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OK,this is somewhat common to me but I gotta ask: Anyone here's doing a Halloween marathon? And of what?
There's a lot of what you can do like:
Mystery Science Theater marathon
B movies
Slashers(the most common)
Eastern horror movies
Twilight Zone(the 1959 version is the most popular to watch)
Video Nasties
Really,there's a lot of possibilities and are you guys gonna watch it by yourselves or invite some friends?
I'm,for example,will dust off my 1959 Twilight Zone DVD collection and watch it through the night.
If GOG bother to release Costume Quest 2 I could probably play the two of them back to back (a weekends gaming), else nothing really.

I am not really a Halloween person, but I do enjoy an hour or so of the fireworks.
I have in the past watched the Dracula movies from the '70s that starred Christopher Lee and Basil Rathbone. Another one
is the old Kolchak Night Stalker series.
I tried it once, but really, running 42 kilometers dressed as the Dracula isn't really my thing.
Terraria marathon, with their cool Halloween extras. :D
Post edited October 14, 2015 by tinyE
I saw that as "Halloween murderthon" which works really really well. :)

I love the old Twilight Zones - I was basically raised on them because my parents loved them in high school (as did all high schoolers during the original run I guess).

No marathon for me. Going to a show in Portland. I'm not a big Halloween fan, but will turn to my old standby if a costume is required of me. I pull off a great Richie Tenenbaum! :)
Post edited October 14, 2015 by budejovice
Hollywood does such a shitty disservice to this holiday. It's all teeny bopper slasher crap. Nothing to do with the holiday itself and the imagery and stylism and culture of it.

A couple years ago there was a couple Halloweeny movies out at once. Frankenweenie and Paranorman. Those were pretty nice.

So because movies only treat Halloween in one way does anybody have any Halloween literature recommendations? Novel or comic books? I like when superhero books do Halloween themed stories. More spooky than scary or gory. Something that highlights the culture and style of halloween.

Or games. Suggest games. I already have a couple that I'm going to play, some from suggestions from the community. I haven't gotten to em' yet because I like to finish games before I move on and I'm now I'm playing a bunch at once because I wasn't having so much fun with some, and this further cuts into how quickly I get down (edit: typo. meatn [edit: typo. meant. haha] done. haha) with all of them. Still, I'm gonna install them soon.
Post edited October 14, 2015 by johnnygoging
johnnygoging: Hollywood does such a shitty disservice to this holiday. It's all teeny bopper slasher crap. Nothing to do with the holiday itself and the imagery and stylism and culture of it.

A couple years ago there was a couple Halloweeny movies out at once. Frankenweenie and Paranorman. Those were pretty nice.

So because movies only treat Halloween in one way does anybody have any Halloween literature recommendations? Novel or comic books? I like when superhero books do Halloween themed stories. More spooky than scary or gory. Something that highlights the culture and style of halloween.

Or games. Suggest games. I already have a couple that I'm going to play, some from suggestions from the community. I haven't gotten to em' yet because I like to finish games before I move on and I'm now I'm playing a bunch at once because I wasn't having so much fun with some, and this further cuts into how quickly I get down with all of them. Still, I'm gonna install them soon.
Check out The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, book and/or movie as both are good.
johnnygoging: Hollywood does such a shitty disservice to this holiday. It's all teeny bopper slasher crap. Nothing to do with the holiday itself and the imagery and stylism and culture of it.

A couple years ago there was a couple Halloweeny movies out at once. Frankenweenie and Paranorman. Those were pretty nice.

So because movies only treat Halloween in one way does anybody have any Halloween literature recommendations? Novel or comic books? I like when superhero books do Halloween themed stories. More spooky than scary or gory. Something that highlights the culture and style of halloween.

Or games. Suggest games. I already have a couple that I'm going to play, some from suggestions from the community. I haven't gotten to em' yet because I like to finish games before I move on and I'm now I'm playing a bunch at once because I wasn't having so much fun with some, and this further cuts into how quickly I get down with all of them. Still, I'm gonna install them soon.
Ric1987: Check out The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, book and/or movie as both are good.
thanks for the suggestion I shall. :)
My favorite Halloween movie is Salem's Lot (based off the Steven King novel)
I've watched it every year on Halloween since I was a little girl

There are a lot of scary/horror movies on Netflix right now that I could marathon but I'll have to weed out the crappy ones first. Watching a movie shouldn't be a chore lol.
it's probably just gonna be repeated viewings of Nightmare before Xmas, Coraline, ParaNorman, and any other cool and spooky animation for me.
I do something of a movie marathon every year for halloween, just not in one day. Usually it's something like a "halloween week" with a movie every day or every second day. As I don't watch too many horrors usually I use this as an excuse to sort of force myself to go outside my usuall comfort zone a little, and also to seek out some lesser known curious looking movies (The Keep, Shadow of the Vampire), as well as see some classics I didn't get around too before (Omen, The Fly). I usually also throw in some B-movie into the mix, like the Re-Animator, to lighten the mood with something fun-scary rather than just serious horrors.
Just the usual Halloween routine: a marathon of eating candy, followed by a marathon of feeling sick and passing out from hyperglycemia.
Horror movies marathon sounds good since I don't plan to throw a party this year. Thanks for idea, l0rdtr3k! ;) Probably I should check that "Twilight Zone" thing from 1959! I know the name from horror movies and cartoons but never actualy watched it.

For marathon I will stick with classic horror and b-movies, probably. Halloween is a good time for catching up and I just can't resist watching crappy gore movies.

EDIT: Any horror movies recommendations?
Post edited October 14, 2015 by bykowsky
Too late for Halloween, I just saw a Xmas ad on TV.