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The constant knee-jerk reactions do get tiresome.

Look, I get it. GOG used to be impressively original when it came to jaw-dropping bungling. From the monk stunt to Monsieur ElCook telling us that "GOG doesn't need your money 'cuz we got, like, totally a million likes on Twitter & Facebook" (paraphrasing), GOG never failed to amaze & astound.

This, on the other hand, AT FIRST GLANCE, looks like a mistake that every one & their dog already made.

But think about it. For once, instead of immediately reaching for the damned pitchforks & tiki torches, stop a moment to assess the situation properly & look at it with a cool head.

This late in the game, for someone to make this very same mistake that every single corporation except Wendy's has already made YEARS ago, has to be because they're

a) a fanatic
2) a special, brave, stunning & courageous individual with certain dificulties

Now, obviously GOG did not hire a fanatic, otherwise the picture wouldn't've gone up in the first place.

So yes, the limited but courageous person that is in charge of GOG's twitter committed a faux pas. And yes, it's easy to assume it was in bad faith. But it's quite likely Xher was simply overwhelmed at the venomous, unreasonable hatred spewed by the usual suspects, panicked, deleted the tweet & apologised because Zhe doesn't know any better.

You can't expect and/or demand the same level of reasoning & awareness from a limited (but exteremely courageous & inspiring) individual as you would from a person with full mental capacities.

I, for one, applaud GOG's initiative of providing such an individual with financial liberty & security, and the sense of self-worth that comes from it. Bravo, GOG. Bravo.

In closing, please, please calm down, take a deep breath & brace yourselves for the inevitable realisation that pathetic grovelling & abject apologising does not work, at which point, after antagonising the majority of its customers, GOG will come out with a fantastically cringy "sassy" tweet.

At this point, unfortunately, the predictability of the plot is the only possible source of hilarity. It's not much, but I guess we'll have to make do.
low rated
I saw on reddit that GOG was surrendering to SJW influences and came to delete my account but when I go to try it says I have to contact support to delete? I am pro-gamer gate like all pro-consumer gamers should be, but I am also lazy and so will just have to post to this thread to to register my dissatisfaction with GOGs recent stance and never buy anything again.
Dalthnock: In closing, please, please calm down, take a deep breath
Well, I am still here, and not over at Steam. I am willing to look past a mistake, as long it's officially recognized as a a mistake. Speaking of which, in case the staff is still reading this thread: are we going to get any kind of response beyond "Thanks for opening the ticket, we forwarded it to PR, we're closing it now because tech support cannot help you further. Now, go back to buying our stuff like a good consumer"? The response I got is almost as annoying as the situation that made me contact you.

& brace yourselves for the inevitable realisation that pathetic grovelling & abject apologising does not work, at which point, after antagonising the majority of its customers, GOG will come out with a fantastically cringy "sassy" tweet.
I sure hope your optimism is warranted.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by ivanivanov123
Dalthnock: In closing, please, please calm down, take a deep breath
ivanivanov123: Well, I am still here, and not over at Steam. I am willing to look past a mistake, as long it's officially recognized as a a mistake. Speaking of which, in case the staff is still reading this thread: are we going to get any kind of response beyond "Thanks for opening the ticket, we forwarded it to PR, we're closing it now because tech support cannot help you further. Now, go back to buying our stuff like a good consumer"? The response I got is almost as annoying as the situation that made me contact you.

& brace yourselves for the inevitable realisation that pathetic grovelling & abject apologising does not work, at which point, after antagonising the majority of its customers, GOG will come out with a fantastically cringy "sassy" tweet.
ivanivanov123: I sure hope your optimism is warranted.
Even if they realize they made a mistake, do you think they'll admit to it ? It'll prolly blow out with more media outrage than that gif.

That is assuming they see it as mistake, given the groveling at resetera it might be just a shift in the inside company politics towards socjus.

Either way indications are that gog is anti gg. And saying otherwise will only cause more shitstorm, usual tactic in this situation is to stay silent and pretend nothing happened... but then they could've done that with postal 2 gif, instead they went with attack on gg.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by ashtonx
Holy crap! World ends because of a harmless tweet again -.-

Linko90: ...
Could you do us all a favor please? Lock this thread and end this "discussion". I tried reading it but got seriously sick after three and a half pages.

And could you please do me (ME, not us) a second favor and have a close look at Vainamoinen's posts? I'm pretty sure there are more people who crossed the line in this topic, but as I said: I stopped reading it after three and a half pages. To be more precise: I stopped reading after seeing Vainamoinen throwing around terms like "Untermensch" and "Nazis", insulting people as "misogynist retards" or "shitty little man" and calling people who watch the shitty little man as "clearly bonkers". He calls GOG "morally bankrupt" and wishes your store to go to hell.

Honestly... Wherever Vainamoinen shows up, he's starting the same old crap. Again and again and again. I don't get why you (GOG) still allow people like him to spread their hate and insults on your forums. Again: I'm sure there are users "on the Gamergate-side" of this discussion who deserve a ban too. But I rarely see a post of Vainamoinen where he doesn't go fully "You're all Nazis"...

Seriously, just ban them all and end this crap for good. GOG shouldn't be a place where "Nazis" and "Snowflakes" fight for the right to insult each others.
ashtonx: That is assuming they see it as mistake, given the groveling at resetera it might be just a shift in the inside company politics towards socjus.
Hard to deny they dug quite a hole for themselves. I dunno, I can't blame them if they don't want to talk about this on twitter again. A private response to people who complained via a support ticket would be quite enough for me. Or if they're afraid it gets leaked, then just nuke everything related to this topic. The tweets, the posts at reddit, resetera , etc., and just refuse to comment on it further.

Either way indications are that gog is anti gg. And saying otherwise will only cause more shitstorm, usual tactic in this situation is to stay silent and pretend nothing happened... but then they could've done that with postal 2 gif, instead they went with attack on gg.
Well, I can see it as your everyday human error. People jump at you, you freak out, and as a result you say something that ends up offending other people. If this is what happened they should probably get better PR people, but the situation is something that could happen without any ill intentions.
low rated
amok: what about SJW's who ARE gamers?
devoras: That's a contradiction in many ways. If someone is a sjw in gaming, they're typically more concerned with arbitrary things like representation and diversity in games instead of the quality of the games themselves. If someone is a sjw in other aspects but keeps it out of gaming, I wouldn't consider them an sjw in the context of gaming, and could accept that they are a gamer. However I don't know of any sjws that don't try to apply their insanity towards literally everything, and I'm not sure you can be a gamer AND a sjw at the same time. You can be a sjw that plays games, but that's not the same thing.
let me tell you a story about me partner. She has been playing games since the early 90's, through Sega machines and later PC's. Her favorite games are Sonic, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Caesar III and Heroes of Might and Magic series. However, especially in the last 10 years, she had problem with some games and felt alienated by them due to the portrayal of women in them - it feels weird to her, she can not relate to them and at worst it was very annoying (for example she really enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but every now and then you could hear this groan "god, they are pushing Miranda's ass in my face again" - she had to ignore those parts to find that enjoyment), and would like it if there were more games catered to her preferences as well. She voiced her feelings, got told how her feelings are wrong (how can that be?) and branded a SJW....

so... even though she likes many different games and plays games a lot - apparently she is not a gamer.... go figure...

edit - might add that due to those experiences, she is not willing to touch a gaming forum with a 10 foot pole ever again. so.... yeah.... job well done, I guess.

edit 2 - having lived with her for many years now, and experienced games through her eyes as well, I guess I am a SJW also now, as I agree with her.... and I have been playing games since the mid 70's, but I am also now suddenly not a gamer anymore.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by amok
high rated
ivanivanov123: It's been said a lot of times already. If they left it at an apology it would've been fine - It's the part where they called people abusers people have a problem with.
amok: off course it isn't. The result would be the same if gOg deleted the gif and then said "sorry, we should not have done that" in response to the critique they got. people would still complain that gOg "bows down to SJWs!!11!!!1" - thinking anything else is delusional.
That happened with the Terry Crews PC Master Race line. Some people were pissed that GoG 'caved to 'SJWs'. Most just didn't care at all and there was barely anything said about it. This has been completely different - GoG customers genuinely feel they have been betrayed and this entire thing is much larger than the former issue.

A simple apology would've blown over with nobody really caring like last time. GoG could have just stayed neutral but didn't.
low rated
amok: off course it isn't. The result would be the same if gOg deleted the gif and then said "sorry, we should not have done that" in response to the critique they got. people would still complain that gOg "bows down to SJWs!!11!!!1" - thinking anything else is delusional.
tremere110: That happened with the Terry Crews PC Master Race line. Some people were pissed that GoG 'caved to 'SJWs'. Most just didn't care at all and there was barely anything said about it. This has been completely different - GoG customers genuinely feel they have been betrayed and this entire thing is much larger than the former issue.

A simple apology would've blown over with nobody really caring like last time. GoG could have just stayed neutral but didn't.
I'm a gOg customer - I do not feel betrayed.
amok: I'm a gOg customer - I do not feel betrayed.
I don't see "ALL" in that post you quoted...
low rated
amok: I'm a gOg customer - I do not feel betrayed.
ivanivanov123: I don't see "ALL" in that post you quoted...
nah, it was a quick joke. but I do not believe that this would not have happened anyway, seen too much of this shit over the last 5 years.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by amok
low rated
They had to remove the tweet. They would have risked too much public backlash from gaming press. Yes, GOG is not there to "fight by your side as a gamer against corruption in journalism", deal with it. On the other hand, the apology they wrote actually made things worse, because it triggered the opposite side (the so-called "true hardcore gamers" and gamergate supporters). The thing is that GOG can't survive without the gaming press (it's too niche to say "f**k vg247, who needs them"), people who have been offended by what happened need to understand that: no one can be an enemy of gaming press while also being a healthy business. You can get away once, but if the press decides to destroy you, then you're finished.

Ps: it doesn't really matter, but I want to make it clear: I'm not (and will never be) pro-GG.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by user deleted
devoras: That's a contradiction in many ways. If someone is a sjw in gaming, they're typically more concerned with arbitrary things like representation and diversity in games instead of the quality of the games themselves. If someone is a sjw in other aspects but keeps it out of gaming, I wouldn't consider them an sjw in the context of gaming, and could accept that they are a gamer. However I don't know of any sjws that don't try to apply their insanity towards literally everything, and I'm not sure you can be a gamer AND a sjw at the same time. You can be a sjw that plays games, but that's not the same thing.
amok: let me tell you a story about me partner. She has been playing games since the early 90's, through Sega machines and later PC's. Her favorite games are Sonic, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Caesar III and Heroes of Might and Magic series. However, especially in the last 10 years, she had problem with some games and felt alienated by them due to the portrayal of women in them - it feels weird to her, she can not relate to them and at worst it was very annoying (for example she really enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but every now and then you could hear this groan "god, they are pushing Miranda's ass in my face again" - she had to ignore those parts to find that enjoyment), and would like it if there were more games catered to her preferences as well. She voiced her feelings, got told how her feelings are wrong (how can that be?) and branded a SJW....

so... even though she likes many different games and plays games a lot - apparently she is not a gamer.... go figure...

edit - might add that due to those experiences, she is not willing to touch a gaming forum with a 10 foot pole ever again. so.... yeah.... job well done, I guess.

edit 2 - having lived with her for many years now, and experienced games through her eyes as well, I guess I am a SJW also now, as I agree with her.... and I have been playing games since the mid 70's, but I am also now suddenly not a gamer anymore.
I have to say, I do feel a bit sorry for you both. Even if I would be sorta on the other side of the argument, I would also like to think that you and your lady would at least engage in a healthy debate about it. Or at least, I would be willing to debate you two about it and not be an asshole about it. I mean, that seems to be one of the root problems with the whole pGG vs aGG thing, both sides and the lead people the rep both sides? Never really got together to actually debate the whole women being portrayed in gaming. If some actual and civil dialogue was exchanged this shit would have pretty much died a long time ago.

I too have a girlfriend that has been a heavy gamer and even though she isn't as critical about women in gaming she herself has issues with it from time to time and she can at least argue her points in an intelligent way and not come off as scolding school teacher :D. Pretty sure that I would like to think your partner would also be the same, as would you.

Again, this kind of me, regardless of what side you try and defend, it is getting old. I just want ALL of us to just enjoy games again.
high rated
This doesn't bode well for Cyberpunk considering any faithful rendition is bound to attract countless articles pointing out the 'problematic' elements. I was hoping the game would be as creatively fearless as Kingdom Come, but stuff like this makes me worried CD Projekt can't stand the heat and will eventually end up as another victim of a foreign culture war. The American games market is decadent, presided over by a joyless games press who only serve their own egos. If it all came crashing down under the weight of its own hypocrisy I doubt I'd be affected in the slightest. To get worthwhile games I increasingly find myself turning to Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan.
amok: let me tell you a story about me partner. She has been playing games since the early 90's, through Sega machines and later PC's. Her favorite games are Sonic, Diablo II, Warcraft III, Caesar III and Heroes of Might and Magic series. However, especially in the last 10 years, she had problem with some games and felt alienated by them due to the portrayal of women in them - it feels weird to her, she can not relate to them and at worst it was very annoying (for example she really enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but every now and then you could hear this groan "god, they are pushing Miranda's ass in my face again" - she had to ignore those parts to find that enjoyment), and would like it if there were more games catered to her preferences as well. She voiced her feelings, got told how her feelings are wrong (how can that be?) and branded a SJW....

so... even though she likes many different games and plays games a lot - apparently she is not a gamer.... go figure...

edit - might add that due to those experiences, she is not willing to touch a gaming forum with a 10 foot pole ever again. so.... yeah.... job well done, I guess.

edit 2 - having lived with her for many years now, and experienced games through her eyes as well, I guess I am a SJW also now, as I agree with her.... and I have been playing games since the mid 70's, but I am also now suddenly not a gamer anymore.
Okay, so I don't think you quite understand how labels work. Just because someone calls you X does not mean you actually are X. I've been called everything ranging from SJW communist to nazi gamergater holocaust denier in various contexts, and that doesn't mean I am any of that.
"I want more female characters to play in games" is not the so called SJW mindset. Neither is "I wish there were more games that catered toward female gamers".

"SJW mindset" can be summed up as "if your game does not cater to minorities, women and LGBTQIA people, you're a racist misogynist xenophobe bigot". Wanting games that cater to you is not the same as trying to enforce orthodoxy on games. People who are of the so called "SJW mindset" don't want games that cater to different people to be made, they want ALL GAMES to cater to all people at the same time and this preference exists only in order to be outraged and clobber game devs with negative attention to get them to do stuff for them.
They do not seek inclusiveness, they do not seek diversity, they most certainly don't seek good games - they seek power over other people. That's why apologizing to them if you do something they find unacceptable never works.

Suffice to say, unless your so called SJW girlfriend is being outraged in order to gain power over other people, I don't think that label is apt.