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I'm tempted by the latest Indie Gala Friday bundle. Several old games plus Woolfe. Will probably resist.

superstande: Hm. Maybe you are right... not too different. Some people were collecting lots of games, most of them which they never played through, at least until a lot later. But at least I remember people giving serious effort to games that were bought.
I think that part of it is age demographics. There still are a lot of young people who dedicate tens of hours a week to gaming, and finish quite a few games. There are also a lot of older gamers who don't play as much as they used to, a demographic which was a much smaller percent twenty or thirty years ago.

I'd still estimate that the large backlog problem (for all demographics) is more a result of the large number of games on the market and ease of getting them (coupled with low prices) and not any behavioral change on part of gamers.
Post edited June 27, 2015 by ET3D
ET3D: I'm tempted by the latest Indie Gala Friday bundle. Several old games plus Woolfe. Will probably resist.

superstande: Hm. Maybe you are right... not too different. Some people were collecting lots of games, most of them which they never played through, at least until a lot later. But at least I remember people giving serious effort to games that were bought.
ET3D: I think that part of it is age demographics. There still are a lot of young people who dedicate tens of hours a week to gaming, and finish quite a few games. There are also a lot of older gamers who don't play as much as they used to, a demographic which was a much smaller percent twenty or thirty years ago.

I'd still estimate that the large backlog problem (for all demographics) is more a result of the large number of games on the market and ease of getting them (coupled with low prices) and not any behavioral change on part of gamers.
I have to completely agree with backlog problem having to do with ease of access to games, and the incredible amount of them :)
And there's this knowledge for people who are over thirty or so, lots of us know about old games and developers, even remembering the reviews vaguely. So there's not so much need to find out if the game is good. And same with new games if they are made by developers with a long history.
I just donated a dollar to the DX15 Deus Ex Donation Drive. It's a very low price for Deus Ex: HR and purely donation, so couldn't resist. It's one of those "on my wish list but will not likely play it any time soon" games.

This brings my monthly expenditure on games to $9. (Excluding Kickstarter.)
Post edited June 28, 2015 by ET3D
I have about 50 games on here, at least 40 Humble Bundles (I've lost count), and approximately 580 Steam games. I don't need an intervention, I need to be put down.
I did only buy two things during the summer sale so I am proud of myself there. My goal for all of July is to not purchase a single game for my PC or my Nintendo consoles.
You know I once saw a pic online pertaining to gaming as a child and then as an adult. I don't recall the child pic but I recall the adult saying something like "Ah this game will look wonderful on my shelf". Speaking of backlogs I have so many games lying around it's ridiculous. I daresay I'm backlogged all the way back to Pitfall on Atari and every time I turn around the list gets longer. But I also find that alot of games these days just aren't very good. Despite this backlog I often find myself grabbing three to six games at something like a Buy Two Get One Free at Gamestop or a Buy Two Get One For $1 at FYE, playing a bunch of them and finding that most of them outright suck. The same goes for computer games and even games on my 3DS, most of them just don't grip me like they used to. Bad controls, silly plot or just plain boring they just can't hold interest. So I have a huge backlog and I don't know about you all but does anyone have games that they actually picked up, played, didn't really like but still put it away with the idea to play them again later? I really need to stop wasting time with terrible games.
Ah, what can I do, I love collecting games on my virtual shelf and most of all I love everything GOG represents. I can look at a steam sale and only buy a couple of games without trembling, but when a big sale arrives at GOG... Oh boy.

Studies have kept myself busy enough (also lack of money) that I managed to go through the half of this year practically without a purchase. I couldn't resist the last Summer Sale though and now I might have to resort to shutting my eyes and ears to gaming sales and news for a while in order to save my remaining simoleons for a while.
NVash: does anyone have games that they actually picked up, played, didn't really like but still put it away with the idea to play them again later?
There are games that I think are okay but not great that I put down for the future, but most of what I already played partly and are back on the list are games where I lost progress and need to restart.

The games I don't really like get thrown out. However for me that mainly happens with old games.
Tempted by the current Indie Gala Monday bundle. That's one I might give into. It has two VN's which are considered very good, so may be a good way for me to check that genre more seriously.

Edit: Bought. So quite a few purchases this months. This group doesn't help! :) Here's the list:

Humble Mobile Bundle 13 ................................ $1
Cryptic Bundle (Bundle Stars) .......................... $2
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition (Android) .... $4
Humble Weekly Bundle: Eye Candy 3 ............ $1
Deus Ex: Human Revolution ............................ $1
Every Monday #66 (Indie Gala) ........................ $2

Edit 2: I'm also going to buy Groupees' Bundle in A Box 5, once M.H.X's Chronicles - Infinite Ocean is unlocked. Sounds to me (based on some YouTube listening) like an album that's worth buying for $1. It will add some games to my backlog though.
Post edited June 30, 2015 by ET3D
I just looked over my order history, and was honestly quite surprised to find that...

..I haven't bought or been given a game on GOG (excluding GOG freebies) that I haven't since played and beaten*, where one can meaningfully do so, since October 2012.

I must say, I am quite pleased with that.

*I have in that period bought Bastion and Mark of the Ninja, but not played them. However, in both those cases I already had the games on other services, and have played them to completion earlier.
I am craving to buy games from a specific developer, but they are not on sale and are not cheap, so I'm trying my hardest not to. I just keep wishing there'd be a sale soon for them. XD It's silly, but it's almost all I can think about. I can't be satisfied with the games I already have. *headdesk*
Fantasysci5: it's almost all I can think about. I can't be satisfied with the games I already have.
You're a married man. Get a grip!
NoxTM: Poopy vacation.
Haven't had one of these yet. Sounds worth exploring, especially for those with constipation problems.
NoxTM: which I loaded, clicked through for five minutes, went "Hmm, this is quite interesting" and then closed for all time
My normal response to games. Well, actually "buy and never install" is the normal.
Post edited July 01, 2015 by ET3D
ET3D: You're a married man. Get a grip!
...I'm a married woman. -_-
I myself may need a support group, because whenever a sale happens and I have disposable income I have a habit of becoming unleashed, despite my having other concerns (work, university, caring for aging parents). I thought that I could keep my purchasing habits under control here on GOG because of the lower game library and the (even lower) availability of games for OS X but judging how my library exploded from freebies to 20+ (fourteen games purchased during the recent Summer Sale) so far it hasn't been the case.

Since the late 1980s every gaming console I purchased eventually had an enormous library of games to go with it, all of them played at least 30 minutes to three hours, many of them unfinished (from the Atari 2600 up to Playstation 2). After the Wii, my penchant for having at least 30-50 games minimum per console tended to drop thanks to the ease of computer gaming.

Steam made my gaming addiction even worse, and if it hadn't been for the constant software issues that the Steam app created for my machine, I would have probably accumulated 200+ games, with about EIGHTY of them untouched due to time constraints. Just like here on GOG, if I see a worthwhile-looking game on sale, I have the annoying habit of buying it now to play about six months later. Those games would eventually be played for a few minutes, and then shoved back on the virtual shelf when another item appears on a sale.

Before giving up Steam (for hardware and personal reasons) I had about 168 games, but only five that I played religiously (Colossal Order's games chief among them). Many of those games were purchased when I had older, weaker hardware (a modified Mac mini), but I assured myself that once I purchased newer hardware I would settle down and play them. I finally purchased hardware which greatly exceeded the softwares' various requirements (a 27" iMac), played those previously-purchased games...and placed them back on the shelf when new sales game along, only to continue playing the OLD games. When I decided that I didn't want to use Steam anymore, I reflected on all of my previous purchases...and decided that I wouldn't miss them.

Now using GOG Galaxy, those former Steam-based purchasing habits have surfaced again, though I'm making it a habit to actually invest more time to COMPLETE the games despite having so few free hours. Still, it's rather worrisome that this behavior persists. I assume it's reasonable to pick up games on sale now to play later as it saves money in the long run, but it's the persistent behavior of the sales that would deem this behavior objectionable. I DO pick up full-priced games once in a while, but when THOSE get added to my backlog, THAT'S when buyer's remorse kicks in.

Just a few minutes ago I purchased Trine 2: Complete Edition (it was on sale and I liked the first one); unfortunately it's almost four in the morning as I write this and I need to get more sleep. After getting up two hours later to run errands and catch up on international news, am I going to actually play Trine 2 on my one day off? Or am I going to attempt to finish Freedom Planet, continue with Pier Solar, or reattempt to understand the confusing controls of Sim City 2000?

Game sales. A blessing and a curse.
ET3D: You're a married man. Get a grip!
Fantasysci5: ...I'm a married woman. -_-
Oh, sorry. Well, I guess your man won't feel bad about you thinking constantly about a game and not about him. Forget what I said.
Post edited July 01, 2015 by ET3D