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^ Used the lockdown time to grow a beard like Gandalf's.
^ Has a collection of his cut toe nails. Grinds and uses them as a spice when his parents-in-law come to visit.
^ Is a private investigator hired by Plokite_Wolf's parents-in-law to investigate the strange taste behind the food served with Plokite_Wolf's secret spices. What a truly dark secret you've uncovered, MightyFloTheKing.
Post edited August 14, 2020 by Vingry
^ He almost founded a death metal band named Toe Jam.
^ Was a co-founder of ZZ Top back in -1 BBB (before big bang). Got kicked out a few thousand years ago when he refused to learn any other instrument besides hitting rocks with his trusted stick to make them roll down the hill causing avalanches and burying their fans alive. Is still bitter about it, but is proud to be the undeniable inventor of Rock'n'Roll.

Edit: Had a quarrel with Thor about who had the best sounding low frequencies.
Post edited August 14, 2020 by MightyFloTheKing
^ Makes low frequencies with his flatulence and bangs pieces of a coconut to sound like he's riding a horse.
^ Listens to such recordings as ASMR to fall asleep
^ Just got hit in the head with a beach ball.

Actually, I listen to Slayer and Pantera to fall asleep.
^ Throws away tires just to get janitors in trouble.
Is GeraldPLRiviosomething's twin brother.
^ Applied for a patent about a procedure to extract water out of ice.
^ He tried to save a Polar Bear floating on a small iceberg in the North Sea.
^ tried to maneuver an iceberg from getting hit by the Titanic.
^ Has invisioned a reverse game of chicken between Hooyaah and young Plinkett.
^ He dreams of reverse engineering the technology from a downed UFO.