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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
low rated
227: Two steps back, one step forward. Every single time.

elcook: At this point, we’d like to thank for all the feedback we received - the good as well as the constructive one. You bring a lot of important feedback regarding GOG, as you are very devoted to the platform, even if you're not the biggest crowd out there.
227: Yes yes, very condescending and whatnot.

You're right that this forum represents those most loyal to the platform, though. You can draw as many social media/other forum users in as you want, but in situations like, say, Kingdom Come: Deliverance's delayed release, that lesser sense of loyalty means they'll just go buy it where it's available instead of waiting. Good luck with all that.
That's a lie. When kingdon come deliverance came out many users who do not belong to gog from their origins waited to buy it in gog. It was enough to go through forums or social networks to read that many users would prefer to have the game later but free of drm. The only thing that was asked was that it incorporate the same steam options.

If gog is going to premiere some new forums I hope that they have a greater moderation. Despite the "campaign" in favor of privacy and publishing the "Disable" view profile "function for customers who care for their privacy!" in different social networks only more than 600 votes have been obtained, which makes it clear that this forum is a minority of the will of the majority of gog users.

In addition many of those who have voted are in favor of not only greater privacy but the evolution of the galaxy platform, achievements, profiles, cloud save, linux ...

However, I am happy that the profiles are optional, even if it is a minority group that we have requested, I believe that privacy is too important.

I also believe that the thread should be closed, the same users always write and in social networks there are many people who are angry with the education of some of them. I nevertheless believe that we must respect each other.
high rated
elcook: ...
Hi elcook. Thanks for sharing the news. I hope that you get a chance to reply to this because there's something I'd like to know.

I really like the new profiles. It's good that they can be disabled, and I have disabled mine, but I would love to be able to to have a public profile. In fact, I'm sure that the overwhelming majority of those disabling their profiles would gladly make their profiles enabled and public if there was a bit of granular privacy control instead of an all-or-nothing choice.

What I'd like to know is: is GOG planning to leave profiles as they are now, or will you be adding granular privacy controls in the near future?

Personally, I want the ability to have a profile and make certain things public while keeping other things private, like this:

- Gameplay stats about me are private. I don't want total hours played, total achievements, stats for a particular game, etc. displayed anywhere - not on the top-right corner of my profile, not on friends lists, not anywhere at all.
- Gameplay activity is also private. I don't want a list of recently-played games on my profile, and I don't want "started playing", gameplay milestone or achievement messages about me appearing on my profile or in other people's activity feeds.
- (Related to that, but not strictly concerning Profiles as such, I don't want GOG to display what I'm "currently playing" anywhere, and I especially don't want Galaxy to give my friends an alert telling them when I launch a game.)
- Everything I publish on gog is public, so if I make "thoughts" on my profile or review a game or create a new forum topic then those can appear on my profile and on my friends' activity feeds.
- I'd like my list of games owned to be public (but, of course, not my gameplay stats). My wishlist being public is nice (I'm glad we can still have this while our profiles are disabled). My friends list can also be public as long as it doesn't leak stats about people who don't want their stats leaked.
- My profile page itself would be public, but wouldn't have a "recently played games" list because when and what I play is my business alone.

Please, please encourage management and dev to add enough granularity for that to be possible. Then I and many others would be using our profiles happily.
low rated
Anamon: Wow, this thing has escalated.

I won't deny that the initial blunder by GOG shouldn't have happened; especially in these times where people are so sensitised to data protection and privacy, it's difficult to understand how this implementation of profiles passed all the screenings and was rolled out in that shape.

Then again, I feel like many people here (as in many other places on the web) have a tendency to overdramatise. Deleting your profile, vowing to never shop here again, and never recommend the site to friends again? Regardless of if people actually follow through with that – I guess around 99% of those making those kinds of statements usually don't – I wonder what they were expecting.

The feedback was acknowledged, initial remedies implemented within a week's time. Name another company that reacts this quickly and actively to a customer request, or that even reacts at all. Same as the initial implementation, which, yes, shouldn't have passed all the rounds in the way that it did, this change too will have needed many approvals and careful planning execution. If nothing else, to not accidentally make things even worse. A week's turnaround is amazing!

I've been following the Spotify forums on a few major, breaking (to me) bugs reported by hundreds of people, over the last three years. Most of it is ignored completely. A few lucky ones got an official acknowledgement, but nothing happened anyway. Inquiries get diverted back to the forums where every feedback is ignored. I've also followed bugs from other major companies, such as Adobe, which sometimes were left reported and confirmed for 6, 8, 10+ years. At the top of my head, I can't think of any bigger site or software developer besides GOG where turnaround, with actual remedies, is measured in days, instead of months or years (or infinities).

Even accepting that the initial backlash was warranted, I really can't find the big issue with either the way or the timeframe in which GOG reacted to it. Any other site wouldn't have even graced it with a response. Where else would we buy our games? As far as I know, GOG is still pretty much the only download store that doesn't actively and deliberately screw over its customers, in ways much worse than this.
Stop being reasonable and level headed! Post something overdramatic,whiney and dumb instead like:

"My best bud GOG just broke my trust! Only dumb sheeple can buy from this store,that's run by data stealing Zuckerberg friends!"

If only those people realised their trust is utterly worthless when they have such an unhealthy obsession over an online store that at the end of the day only cares about profit,just like everyone else.
Post edited April 30, 2018 by Mr.Caine
high rated
avatar Your profile is now online.
I'm happy to say: no it's not (anymore) :)
Post edited April 30, 2018 by goglin
With this change, I've reconsidered. I terminated the deletion process for my profile.
low rated
gamesfreak64: nice translation some parts are different then the default replies we get from the blues but your version is to the point and clear.

The blue reply reminds me of some referendum voting we had in years ago and recently, the outcome was not what the govt expected (suprise) so they ignored it... seems that they only like to see positive reactions and pro- reactions, meaning only things that are for a change will be heard and the rest, well the rest can whatever on it ....
sad.... very sad ...... cause GOG was different from the rest , on its own like a last man standing ..... 1 vs the world ....
but they gave in because resistance is futile .....
Dalthnock: Yup, it's always easier to go with the flow.

Referendums are nice, we've had a few, and they're always repeated ad nauseam until the outcome is what the government wants, at which point it becomes definitive.

However, it's not all doom & gloom. I mean, look at all the nice Christians in this thread, turning the other cheek to GOG's underhanded verbal slaps. It warms the heart.
not every Christian turns the other cheek we have many who wont turn the other cheek unless they are heavy supporters of a Christian party ( CDA , CU, maybe SGP )
Well done, GOG, I knew it was a matter of time that you'd take the criticism into account and introduce relevant modifications to the feature.

It's true you often take long to do stuff... Galaxy beta development being a prime example of that, so I'm not surprised it took a while to get this one, too, and I'm pretty certain it's because of your "own tempo" thing rather than some malice you're being accused of.

I'm quite happy for the introduction of this setting, too, even though I'm happy with my public profile myself. :) Great that everyone can now be happy, whether they want to keep everything to themselves or not!
Post edited April 30, 2018 by Taro94
Great post! Personally, I'd also welcome the option to have the personalized message (currently labeled "About you") displayed even if much of the other stuff in the profile is set to private. It could be very helpful e.g. for clarifying if and how you would like friend requests or not, or similar things.
low rated
elcook: The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Orders & Settings” options, under Privacy tab. Hope this will address your and others concerns regarding GOG Profiles.
Serren: It certainly appears so. I'd say "thanks", but it would feel insincere and unethical to express gratitude just because GOG finally decided to respect the privacy/security of customers. What I will say is that in this instance, you did what you were supposed to. You eventually did the responsible thing.

Now if only there was an option to set classic installers as default downloads instead of trying to sneak Galaxy on to everyone's computers, I wouldn't have any complaints about
Stop with it already.

When you go shopping and the cashier returns your change, do you also refrain from saying "thank you" and instead say "HUH, I'd say THANK YOU, but you're only doing what you should be doing, so NA-AH"?

Even if GOG wronged the community, it's already been redeemed, I feel, by having to endure the bullshit of some people.
Post edited April 30, 2018 by Taro94
high rated
Taro94: When you go shopping and the cashier returns your change, do you also refrain from saying "thank you" and instead say "HUH, I'd say THANK YOU, but you're only doing what you should be doing, so NA-AH"?
When you go shopping and the cashier doesn't give you your change, you call them out on it, then then give you your change..

If you are going to make analogies, they should at least be somewhat bit-for-bit.
high rated
Thank you GoG for allowing those of us who do not wish to participate in profiles to disable them entirely. However, before profiles were introduced, the account link at the top of the web page (immediately after "SUPPORT˅") used to default to the account's game page. Now it defaults to the "feed" page. When the profile is disabled, this means that clicking that link (at least on MY browser) links to a 404 page, since I no longer have a feed.

Since you've already gone the half-measure to allow us to disable unwanted profile features, why not take the next step and ensure that doing so doesn't break your website. Set that link back to for those people who have profiles disabled, and for those people who have them enabled.

Thanks in advance.
high rated
Your gift is your curse. Your consumer friendly practices and lack of DRM has attracted an audience who really values that stuff, like me.

But it also means you'll get intense backlash if you are ever perceived to be acting against consumer interests, in this case privacy. If you had the ability to opt-out from the get go you could have side stepped most of the backlash.

It's funny how Valve's product Steam has had this forever and you really don't see people saying anything about it, but you guys got slammed.

Overall I'm glad you are adding this kind of functionality and I easily found the original privacy settings, which I tweaked to my preference.

You guys probably deserve more benefit of the doubt at this point but with the passionate users you have I don't think that's happening. Keep up the good work.
low rated
Taro94: When you go shopping and the cashier returns your change, do you also refrain from saying "thank you" and instead say "HUH, I'd say THANK YOU, but you're only doing what you should be doing, so NA-AH"?
xyem: When you go shopping and the cashier doesn't give you your change, you call them out on it, then then give you your change..

If you are going to make analogies, they should at least be somewhat bit-for-bit.
No analogy is bit-by-bit, or it'd not be an analogy. If you're not content after what you requested has been granted, then I wouldn't be surprised if at some point GOG just decided it's not worth the effort to care if you're ape-shit mad either way.

Or, if you have a good reason to continue throwing dung at GOG in this thread after they've done what everyone had wanted, then please enlighten me. I'm sure there still remains something grand you can achieve this way now.
Post edited April 30, 2018 by Taro94
Hi! Please add a way to redirect to a user's profile via their GOG User ID. This will allow developers using the Galaxy SDK to open profiles of players in lobbies in the browser.
high rated
Lukaszmik: This does not assuage my privacy concerns, seeing how Facebook is now a "trusted partner,"
Gersen: I have seen peoples saying that multiple times, but is it actually official or is it just the fallacy of "Gog uses Facebook authentication API as an optional authentication method; Gog has trusted partners; therefore Facebook is a Trusted partner"
What do you expect, GOG to put up a "hey guys, thanks for all the data, we sold it to Facebook and got a lot of money from it!" announcement?

Look at the whole thing. Facebook integration at the same time when a huge scandal erupts around it, but a month before GDPR puts greater restrictions on any "data-trading," at least for information of EU residents. Facebook does nothing for free, and they rely on data-mining stream to support their "free integration" code that also happens to be targeted trackers.

For that matter, two days ago there were some tweaks to GOG site I suddenly got the "log in with Facebook" blue image again. Normally it's something that is blocked in several ways by my computer, so I went and examined the code. The element was (temporarily - it disappeared in the next two hours when I came back) hosted on GOG subdomain, which would explain its sudden reappearance. The login had an associated "token" with it with a value that was a rather lengthy hash. Based on past experience with Facebook API, it was hardware/software fingerprints. Now, the question is whether or not the token value is only transmitted when user runs the login script, or if it is part of request obtaining the "log in with Facebook" element when they are hosted on FB's servers. Again, based on past experience I'd strongly suspect the latter - Facebook loves its data.

That anecdote aside, also consider the way GOG implemented profiles. Are they "opt-in" by design? No, rather the contrary. Is there any technological reason why that whole part of the "GOG experience" (I fucking hate the RP twists there) could not be completely disassociated with people who do not intentionally initiate it? Hell no.

Which means GOG has an invested interest in getting as much information that way as possible. Would they have that information without "profiles?" Yes, but implementation of that element also means actual need to store that data. Also, the implementation of profiles (and, for that matter, the facebook login) is a rather substantial investment of money. That means GOG expects a return on it somehow, and I really doubt it is intended to come from some GabeN fanboi going "Oh, hey, profiles, I'll start shopping on GOG instead!"

Then there is the Privacy Policy, where GOG has been steadily and cheerfully ignoring requests to tighten it up against data mining (and trading) since even before the previous version of it actually went into effect. I know because I was a part of that "conversation."

The timing, the implementation approach, the lack of limitations in Privacy Policy (and rather contrary, the clause allowing GOG to "trusted partner" ANYBODY without limitations and subsequently quite legally exchange any and all information with that entity in a legal way)... all point that way.

Remember that GOG is a for-profit company, limited only by legal agreements (first and foremost), and occasionally the potential for bad PR as a result of some actions (which seems rather easy to counter without veering of the intended course anyway). If there is no legal protection against data mining and trading (and you can bet your ass the "small" changes to the Privacy Policy a few days ago were subject of intense scrutiny by specialist lawyers precisely to leave the policy as broad as possible while complying with the phrasing of the provisions of GDPR), it will happen. Such information is in too high of a demand, and too profitable.

Especially when there is a strong signaling from at least a portion of customers that they do not care either way.

Steam does it. Humble Bundle does it. Uplay and Origin damn sure do it...

The fucking ironic part is that GOG could use protection of users' privacy exactly in the same way they did DRM-free stance - to bolster their market presence by offering a much more appealing choice to the general public.

Instead they prefer to run with the herd for short-term gains.
MariusHispano: However, I am happy that the profiles are optional, even if it is a minority group that we have requested, I believe that privacy is too important.
"Publicity" not privacy.

That data is still collated and stored, to better to sell it when convenient (if it hasn't happened already).

MariusHispano: I also believe that the thread should be closed, the same users always write and in social networks there are many people who are angry with the education of some of them. I nevertheless believe that we must respect each other.
Perhaps the anger comes from the fact that anybody "educated" about "social networks" would hardly be in favor of their presence as currently implemented.

You have heard about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, haven't you? We are long past the point where the weaponization of social media is just a speculation.
Post edited April 30, 2018 by Lukaszmik