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4:1 (but too little information here really…)
1. I'm going to go with option three. What good could possibly come of the good folks of Gogan voting? Just look at the state of the official wishlist and all the good it does around here. Clearly, it is little more than a frivolous waste of everyone's time that could be much better spent buying and playing the many games on offer to our fine citizens for low low prices
2. Hmm. Uranium can power nuclear plants. Nuclear plants generate electricity. Electricity that can be used to the PCs, servers and internet infrastructure necessary to the purchase and playing of the many quality games available to the citizens of Gogan. Why does it even need to be asked? Mine that shit up right the fuck now, rainforests be damned.
3. I say allow it. Cured diseases means longer lifespans for citizens, which of course means more time to play our games. It's a no-brainer, really.
4. I say give them a raise. Pizza is the staple diet of gamers everywhere, and without the hard work of our delivery workers, we'd all be forced to go all the way to the pizza shop and pick it up ourselves, then not only go all the way back home, but do all of that while carrying an entire pizza. I think I speak for us all when I say that the good folks who save us from such an inhumane existence most certainly deserve only the greatest honour our fine nation can afford.
Hesusio: 2. Hmm. Uranium can power nuclear plants. Nuclear plants generate electricity. Electricity that can be used to the PCs, servers and internet infrastructure necessary to the purchase and playing of the many quality games available to the citizens of Gogan. Why does it even need to be asked?
But what happens if they make nukes, which result in a nuclear war? That contradicts your point number 3!

Besides, if there was a nuclear war, terrible apocalyptic things could happen! The GOG database could be...wiped! Games could disappear from existence across the nation!

Meanwhile, we have plenty of electricity to fuel our games already. We need better technology. And money.
Hesusio: 2. Hmm. Uranium can power nuclear plants. Nuclear plants generate electricity. Electricity that can be used to the PCs, servers and internet infrastructure necessary to the purchase and playing of the many quality games available to the citizens of Gogan. Why does it even need to be asked?
pi4t: But what happens if they make nukes, which result in a nuclear war? That contradicts your point number 3!

Besides, if there was a nuclear war, terrible apocalyptic things could happen! The GOG database could be...wiped! Games could disappear from existence across the nation!

Meanwhile, we have plenty of electricity to fuel our games already. We need better technology. And money.
That'd only happen if we sell it to someone who both hates us and can make nukes. I like to think we're at least smart enough to know that's a bad idea, what with most of us having played DEFCON and all.

Besides, even if nuclear war breaks out, all it means is we all get to LARP Fallout for a while. How bad could it possibly be?
Post edited April 10, 2013 by Hesusio
pi4t: But what happens if they make nukes, which result in a nuclear war? That contradicts your point number 3!

Besides, if there was a nuclear war, terrible apocalyptic things could happen! The GOG database could be...wiped! Games could disappear from existence across the nation!

Meanwhile, we have plenty of electricity to fuel our games already. We need better technology. And money.
Hesusio: That'd only happen if we sell it to someone who both hates us and can make nukes. I like to think we're at least smart enough to know that's a bad idea, what with most of us having played DEFCON and all.

Besides, even if nuclear war breaks out, all it means is we all get to LARP Fallout for a while. How bad could it possibly be?
But...but...what happens if it destroys all the computers with the games on? Newer games in development would be particularly vulnerable. It's entirely possible, for instance, that all the new consoles being made would be destroyed, and we'd never be able to rebuild them! The internet might go down, and no one would be able to implement always online DRM! We'd be back in the bad old days, when game developers didn't sell a single game because of pirates! Only the oldest of games, spread amongst so many countries on disks, and computers, would be likely to survive! Everyone would be left playing Planescape: Torment, Morrowind, etc!

...Yeah, maybe a nuclear war isn't such a bad idea after all...
Post edited April 10, 2013 by pi4t
Oh, and the flag of course.
gogistan.png (213 Kb)
Allright, I'll count the votes (most are already done, through the magic of online document editing and trying to keep up to date with new votes).

Votes after this post are ignored until I post the next issue (and then only that issue shall be handled).

I have set up a folder in Google Drive, to keep a history over the voting and issues.

For everyone making flags: I'll give you one more day (we'll start voting on it this time tomorrow, and go for a day) - there are quite a few nice entries already so more are not really needed, but I want to give everyone time to prepare before the deadline.

Lifthrasil: Oh, and the flag of course.
Doesn't follow the rules though, resize it to 107-by-67 px.
Post edited April 10, 2013 by Maighstir
==== Overview ====
The Free Land of Gogan is a fledgling, pleasant nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate, hard-working, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The small government concentrates mainly on Defence, although Commerce and Social Welfare are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 16%. A small private sector is led by the Pizza Delivery industry, followed by Cheese Exports and Soda Sales.

Crime is a problem, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Gogan's national animal is the Goglodyte, and its currency is the Gog.

==== Issues ====
As there can only be 5 unsolved issues at a time, and the government (us, that is) has decided on a position just recently, I can only present one issue today (any more will not be brought to our attention the ones decided on takes effect). As far as Nationstates is concerned, the position on any issue can be changed up until the position is finally adopted, but to make it easier for me, I have set a cutoff as per my last post.

The overview will not be changed until the positions are formally adopted, which will take another 8 hours or so.

Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed (issue 5)
Tempers flare in Gogan as civil libertarians and the healthcare lobby clash once again over mandatory post-mortem organ donation.

1: "It's not as crazy as it sounds," says Dr. Bharatendu de Jong. "Every day, people die because we don't have the organs to save them. Well, that and widespread under-funding of the health system. But the point is, if the government allowed us to take organs from dead people, we could save hundreds of lives a year. And come on, it's not like dead people need them."

2: "You keep your damn hands off my organs!" says alarmed hospital patient Gretel McAlpin. "They are my organs, and I'll do with them what I like. The government has no right to my body."
MGT: Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed (issue 5)
Yes. A better option would be an opt-out Organ Donor system, meaning that anyone who doesn't say no is fair game, but that's not an option.
Alive person matters more than a dead one and the dead won't use those organs any more. Most people doesn't care anyways.
If possible - make it that if someone directly states he doesn't want his organs taken and carries this statement with him (like now you have to have written premission to take organs) - then let the greedy bastard take them to feed the maggots. Otherwise - take organs, save lifes.
Compulsory Organ Harvesting Proposed - 2

I like the cut of that patient's jib
Definitely 2.
Something like this should be voluntary.
I vote for option 3 - JMich's opting out scheme :)
This isn't completely new information (it's at least an hour old), but I thought it would be good to have it in a new post rather than an edit.

This same information is in the OP and in post 53.

Current state of the nation can be looked up on Nationstates.
History of current and past issues, and the voting results for the same, can be found on Google Docs.

Flag makers: You have until about 22.00 (10 PM) CET on Thursday, April 11th (about 22 hours from this post) to make a flag, voting begins after that.

amok: I vote for option 3 - JMich's opting out scheme :)
We don't have enough information, it might be that this is the case already, or that it will be the case if option 2 gets passed (I doubt that though).
Post edited April 10, 2013 by Maighstir