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BreOl72: Am I the only one who thinks the thread title is a bit clickbait-ish?
Elmofongo: Probably because the title is in all Caps.
That too.
Emob78: Who cares. None of you were gonna buy it anyway.
I am.
samuraigaiden: I'm glad this thread is getting traction because I think that when GOG starts to systematically reject all Dungeon Crawling RPGs you have to draw the line in the sand.

When they rejected The Quest, The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians, 7 Mages and even Grimoire, I was displeased but I could look past it.

However, this is Wizardry we are talking about. This is the franchise that started it all, and the fact XSEED is bringing this game over to PC shows an interest in their part to revive the franchise in the West.

If this Wizardry did well, who knows what could happen. They could bring over other Japanese games from the series, heck, maybe even influence a bigger publisher to fund the development of a new game in the series.


It's not some random indie game nobody cares about. It's not some shit MS-DOS port of a bad console game people will buy for nostalgia and not play for more than 30 minutes because it's terrible.

Seriously, let's look at recent releases. What does Serment - Contract with a Devil have that makes it pass curation that Wizardry doesn't? Do they think Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!! and Heart of the Woods are going to sell better than Wizardry?

I think people getting angry over this is absolutely warranted. What the fuck has this store become? Would GOG of today still decide to sell the complete Ultima and Might & Magic series? Or would they refuse them for being too niche?
novumZ: Does anyone know if Senran Kagura series from Xseed games was rejected by GOG too?
It whas not rejected. The developers had something against being it DRM free.
novumZ: Does anyone know if Senran Kagura series from Xseed games was rejected by GOG too?
Korotan: It whas not rejected. The developers had something against being it DRM free.
This is quite odd. Are games with DRM-free releases more pirated than other games? I doubt it.
Korotan: It whas not rejected. The developers had something against being it DRM free.
DadJoke007: This is quite odd. Are games with DRM-free releases more pirated than other games? I doubt it.
Those are not. It is scientificaly proved that DRM free games are not more pirated then those with DRM. It is even the contrary. Pirates gonna pirate anyway and the bigger and nastier the DRM the more likely it is you piss of people enough to low the hurden of not buying and pirating instead. The only thing DRM prevent is that if a friend of an owner find it to his likeing that he just can borrow it and play it at home. With Launcher DRM he need to either stay at his place and block him from playing other Launcherbinded games or buy it himeself.
high rated
I still see people saying stuff like "you wouldn't buy it here anyway" or such crap.

It's like Ancient-Red-Dragon here said. It's more a matter of bad decision after bad decision. It's less to do with the game and more with GOG in general. People have an interest in getting games off GOG; signified by the fact that at least a couple people will be asking if a game is available on GOG and then awaiting an answer from the publisher/developer. The more they find out a particular game is rejected, the more they'll go *somewhere else.* Hey Steam, hey Epic.

I would love to see more Japanese bullet hell games here, but I can't really encourage any developers/publishers to drop their games when it is said that DoDonPachi was rejected. Look where you can buy the game now. Wait for it...Steam. Yes, I would totally love buying the DRM'd version because GOG rejected to offer it DRM-free? How does that even work? I imagine that if more Japanese titles were accepted, we'd have more people interested in Japanese games and more sales for them, if GOG thinks that the new Wizardry is too niche or something.

GOG, you started the fckdrm initiative thingy. Least you could do is push it a little further. What other DRM-free storefront do we have with a good standing that can attract devs? Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Loosen up. We can't always expect Opus Magnum articles to keep you sane.

Even if you ignore Wizardry, that's XSEED. A publisher who takes their time to offer robust version parity on here, even though they could just drop their games here and call it a day and never get back to it again, like Devolver Digital, which you happily accept games from. You should at least put them on the same pedestal as Devolver if not the highest pedestals XSEED rightfully deserves...

You can afford losing a few PLN by hosting and maintaining a game (which you can make it back by the way if the curation wasn't bonkers), but you can't afford losing reputation from both devs and customers; reputation that Epic can and will capitalize on, by the way.
high rated
I used to ask developers on their forums about bringing games to GOG. I don't anymore, because I am certain that GOG is sleeping at the wheel or simply too ignorant to do things right. Look, I like the idea of DRM-free, but this curation nonsense is just plain stupid and poorly implemented at best.

What is the point of DRM-free, if there is not much on tap?
low rated
Sabin_Stargem: I used to ask developers on their forums about bringing games to GOG. I don't anymore, because I am certain that GOG is sleeping at the wheel or simply too ignorant to do things right. Look, I like the idea of DRM-free, but this curation nonsense is just plain stupid and poorly implemented at best.

What is the point of DRM-free, if there is not much on tap?
From the response, I Got expect no release for the game just some standard PR jargon no real answers. Also shows the Curation is done on nothing more than personal taste rather than what constitutes as a working game. One thing is for sure for anyways, I'm better off with supporting STEAM cause at least I'll get chose out of all the games that get released not just the select few GOG deems acceptable.

Fanatics can all praise GOG all they want but it's not like they are doing things for your sake but more for themselves or else, they'd serve the community. Anyways I'm outta here with their personal agenda styled releases, I hope Xseed drops them as an example on how not to treat games you are offered cause they sure looking more like Sony right now.
low rated
dgnfly: Anyways I'm outta here with their personal agenda styled releases, I hope Xseed drops them as an example on how not to treat games you are offered cause they sure looking more like Sony right now.
bye.jpg (193 Kb)
low rated
dgnfly: Anyways I'm outta here with their personal agenda styled releases, I hope Xseed drops them as an example on how not to treat games you are offered cause they sure looking more like Sony right now.
Bye... Bye... crybaby SJW that only went into this topic to kiss GOGs ass and cry about how I used my word while not contributing anything useful ever. Cause all I ever see you do here is cry about things that people say that doesn't suit your SJW like feeling or fascism.

Have fun with your delusional echo chamber and be sure to tell people that you're superior with you SJW one line narrative. have fun coming into a topic where you could care less about other than getting some attention. The other guy with asking for SJW shows how easily triggered you are when it comes to opinions.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by dgnfly
low rated
WTF, you just said you were leaving!
What did that last, three minutes?

That was quicker than the Rolling Stones' last eight "Farewell Tours".

Man, nobody keeps their word anymore.
low rated
tinyE: WTF, you just said you were leaving!
What did that last, three minutes?

That was quicker than the Rolling Stones' last eight "Farewell Tours".

Man, nobody keeps their word anymore.
Like I said, you just some SJW attention whore. do you ever talk anything sensible or do you just rant garbage to look intelligent? Hey, me not buying games doesn't kill my means to comment on topics this just means no more money for GOG, not the free range for morons like you that triggered by words. I'll be buying my games on Steam from now on.

And I'll stay to annoy triggered babies like you when there is a topic about censorship or consumers rights or even when people feel there should be a debate or opinion about topics like this. what was your tagline again? If I recall it was ''I'm a Fucken SJW'' before we called out your kind for Death threats, harassment, doxxing, and more even personal assault on people you don't agree with.' suddenly changed it didn't ya? Did the truth hurt too much?

I do keep my word into not buying stuff here anymore you can count on that I did the same for PlayStation I'll do the same for his personal agenda store. And I still comment when Plasystation does stupid crap like this.
GameRager: If they allowed Daikatana(which many dislike) then...
fronzelneekburm: Dude, Daikatana is Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel compared to the dogshit they've released in recent years. And that's coming from soneone who HATED every mind-numbing second of Daikatana!

Hello Neighbor, anyone?
Aside: I actually LIKED Daikatana(minus the AI getting stuck in walls and the lame end fight)'s LOADS better than some of the recently added indie games, imo.
tfishell: This. Literally This. So much this. THIS. OMG THIS

I didn't vote because I wouldn't buy the game but I'll repost the link:

Here's the contact form:
karnak1: To everyone concerned:

I just followed tfishell's advice and sent a support form (see posts above) asking GOG to review their "curation" standards.
Regardless of the reaction I ask everyone to do the same, so that the GOG staff will at least know that we're pissed and that they risk losing our money.

Thanks in advance to those who'll do the same.
I did earlier and mentioned this/other threads & the wishlist entry for the game in OP's post.

OHMYGODJCABOMB: I don't get it, GOG. You gladly accept such "wonderful" (and definitely not too niche) games like SIMULACRA or Swag And Sorcery here, but refuse to release some more worthy (and obviously more profitable) games. What's the point?

This "curation" thing has gone way too far.
GOG's curation is getting to be like those wine snobs who were called out in blind tests when they preferred wines(boxed ones no less and cheapo wines as well) they previously rejected in non-blind tests.
Post edited May 19, 2019 by GameRager
Sabin_Stargem: I used to ask developers on their forums about bringing games to GOG. I don't anymore, because I am certain that GOG is sleeping at the wheel or simply too ignorant to do things right. Look, I like the idea of DRM-free, but this curation nonsense is just plain stupid and poorly implemented at best.

What is the point of DRM-free, if there is not much on tap?
Asking the developers directly has worked in the past.

I'm pretty sure that is why Wacky Wheels is now on GOG.
(A game which I purchased when it released on GOG.)

I do agree with you that I'd like to see more games available for purchase on GOG and not less.