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And nothing of value was lost.

The Grimore Dev is not a person whose behavior should be given attention.
Sorry people, but maybe we have to trust the untold reasons behind GOG's course of (in)action on this one.
Games are not just image and sound, but also a reflection of the people making them..., in which case I have to respect GOG's decision, only if they had been openly honest about it (but I understand why they would rather avoid that, as well as I almost did).
Post edited February 07, 2019 by Fate-is-one-edge
Aalda11: So if we take the author by his word and GOG really rejected the game for being too "niche" it's a complete outrage. It's a direct Wizardry 7 spiritual successor. You know, one of the best RPGs of all times?
At this point "spiritual successors" to beloved classics are dime a dozen. Simply calling your game that doesn't make it a worthy successor, doesn't even mean there's any link between the two. It's nothing but a buzz phrase, like "love letter to 16-bit classics" or "it's Dark Souls meets [insert another popular game]".

Now sure, calling an old-school RPG "too niche" for GOG is rather ridiculous, but at this point we all know it's just a stock response from GOG which tells us little or nothing about their actual, always obscure, decision process.
Breja: At this point "spiritual successors" to beloved classics are dime a dozen. Simply calling your game that doesn't make it a worthy successor, doesn't even mean there's any link between the two. It's nothing but a buzz phrase, like "love letter to 16-bit classics" or "it's Dark Souls meets [insert another popular game]".
That's all very interesting but maybe next time check the game you're talking about...before you talk about it? So that you know what you're talking about?

I played the demo years ago and watched recent gameplay videos. This game is the closest thing to Wizardry 7 we've ever had. For the fans of classic RPGs it's an absolute blast to play and a fantastic old-school blobber in its own right. There's simply nothing even close to Grimoire out there in terms of depth, scope and complexity. This is not another indie hipster metroidvania or some stupid shooter, this is a genuinely epic and unique game.
Post edited February 07, 2019 by Aalda11
If it's as good as it is pretentious, then it must be the best game ever.
I see the personality of the developer and the fans resonate in unison.

My opinion? The game can stay where it is. I'd rather have another indie hipster metroidvania or stupid shooter.
Enebias: If it's as good as it is pretentious, then it must be the best game ever.
I see the personality of the developer and the fans resonate in unison.

My opinion? The game can stay where it is. I'd rather have another indie hipster metroidvania or stupid shooter.

Just to add, GOG response is junk, but it seems game isn't any good.
low rated
omega64: The Grimoire dev is a toxic asshole anyway. Good if he stays away.
Yeah. Let's ban Wagner, just because Adolph happened to like watching/hearing his works in his youth.

I like you, people. You 're slowly becoming exactly that which you claim that you are fighting against! Ban something that classifies as "art" (videogame), just because the "artist" is somebody you don't like, or you consider his lifestyle/views to be agitating/offensive! Had audiences in bygone eras been like you, art today would be groaning inside caves while swinging clubs!
Post edited February 07, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
omega64: The Grimoire dev is a toxic asshole anyway. Good if he stays away.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Yeah. Let's ban Wagner, just because Adolph happened to like watching/hearing his works in his youth.

I like you, people. You 're slowly becoming exactly that which you claim that you are fighting against! Ban something that classifies as "art" (videogame), just because the "artist" is somebody you don't like, or you consider his lifestyle/views to be agitating/offensive! Had audiences in bygone eras been like you, art today would be groaning inside caves while swinging clubs!
No no, ofcourse not.
It's just that today there are so many choices, from which people can pick only the best and have their fill for a really long time.
omega64: The Grimoire dev is a toxic asshole anyway. Good if he stays away.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Yeah. Let's ban Wagner, just because Adolph happened to like watching/hearing his works in his youth.

I like you, people. You 're slowly becoming exactly that which you claim that you are fighting against! Ban something that classifies as "art" (videogame), just because the "artist" is somebody you don't like, or you consider his lifestyle/views to be agitating/offensive! Had audiences in bygone eras been like you, art today would be groaning inside caves while swinging clubs!
Who exactly is you people? I didn't make the decision to keep his game away. And being an asshole wasn't the reason the game isn't allowed here. I don't want his game, I personally don't like him. Is that not allowed?
Isn't this... GOG's niche in the industry though? Old school first-person Dungeon Crawlers?
high rated
A Wizardry-style RPG. 'Too niche'. For GOG. Guess they've got another round of visual novels planned instead.
low rated
(game is) Niche = (i am) Triggered.

"Dictionaries should be updated!" ^_^

Also, true enough, people have a right to not want something; other people though, have a right to want something. Offering a choice to satisfy BOTH parties, would be ideal; not excluding EVERYBODY from getting it, even if they have a need for that product. I would have bought both Hatred and Agony and honestly, after this whole "snowflake show" lately, sugarcoated as "game isn't of high enough quality", i am also itching to get Grimoire, as well. A game being here in shop, doesn't mean anybody is forced to buy it; let those who are genuinely interested in, at least, to purchase it. That, is "respecting your customers". Not cutting it off entirely and throwing the "niche" word, as a poor excuse treating us like tards, in our face! Thing's getting old, already...

markrichardb: A Wizardry-style RPG. 'Too niche'. For GOG. Guess they've got another round of visual novels planned instead.
Visual novels are efgoats friendly... Theis is theirs and ours is theirs, they do whatever they want, everybody else has to zip it and follow their whims and tantrums, as well as their rules. You sleep with "safe space for everybody", then you wake up in a prison cell with only you inside and them having fully devoured your lot.
Post edited February 07, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
GoG might as well remove games like Wizardry 7 from the store then.
They're too niche and therefore don't sell after all.
Enebias: I see the personality of the developer and the fans resonate in unison.

I'd rather have another stupid shooter.
Talk about resonating personalities.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Sniff...

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"... I mean, GOG.

Lots of game rejections, lately. I am not one to judge, but i really don't like the direction things are going.

Oh, and if people assume that mixed -> negative Steam reviews is an issue (for GOG bringing a game here), think again. Agony Unrated got quite favorable score, for example.
Because only the half or so of the consumers who liked the original release were willing to repurchase that shitshow of a game. Not to mention there are far better reasons than Steam ratings to bring or not bring a game here. Good ratings won't necessarily get you in, but bad ratings could keep you out.