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i go right ahead and beat up some people in tavern brawls.

this week it's like the spider week, but with summoning portals: you toss one up in the air, you get a random guy [who costs a bit less] - there are a few spells in each deck, but mostly [unless they're mage or priest or more control-oriented classes] they're not much to write home about:
blog post!

do you want something uncomfortable to read that'll make you pause and wonder where we're headed?

well, you should definitely look into aldous huxley's "brave new world." i read it and came away startled:
larry goes to atlantic city.

and, of course, he gambles. he also meets the next lady on his list. whilst roller-blading, no less.

i do that off-screen, though, because it's pretty tedious.
brandon mixes some music!

...i mean, he mixes some paint!, actually, he mixes some alchemical potions!

see all of that here:
hearthstone is having a masked ball, and you're cordially invited.

at least, so long as you're smaller than the mask you're wearing.

it's this week's theme for the tavern brawl, and, of course, everyone ends up in a fight ;)

the reivew will be happening late this week, because i'm doing a massive re-install :)
larry goes wrestling in mud!

meanwhile, patti starts digging up some dirt on pc hammer and gets...a little more than she bargained for. somehow, she gets tangled up with a photocopier. ;)
i am aware there's going to be hissiness over this, but i was over at that other place playing magic duels: origins. i can't help it. i love magic.

anyhow. once you get over your hissing, i wrote a review. spoiler: avoid the game AT ALL COSTS!
brandon finally has about as much as he can take from malcolm and, well, the sparks fly.

but not before kyrandia puts one last maze in our path.

and that's it for this game. next week! something new :)

thanks to everyone for watching, as always:
there's no real good way to describe the next game we're playing without just basically calling it a massive acid trip.

so welcome, everyone, to inca.

a crazy coktel vision game:
Post edited August 14, 2015 by lostwolfe
i watched the awesome, dark comedy "jesus henry christ" - these are my thoughts on that movie:
patti finally takes her shower in larry 5...and it gets a bit weird after that.

she does, however, get some incriminating evidence against pc hammer.
i start the manliest of manly games, this week, rex nebular!

not really, though. rex is about as much of a man as larry is, which is to say: he thinks he's god's gift to women, but he isn't, really ;)
can't wait for hearthstone's grand tournament to come out?

well, go play tavern brawl, then. it has some previews for the cards :)

which is exactly what i show off, this week:
some blasting through a maze later and el dorado gets his hands on the power of time in inca.

of course, that means we have to take it back to home base and...well...more shooting happens :P