beloved physics behind Worms: Armageddon. Recreated from the subtle intricacies of movement and shooting, the oddities, all the way through the delicate matter of the ninja rope.
Team 17 is bringing back the most adored weapons that have shown up throughout the series like the Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenade. But there's a lot new here too — a weapon crafting system breathes new life into the classic arsenal (and gives you something to do between turns), tanks and helicopters introduce a new layer of mobility and destruction, and accessible building interiors provide tactical cover from the fires of wormy hell.
The worms have gotten a makeover too, but the hand-painted 2D battlefields remain, as always, your greatest friend and enemy in single-player and ranked multiplayer mayhem.

Check out the trailer below, and pre-order <span class="bold">Worms W.M.D.</span> – a modern take on a classic formula – DRM-free on

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Post edited July 19, 2016 by maladr0Id
The problem here is- do we really need a new Worms game? This is a franchise with a very particular problem- it already perfected it's formula. After Armageddon and World Party there really isn't anything about it that need to be added, refined or polished. It does not need 3D, vehicles or masks from other games. I guess a new game can be an introduction ot the series for new players who don't feel like picking up the old games. But for me, this just feels totally unnecessary. When once in a blue moon my friends come over and instead of board games or card games or just talking about one thing or another we feel like playing Worms, we'll boot up World Party.

It's sort of like Heroes of MIght & Magic. III was perfect, and there was nowhere left to go. So IV tried to reinvent itself completely, and while I love it, I really do, I also recognise that it's almost not HoMM. And later on the series tried to make up for such a risky change with trying to be III all over again, and only proved that III can't be done better, and it's better to just play that than it's pale imitation.

So, bottom line, thanks, but no thanks.
Post edited July 12, 2016 by Breja
After watching the trailer i believe WORMS is dead.
Do we really need another Worms game? No thanks! The old games are good enough for me. :D
Mr.Caine: How about bringing Armaggedon to GOG instead?
MIK0: Agree to that.

Unfortunately, starting with 25 YEARS of GAMING EXCELLENCE is already a bad move given the fact that they stopped making good games 15 years ago.

They are known mostly for milking their own franchise, their customers, bad UI and lack of post release support.
I really hope they got their mojo back, but at this point they cannot be trusted on promises only.
I still have a bad taste in my mouth from their poor handling of The Escapists on GOG. I think the game is fully updated here now and has all of the DLC available, but for a while it didn't and Team17 didn't have plans to change that. I was upset when I heard that they're publishing Yooka-Laylee, as I don't like the idea of them being involved in a game I care about in any way.

Hopefully the debacle with The Escapists was just a mistake that Team17 has learned from, but for now I still don't trust them. Even aside from trust, the other negative things you mentioned are still true.
I never played any of the Worms games, unless you count a singular round versus a friend on his computer. Do they have singleplayer campaigns? Or are they only valuable to the multiplayer crowd. I ask because I was utterly disappointed when I tried Empire Earth's campaign, a game which is almost universally praised, and discovered that actually most of its nostalgic value comes from the multiplayer component.
Lemon_Curry: Ahem... the trailer opens with the phrase '25 YEARS OF GAMING EXCELLENCE'.
Konrad: Yes, but if you take the 5, and carry over the zero, you get someone who's really bad at math.
Thanks, fixed. ;)
How about you give us Armageddon already and get this over with
More Worms! Does anyone know what engine will be used?
The classic 2D worms games were a lot of fun back in the day. This one looks nice enough at a glance, so I'll keep an eye on it. Not "30 bucks nice", though. And no, I'm still not going to pre-order a digital release, not even if they try to "sweeten" the deal with pre-order exclusives.
The DRMed version at the Humble Store is 5 Euros cheaper. So we have to pay extra bucks to receive a DRM-free game?

Well, wishlisted for now. I love the series, but maybe I'll wait for a while.
This is good.
Contrary to what everyone else says above, GOG needs more Worms games. What do we have on sale already? Worms United, 2, World Party Remastered, and Forts: Under Siege. That isn't the full-scope of the series. We're lacking Worms 4 which is probably the best of the bunch, as well as Reloaded and perhaps the aforementioned Armageddon.

After all, I'd rather see another series be completed release-wide on GOG rather than say we don't need the rest of that series. Even if this game turns out to be terrible, at least I'm hoping that this game is enough incentive to push Team17 into releasing the other Worms games.
IronArcturus: More Worms! Does anyone know what engine will be used?
One that's trying to take us back to the past. The question is; will it succeed or will it fail somewhere in the middle of the road?

Konrad: Yes, but if you take the 5, and carry over the zero, you get someone who's really bad at math.
Thanks, fixed. ;)
RottenRotz: How about you give us Armageddon already and get this over with
gOg version of Armageddon wouldn't add anything new.
You can already buy a DRM-less version of the game.
I wouldn't object if it gets released, but if not, it's not the end of the world (heh).
While I absolutely despise the art style of the worms themselves, the environments look good, hopefully this actually does feel like a good ol' worms game.

That price tag though, yeesh. Wishlisted.

Edit: Just thought I'd echo "where's Worms Armageddon?"
Post edited July 12, 2016 by ReynardFox
For me, the game looks kinda nice. Are those vector graphics in the new/comming Worms W.M.D.?

* * *

I would like to see some other Team17 games on GOG, like the modern versions of Alien Breed series (Imapct, Assault etc), other Worms games, the also had Pinball games, Stunt GP, Super Stardust, the comming Yoka Lalee etc.

They have many solid games ...

However I am very happy for any new game, that is comming to the GOG library. Keep up the good work and Team17!
Post edited July 12, 2016 by gr4phic
Well the game looks nice and if it is really the return to the roots of Armageddon it might be fun.

Still waiting for <span class="bold">Worms Armageddon</span> and hoping to see it here soon. The ultimate Worms game of all times!
Post edited July 12, 2016 by Matruchus