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Limited access - sign up now!

Time to <span class="bold">Kill the Servers!</span>, one round of GWENT at a time! We want to know if our hosting backend can take a beating and for that we need your help: Put on your GWENT face, grab your best friends, and raid our servers, starting today at 3PM UTC.

Sign up now to gain access to the Kill the Servers! event and join us for a round of GWENT. Or forty.
Number of openings is limited and they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Here's the event schedule:

September 23 – Event Day 1 (expected to start at 3PM UTC and end at 7PM UTC)
September 27 – Event Day 2 (expected to start at 6PM UTC and end at 10AM UTC)

So, GWENT lovers, go ahead and help us <span class="bold">Kill the Servers!</span> They totally deserve it.
Also, they said that you guys look fat in those pants.

To learn more about this limited-time event, make sure to check out the FAQ <span class="bold">here</span>.
Post edited September 28, 2016 by maladr0Id
Robin_Seina: Where do I send crashdumps? The game freezes a lot. Did not played single game till the end. GOG pages don´t allow to send support, CDPRed support page form don´t even know the game. And loading screen for northern realms with type "you" instead of "your" is just a cherry on the cake.
Their forums or, as that message say, at their email address questions at playgwent dot com.
Can anyone help?
I click the "Play" button and nothing happens.
Marty30001: And here we have the first example of someone who refuses to read and/or think.
Hope You refuse to write...

Marty30001: First thing - the "ragequitters" are people whose game crashes when they draw their cards. I got an automatic win the sec I joined a match, and I've probably lost 2 matches for that exact reason.
Maybe so, maybe not - that only CDP knows.

Marty30001: Second thing - that isn't even goddamn Closed Beta. You expect them to have 10 decks, 60+ hours story episodes and 1m$ tournaments when they test the servers for the first time?
Kill the Servers is not *only* about them (but mostly) and players can propose some info about game itself...

Marty30001: No offense, but I feel sorry that someone didn't get the code faster than someone with your mindset.
How can I not be offended if You insult me? Relax - I don't want to hurt anyone. I know how those "server" problems are in other card games I've played, so I propose to make in beta/full game somekind of "protection" from this kind of behaviour.
I will play this all day, for now there is no problem in the matchs, all go from start to end. The only bug that i find is the match ended before start, nice work guys.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by DeftSombra
The game I like , there is a problem , but I hope to correct , good luck
I've played for over an hour now and I had no single crash. Just one game didn't start correctly (no cards were drawn) but there were no other issues here.
CloudxAerith: Can anyone help?
I click the "Play" button and nothing happens.
same here mate need help to
Crashing on "loading" screen after the opponent is found:
no matter what deck is selected,
no matter what resolution/fullscreen.
Where to send crash logs??

The menu and all settings are working ok...

update: send logs to
Post edited September 23, 2016 by kodeir
I'm desperate, tried downgrading to my old HD 6670, still same issue, had my first victory, someone managed to crash before me, but other than that, it just crashes almost instantly when the effects for selecting new cards show up.
CloudxAerith: Can anyone help?
I click the "Play" button and nothing happens.
lethalsnake95: same here mate need help to
same here
metiu, of course everyone can give suggestions and whatnot mate! The problem is that those suggestions should be written from informed people. Did you take your time to read the crash dump? Did you take your time to read through other people's comments?

This is a pre-closed beta test. Read - VERY early. Suggestions right now are meaningless, when 90% of the people can't even play the game. I really meant no insult to you, I just get hot-headed when people get a chance for something like that and they use it to complain and give "much needed" advice when their only job at the moment is to test and report problems. If this was the closed beta, I would've 100% agreed with you, as the chance to crash(and thus auto-resolve the match) would've been much lower.

All I wanted to say is that you should get some idea on what we're all doing here before starting with the opinions and ideas. Send your crash dump to the Gwent team and use common sense instead of going with the "but but but theyre ragequitting, cdpr do somethin" comments. It makes you look less intelligent than you might actually be ;)
lethalsnake95: same here mate need help to
chacho108: same here
hey guys.
I'll give it one more shot.
no one's helping us as the others are having problems while on the game and not in launching the game like us.
Can you post your computer's specs here?
Just your processor, RAM and GPU if it's alright.
Here's mine:

Intel HD Graphics card

I know it's not much but I don't have issues running Hearthstone if it's any consolation.
I know they don't have the same specs but I don't think I should not be able to launch the game.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by CloudxAerith
I can't get past the loading screen!
Looking for worthy opponent for me...
khaledra: I can't get past the loading screen!
Me too