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Freedom of choice. Optional client. Cross-play. Coming soon to all gamers!

Earlier today (or was it yesterday for you?), during the [url=]CD Projekt RED and’s Summer Conference we dropped the news about our next big step forward! has always been home to more and more of the the best games in history (for Windows and Mac), both classic and new. Differing in shapes, flavors, and sizes they had one thing in common: they were mostly single-player, and our focus was mainly on the experience of a singular gamer. If that's your thing, nothing really will change. You can always enjoy your favorite games 100% DRM-free on, with no need to activate your game online or remain connected to play your single-player title. Just like has always been about.. But what if you want to play with your friends?

Today we are excited to announce GOG Galaxy, a truly gamer-friendly, 100% DRM-free online gaming platform that will finally provide the community with the easy option to play together online. GOG Galaxy will allow you to share your achievements, stay in touch with your pals and get the updates for your games automatically. We've developed this technology to improve your experience. We think GOG Galaxy really deserves your attention and we hope many of you will give it a try! But, here's the great thing: it is totally optional, so it's all up to you! If you do not want to play online, or use our optional client to access these features, then no worries, you will always be able to play the single-player mode 100% DRM-free, and download manually the latest updated version of your favorite title from our website. Now, for one more feature we call cross-play. We always believed in an open world for gamers, with no obligation to be tied to a specific platform or client; and this is why GOG Galaxy will allow gamers to play with their buddies who use Steam, without any need to use any 3rd party client or account, nothing, nada. We’re taking care of connecting and Steam players, so just sit back, relax and give it a try.

See the outtake from the CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference

Talking of which, we are proud to announce the soon-to-come launch of the beta phase for The Witcher Adventure Game, a faithful adaptation of the board game of the same title. It allows up to 4 players to play together, whether they use Steam or Cross-play at its finest! If you wanna get the chance to try it out, please visit and sign up to get in the queue for your beta access key. You can also simply take advantage of our amazing [url=]pre-order offer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which includes 2 beta access keys for he Witcher Aventure Game, delivered to you as soon as we start handing them out to public.

We believe GOG Galaxy has the power to provide the best of both worlds. Playing the single player mode of your favorite game, 100% DRM-free, while still having the OPTION to use our soon-to-come client for an enhanced experience (auto-patching, achievements, and much more) or play online with other (and Steam) players if you so wish.

There will be more GOG Galaxy titles coming up this year, so stay tuned for more news and get the word around!
Post edited June 06, 2014 by G-Doc
Shendue: Being overly dramatic won't deny the simple truth that being CAREFUL (not paranoid, mind, careful) is the only reason the whole human genre didn't vanish in the belly of T-Rexes long ago.
SkeleTony: Uh...not to turn into 'Science Nazi' but humans did not exist when the T-rex existed. Also, you are trying to label paranoia as "being careful" when there is a clear difference. Conspiracy theorists are paranoid. Police are careful. Doomsday cultists are paranoid. Paramedics are careful. People who live by the 'Slippery slope' fallacy are paranoid, not careful.
Really? Then i guess i've been influenced too much by the depiction of prehistory in popular culture, which pretty much always shows stuff like cavemen fighting T-Rexes. Sorry, i'm not well versed in history, i honestly apologize for the bad example. The concept is still valid, tho. Being careful isn't a bad thing. Actually, it's essential for living.
About your examples of paranoia, i agree, but those are totally unrelatable to my case, which is way more similar to your depiction of how paramedics and police act. Police, firemen, paramedics, all do prevention, and don't limit themselves to reacting to problems.
The main difference between conspiracy theorists or doomsday cultists who spread paranoia and people who just express reasonable concerns is that paranoids do not have any real example or experience of those threats they are supposedly preparing for. Would you in all honesty tell me that you never ever heard of a company with good intentions disappointing their customers due to bad business decisions? Because this is what i'm talking about, and it doesn't seem to me to be something as far-fetched as fearing lizard aliens that secretly infiltrated society and rule the world. It seems reasonable concern.
Being ASBSOLUTELY SURE that the thing will go downhill in the worst possible way, now THAT would be paranoid, but, again, i've never wrote something like that. It's just some people that is reading that into what i wrote. Stop trying reading between the lines some implied meaning that it wasn't meant at all. I'm usually very careful about what i want to say (or write, in this case), so if i meant something like that, i would have wrote it explicitly. I just expressed a legitimate concern so that GOG will hopefully take note and act consequently.
Post edited June 07, 2014 by Shendue
Love it. GoG Galaxy is the future and I support it 100%
I don't care about multiplayer, but GOG desperately needs a client. On the other hand, GOG can't even program a functional search engine for their forums. Wait and see, I guess.
WhiteElk: But this is an industry issue which GOG can not change. Though GOG Galaxy and its community has potential to influence how the future of MP Gaming will play out.
JohnnyDollar: With the gaming industry the way it is, there is no perfect way that GOG can implement this. There's going to be some that reject it no matter what.

Heck, I might even reject it. :P It's all a bit vague right now.
Yep, we'll have to see how it plays out. But is a brave, bold and possibly brilliant move. Time tells the wisdom of it. There are glorious opportunities here. i wish for my best expectations of Galaxy to be true ;-p
Looks like a good thing, can't see myself ever using it.
But for them as want it, it'll keep GOG front and centre.
BadDecissions: . On the other hand, GOG can't even program a functional search engine for their forums. Wait and see, I guess.
The forum seems to be based on some funky custom temple/engine/design which cant be altered very easily (at least that's what i guestimate as reason why we have hardly seem any changes or updates since it came out of beta).
Pheace: It still does exactly what you're condemning there, for the multiplayer part of the game.
WhiteElk: We cannot post on these forums unless we signed up for We can be banned from the forums, but don't lose our games. Why should Galaxy be any different?
Because the forums aren't necessary for any element of gameplay.

Now -if- Galaxy is the only way to play mutliplayer for certain games, that would make it completely different from the forums. If it isn't then awesome- it's a value-adding service and that's fantastic. I would love it and use it and be delighted to see GOG grow in that direction.

I have huge respect for the GOG team and what they've accomplished (and a long list of game purchases to prove it). I mean, they basically convinced publishers to walk away from one of the industry's most deeply held, irrational beliefs and then proved it was a good idea. They set up a fantastic business model and proved that nothing catastrophic happens if you sell your customer a game without a padlock on it and let them play it without standing over their shoulder with a shotgun. I just hope they're doing the same thing with this- letting them play it with friends without showing up with the shotgun after all.

The only way that's going to happen is if multiplayer modes are still usable without Galaxy- that's it's no more mandatory for multiplayer than for singleplayer. Otherwise GOG would be splitting into two business models: their current unique, beautiful, empowering and respectful model for single-player games, and then a very ordinary model for multi-player games that would just happen to share some of the same branding.

I don't think anyone is even saying this early that we know anything about which direction they're taking. These questions are just us (those of us for whom this is a very important part of why we love GOG) trying to figure out which of these paths they're going down with this.
Absentmindedcat: Looks like a good thing, can't see myself ever using it.
But for them as want it, it'll keep GOG front and centre.
Agreed. Choice is vitally important.
silalus: Because the forums aren't necessary for any element of gameplay.

But forum-like Online Profiles are. That is what is required, not terminator access to your games, nor watchdog interference. Online Profiles are simply a matter of necessity for main-stream online multi-player.

Now beyond that, players ought have the freedom to host their own public or private LAN and Online MP Networks. But this is for publishers and others who decide. Is out of Gogs realm. Though the Galaxy community may leverage some change in this regard. But for now, it ain't so. So Gog cannot do that. But i think Gog is doing the next best thing. And by doing so is establishing a beach-head from which we may continue to press for freedom to play as we wish.
Post edited June 08, 2014 by WhiteElk
It would be great if they don't implement an installation & download system similar to Steam and only use the client to easily access your library to download the actual installers/patches in a temporary folder (similar to GamersGate instead but without authentication after download). That way they don't have to add unnecessary coding like Steam and members will have the choice to easily copy those installers and patches to a back up drive (this could be implemented in a GUI of the installation to streamline it) combined with the fact that you don't have to open a browser to search your library.

Convenience, security, efficiency.
Here is a new one Galaxy reminds me
I once had a satalite dish in my yard from Galaxy
for TV you could just about get any channel you wanted
and you paid so much a month for the service.
wasn't that expensive the dish was the expensive part.
Really I did.
Nirth: It would be great if they don't implement an installation & download system similar to Steam and only use the client to easily access your library to download the actual installers/patches in a temporary folder (similar to GamersGate instead but without authentication after download).

Convenience, security, efficiency.
This is what I want too! I wish we could know the answer ahead of time. GOG seems pretty mysterious about this aspect.
Nirth: It would be great if they don't implement an installation & download system similar to Steam and only use the client to easily access your library to download the actual installers/patches in a temporary folder (similar to GamersGate instead but without authentication after download).

Convenience, security, efficiency.
Nicole28: This is what I want too! I wish we could know the answer ahead of time. GOG seems pretty mysterious about this aspect.
Instead of a temporary folder, I would rather show it the path where I want my installers downloaded to. Not only for archival purposes, but so that I can install them later without the client if I so choose.

I assume this will be the case. That'll be nuts if they don't offer that. We might as well all just migrate to Steam. :P
Post edited June 08, 2014 by JohnnyDollar
Galaxy is looking good!! Will it also be like a game launcher with box art and a short description of the game? Lack of a physical box has always been (at least for me) one of the things missing when buying a digital game. With box scans it just makes a game feel complete. And when is it going to be released? Can't wait to try it
JohnnyDollar: Instead of a temporary folder, I would rather show it the path where I want my installers downloaded to. Not only for archival purposes, but so that I can install them later without the client if I so choose.
Indeed but choices! Not everyone has space so it must be an option in the client and default should likely be temporary so people who isn't too knowledgeable won't accidentally download so many installers that space is eaten up and they don't know why.