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Pay with one click, avoid additional bank fees, and track your gaming budget!

Today, we're rolling out the GOG Wallet, a highly-requested quality-of-life feature aimed at gamers who frequently face international bank fees, use pre-paid debit cards, or prefer the extra convenience and control over their budget.

The GOG Wallet is designed to be user-friendly and flexible: top-up your Wallet with any amount between 5 USD and 500 USD (or the local equivalent) using any payment method; if you're using a pre-paid card, or you're just a bit short on Wallet funds, you can easily combine GOG Wallet funds with other payment methods during checkout. It's easy, fast, and totally safe.

Additionally, any store credit earned with the Fair Price Package (if a product costs more in your country than in the US, we always make up the difference) will now be automatically added to your GOG Wallet funds. Nobody likes to take time out of their gaming to do math, so we're doing it for you!

To kickstart your GOG Wallet and learn about the details, make your way to <span class="bold"></span>.
JMich: Purchased funds shouldn't expire, store credit still will.
Grargar: It's no longer called store credit; it's Wallet funds. Get on with the times. :P
Store Credit is now actually called Free Wallet. Half arsed attempt to correct me, half marks. :P
Taro94: but I thought funds in the wallet now don't expire?
JMich: Purchased funds shouldn't expire, store credit still will.
Store credits will not necessarily expire. From the wallet FAQ:

6. Do GOG Wallet have an expiration date?

GOG Wallet funds purchased by you using real money: no expiry date. GOG Wallet funds provided by us as ‘Free Wallet’ (e.g. in relation to our Fair Price Package): one year expiry date. This can be renewed by a further one year period by new ‘Free Wallet’ being added your account. GOG Wallet funds provided by us as ‘Free Wallet’ combined with GOG Wallet funds purchased by you using real money: no expiry date until that total balance is reduced to zero (at which point the process resets again)
Post edited August 30, 2016 by elgonzo
amrit9037: I wish we will able to see GOG wallet codes soon.
Nothing can beat a GOG wallet gift code for DRM-free goodness as a Birthday Gift.
elgonzo: Why not just giving cash in a nice envelope together with a beautiful birthday card (assuming you can't be bothered to get/make a good birthday gift in the 1st place)? Gift cards/codes are really a shitty present for someone you care about.
On the other hand, they make perfect gifts for someone you love to annoy -- especially if the gift card/code is for a shop the birthday child can't stand... d-:
Seriously. This sounds like something written by a spoiled child. :)
JMich: Store Credit is now actually called Free Wallet. Half arsed attempt to correct me, half marks. :P
Nice try, but you won't deny me the perfect score. It says free Wallet Funds, instead of free Store Credit. :P
Post edited August 30, 2016 by Grargar
JMich: Store Credit is now actually called Free Wallet. Half arsed attempt to correct me, half marks. :P
Grargar: Nice try, but you won't deny me the perfect score. It says free Wallet Funds, instead of free Store Credit. :P
See the ToS, as linked by elgonzo. They call it "Free Wallet", not free Wallet Funds, even if the game pages call it otherwise :P

Edit: And OP mentions Store Credit. So more marks should be removed.
Post edited August 30, 2016 by JMich
elgonzo: Why not just giving cash in a nice envelope together with a beautiful birthday card (assuming you can't be bothered to get/make a good birthday gift in the 1st place)? Gift cards/codes are really a shitty present for someone you care about.
On the other hand, they make perfect gifts for someone you love to annoy -- especially if the gift card/code is for a shop the birthday child can't stand... d-:
Buenro-games: Seriously. This sounds like something written by a spoiled child. :)
Yes. Been spoiled with too many gift cards for shops that don't offer anything i like or need. Seriously, it boggles my mind why people think that gift cards are a good idea. Cash in your hand for the same nominal value has much better purchasing power, because you can buy whatever you want from whatever place you like... (or snort crack with it ;)
JMich: See the ToS, as linked by elgonzo. They call it "Free Wallet", not free Wallet Funds, even if the game pages call it otherwise :P

Edit: And OP mentions Store Credit. So more marks should be removed.
I'll just take GOG's marks for inconsistency.
Post edited August 30, 2016 by Grargar
Buenro-games: Seriously. This sounds like something written by a spoiled child. :)
elgonzo: Yes. Been spoiled with too many gift cards for shops that don't offer anything i like or need. Seriously, it boggles my mind why people think that gift cards are a good idea. Cash in your hand for the same nominal value has much better purchasing power, because you can buy whatever you want from whatever place you like... (or snort crack with it ;)
You're the type that breaks a grandma's heart.

A gift is an act of kindness and generosity. Sad to see your point of view.
Buenro-games: Seriously. This sounds like something written by a spoiled child. :)
elgonzo: Yes. Been spoiled with too many gift cards for shops that don't offer anything i like or need. Seriously, it boggles my mind why people think that gift cards are a good idea. Cash in your hand for the same nominal value has much better purchasing power, because you can buy whatever you want from whatever place you like... (or snort crack with it ;)
Perhaps it's the people who know you're inclined to snort crack with cash who give you the gift cards...
JMich: Purchased funds shouldn't expire, store credit still will.
Grargar: It's no longer called store credit; it's Wallet funds. Get on with the times. :P
Except we apparently have store credit for one last year. Avoiding that confusion might be part of why they went with "Wallet" for the new thing (also, that particular word sounds like it provides a fairly accurate mental picture).


One thing I've wondered about account hacking on GOG: If your account gets hacked, what could someone actually do with it?

-Try to sell it, I suppose. Seems to me that whoever buys a GOG account deserves to lose their money if/when it gets reclaimed.
-Download your games. The best reason I can think of to bother trying to steal a GOG account.
-Buy new games for your account. I guess now they can use some of your money, though GOG might refund that and revoke the games when the account is recovered.
-Remove the games from your account, just to be malicious.
-Post as you on the forums. Oh goodie.

Can they do anything else at all, with it?
elgonzo: Yes. Been spoiled with too many gift cards for shops that don't offer anything i like or need. Seriously, it boggles my mind why people think that gift cards are a good idea. Cash in your hand for the same nominal value has much better purchasing power, because you can buy whatever you want from whatever place you like... (or snort crack with it ;)
Buenro-games: You're the type that breaks a grandma's heart.

A gift is an act of kindness and generosity. Sad to see your point of view.
Yeah. Sad indeed :) You are the wet dream of marketeers. hook, line & sinker...
elgonzo: Yes. Been spoiled with too many gift cards for shops that don't offer anything i like or need. Seriously, it boggles my mind why people think that gift cards are a good idea. Cash in your hand for the same nominal value has much better purchasing power, because you can buy whatever you want from whatever place you like... (or snort crack with it ;)
zlep: Perhaps it's the people who know you're inclined to snort crack with cash who give you the gift cards...
Hahaha... well done, well done... :))))
Post edited August 30, 2016 by elgonzo
nightcraw1er.488: Nice, will enjoy the rise in hacked accounts, fraudulent games appearing everywhere.
Ah, condescending sarcasm, we meet again!
Seems that an account packed with games is already a juicy target. It could have more games on it already than wallet money could buy. Would hackers be bargain-hunters as well, trying to squeeze out as much out of the available funds as possible? Why not cut out the middle-man and simply pirate such games? Why hack people's accounts? If for the pure joy of messing with them, then the wallet doesn't make much of a difference, does it?
It seems that the main argument here is the good ol' adage that the best defense against thieves is to not own anything of value. Stellar observation there, lad! (See? I can be as much of a cunt as you :D!)
Pokemon Go can cause people to crash cars... We can't have that, can we? That HUMANS DYING. Better shut everything down and huddle up in the safety of idle paranoia. After all - every opportunity and every improvement also harbors new dangers. Unacceptable.

I'm sure people here will happily accept constructive criticism, of course. If you have any actionable objections, don't keep us guessing.
No - the perfect solution fallacy ("It's not flawless and harmless; it should not exist!") doesn't count. Neither does relative privation ("There are other things that should've been taken care of!").
Bookwyrm627: Except we apparently have store credit for one last year. Avoiding that confusion might be part of why they went with "Wallet" for the new thing (also, that particular word sounds like it provides a fairly accurate mental picture).
Store credit was introduced back in August 2014 as part of the fair price package. Now, store credit has been renamed to wallet funds. Or maybe. Or not. GOG can't really decide.
Can we get an Insomnia Sale to go with this? :)
avatar To kickstart your GOG Wallet and learn about the details, make your way to <span class="bold"></span>.
I have some questions that I don't see answered anywhere.

1) How does this payment method interact with the gifting restrictions on using a credit card? Can you use Wallet money to buy a game as a gift for someone else, even if you haven't bought the $10 minimum for your account?

2) Can I add money directly to someone else's GOG Wallet from my account? For example, can I increase my sister's Wallet balance without logging in to her account?