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Claim your own spot under the Great Sun.

The Emperor's troops are invading in full force! Meet them for a round of GWENT by claiming one of the 20,000 Beta keys up for grabs!

Nilfgaard, the fifth playable faction for <span class="bold">GWENT: The Witcher Card Game</span> has just been released, bringing a slew of new cards, mechanics, and devious strategies to the table. celebrates its arrival with a huge giveaway and all brave card slingers are invited to join.

It's simple: just enter using the widget below and go give Emhyr var Emreis our kindest regards.
But act fast - it's first come, first served!

For more information about the new faction, as well as all changes introduced in the latest GWENT update, head over <span class="bold">this way</span>.

<span class="bold">Using GOG Galaxy? Click HERE instead.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by maladr0Id
high rated
fables22: If we were to conduct giveaways by ourselves, without using a third party site, we wouldn’t be able to offer our users as many opportunities to win as many prizes, and the process from entering the giveaway to the winners being chosen and to the winners receiving their prizes would take a lot longer than the standard time we can adhere to while using Gleam.
Why? Somehow GoG is able to manage the sales and distribution of multi-gigabyte game files to users. How is processing the results of a simple poll or "click here on our own server to enter" not possible?

Additionally, the article is poorly written. It should be written with the person who knows nothing about the game in mind. I still am not sure of what it is, as I can't find an game called "Gwent" on GoG, I just know it has something to do with the Witcher.
Though I did find the whole thing weird. Yay for having a facebook account that I don't care about. Cause it has nothing personal on it. But if you don't wanna take any risk, then don't do it. Simple enough.
Lodium: Not all datamining is bad.
Theres also usefull datamining wich can be good for users, but facebook is overdoing it, and its not something i woud call great use of datamining.
I cant speak about twitter since i havent read about the issues regarding that.
I also took the time reading your post and it just screams trolling and agenda all the way here.
Nice try, better luck next time.
Lukaszmik: Of course I have an agenda. Silly me, I expect a financial transaction to come with no further strings attached, such as using either mine or my computer's information to be gathered beyond the absolutely necessary to perform the transaction.

You know why? Because it's not the "data-mining" that you apparently think is good that is the problem. Crash logs have always carried a wealth of information. Beta-testing data has been used for a long while. But both elements were 1. optional, 2. until recently without additional value of the data.

That subset of "data-mining" is in negligible use compared to the increasing demand for customers to also consent (knowingly or not) to the ongoing gathering of every single possible piece of information that can be sold to a third party. Google made its fortune that way. So did Facebook. Amazon management is apparently kicking their own butts and becrying being Johnnies-come-laties to the game, but doing their best to get them data warehouses growing.

There's a crapton of smaller companies that feed the giants with additional data streams, and it's all headed toward "pick-a-sci-fi-dystopia-of-your-choice" totalitarianism, because as soon as people become complacent about such data gathering AND accept that "database knows best," we're in population control territory that the old Soviets could have only dreamed of.

I'm old enough (and born in the right place) to remember the "good old times," so excuse me if I bloody well do get agitated when I see younger generations gleefully headed toward such social clusterfuck.
Before internet then? You do know that your ISP have done Datamining and is probably still doing it?

You shoud read this :

As i said, there is a good way of doing dataminiing and theres a bad way doing it.
By the way an agenda doesnt need to be about financial gains.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by Lodium
low rated
Russonc: I see folks getting riled up this morning...hehe... If you are afraid of social media, data exchange, "big brother watching"... get more board games and stay off the Internet. Not sure why people complain.. Just don't get a beta key... no big deal. Plenty to do and see in this world without this one "not yet done" game. Again, support more board games.
I agree. People get so bent if they can't do exactly what they want. They think it is their right to have something. If you don't like it, just don't get it. Simple. But, please stop whining about it.
Especially when the whole moral high road things comes up. You know what I mean. Statements about how disappointed they are in GOG or maybe even how they will never shop here again. Sheesh!
No company is going to please you 100% of the time. Just accept that and enjoy what you do like.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by StephenStrange
Russonc: I see folks getting riled up this morning...hehe... If you are afraid of social media, data exchange, "big brother watching"... get more board games and stay off the Internet. Not sure why people complain.. Just don't get a beta key... no big deal. Plenty to do and see in this world without this one "not yet done" game. Again, support more board games.
StephenStrange: I agree. People get so bent if they can't do exactly what they want. They think it is their right to have something. If you don't like it, just don't get it. Simple. But, please stop whining about it.
I think one reason people are complaining is because alot of times
the social media feature,s gets forced on people by being intigrated in the main service later down the road.
Its fine if its optinal but not fine when you can no longer chose it away.

And its no secret that alot of companys use faceboock intigrated in their service.
Don't let them think everything is okay.
Post edited February 07, 2017 by almabrds
high rated
StephenStrange: No company is going to please you 100% of the time. Just accept that and enjoy what you do like.
My company pleases people 100% of the time. Just not 100% of the people. Heh.

But gOg used to be in that 95-99% realm for me. With changes over the years, that number - for me, anyway - has been slowly slipping, starting maybe 4 years back.

You've been around long enough to have seen those same changes, some of which go beyond "don't buy game XYZ if you don't like it". The problem is that stuff - 3rd-party nabbing of social media info, in this case - has found its way into two programs in the past two weeks, and that feels like its going to be a regular thing. In fact, Fables confirmed as much earlier today. Just another creeping change that drops my "pleased with gOg" percentage a few more points.

But you're right - this particular case is completely optional since it's related to a single game.

It's troubling that you're lured into giving your info to these third-parties that have absolutely nothing to do with the game, and their terms allow them access to things that you would not normally give out. And that you have to go into, say, your youtube account - completely unrelated to the offering - to stop them from snagging more info off of you.

That's what's bothering people.
high rated
What is more disturbing to me than the data mining, is the complacency by the younger generation that this is normal, expected way to do business, that there is nothing that can be done about it and to just 'chill'. What can it hurt. Im from a generation that has seen just how bad things can get when people get apathetic and allow the little infringements on personal liberty get chipped away until its a monster.

Without proper and enforceable regulation data mining and the profiling packets it produces will soon and already is intruding on your everyday life. It already limits what you can see on the internet thru queries, changes prices for the same objects for different people on web pages, guides your premium payments with insurers or whether you can get loans or acceptance to schools. Job applicants are now vetted by computers who use other datamining packets to ditch your application even before a human sees it. Every country has their own regulations or lack of them but sellers of info dont care. Sexual orientation or political leanings algorithms are being sold to countries where its an executable crime. This has gotten way out of hand, I dont even think we could stop it if we tried.

just had to say this, my life is nearing its end, all you younger folk are the ones who will dictate your future and that of your children.

so no, every time I am about to get a product I scan the user agreement notice and permissions. If they are egregious then I make complaints using the same media they wish to mine. Only with enough complaints will companies reverse policies. they are in it for the money after all. the worrisome bit are the ones that are in it for other reasons, political and social control agendas
high rated
I agree with a lot of people here. I was going to login to get a key but after seeing all the permissions i need to give this "Gleam" company, i'm going to pass.

Very disappointing that GOG needs this kind of 3rd party companies (in)famous for their privacy invasions and Spam to conduct this giveaway :P
styggron: I would like to play Gwent but I refuse to use Galaxy, I only want direct downloads I control so much prefer the GoG downloader (yes I know it is no longer supported)

Looks like I will have to wait for a full release before playing Gwent. Pity.

I share people's trepidation about having to login elsewhere, especially the user above who said they were asked to allow certain number of permissions, not good really.

This is why I support GoG.
1. Login to
2. Download it manually yourself DRM free.

Happy to wait for Gwent when it comes out soon.
blotunga: I don't think Gwent would work without Galaxy. Maybe offline only.
I never play anything online. I am strictly offline.
blotunga: I don't think Gwent would work without Galaxy. Maybe offline only.
styggron: I never play anything online. I am strictly offline.
Gwent's not for you then. I'm not sure about further down the line, but your cards are stored online and you have to sign in (not technically as your Galaxy log in is used so you're auto signed in basically) to access the single player menu option.
Maybe they'll make a fully offline version when it's fully released, but right now it doesn't like you'll be able to play it offline even for single player.
I'd rather see less and/or slower giveaways here than ones that require this nonsense. GWENT overall just doesn't seem to fit with GOG very well if what I've heard about microtransactions and being online-only are true. I can't imagine it would be getting released here at all if it wasn't made by GOG's sister company.
styggron: I never play anything online. I am strictly offline.
adaliabooks: Gwent's not for you then. I'm not sure about further down the line, but your cards are stored online and you have to sign in (not technically as your Galaxy log in is used so you're auto signed in basically) to access the single player menu option.
Maybe they'll make a fully offline version when it's fully released, but right now it doesn't like you'll be able to play it offline even for single player.
THat's why I said I will wait for final release. As GoG is a shop that allows offline play, I'm sure it will be coming and I'm happy to wait :)
Gotta go with the general sentiment. Having to log in through some other accounts is a no-go for me.
high rated
I cannot but totally agree with all the posts which has been posted before me. I was so perplexed that I cannot find the way how to get the Gwent without providing some other account that I was sure I have to be missing something. That I am just plain stupid that I am not able to find the way how to do it and that was the reason I ended up here in this forum.

Here I have found out that it was gog who decided to do this in this unwanted way. Hey I was really in to be a tester of this game (this is not giveaway, this is contract where I am giving gog me as a tester of their application and they will give me in return peak on what will the game look like in the future), but seeing this .... not any more.

And I will not shout something like "I will never buy anything on gog anymore" that would not be true, but in the future I will pay more attention on what I am buying here since so far I did not really had to. And that should be bad news for GoG. Loosing credit is bad for any company, even if it is not real direct finnancial impact.