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The whole Thronebreaker release flop (initially label GOG exclusive but then forced to have a Steam release due to poor sales) show that GOG has little advantage (if any) over Steam.
high rated
GOG can't even design a decent website.
Post edited December 04, 2018 by Paraharaha
Ingsoc85: The whole Thronebreaker release flop (initially label GOG exclusive but then forced to have a Steam release due to poor sales)
I keep seeing that claim, yet the best backing for it that I could find was CDPR's financial report citing under-expected sales number for GOG itself (with nothing indicative of it being a "flop," especially in light of often irrational corporate expectations).

Considering that Steam deployment takes time (if only to fill out the necessary paperwork), and that CDPR would've been silly not to use Steam's overwhelming market access past the "exclusive availability period" on GOG, I think people read too much into the situation.

Ingsoc85: show that GOG has little advantage (if any) over Steam.
To developers? Arguable.

At the very least, GOG offers access to a market share that might be inaccessible through Steam sales (older gamers staunchly against DRM). GOG's curation also means much greater exposure within its market segment.

To customers? Blatantly false.
Post edited December 03, 2018 by Lukaszmik
Lukaszmik: EA still sells a lot of their titles on Steam, though, last I checked.
Only their old stuff. I can't remember when exactly they went Origin only... Somewhere around Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect 3. From that point on they didn't release anything on Steam.

Which, ironically enough, was to see if their Mass Effect listing on Steam actually got all the DLCs included already (nope!), because I am not going to touch Origin with the proverbial 10 foot Pole. Even if there was one around.

Lukaszmik: As an aside, have you tried the Requiem overhaul for Snorerim? It was the only way I could actually enjoy the game.
Nope. But I don't think that a simple overhaul mod could save it for me. It's not that there's something wrong with how certain things work. It's... everything :/ The whole game feels completely pointless. I think Oblivion and Fallout 3 gave me a Bethesda overdose. I realized that when I uninstalled Fallout 4 after four hours (which barely qualifies as a "first look").

Lukaszmik: Square Enix actually has a bunch of really interesting titles
Square Enix is one of the last big publishers I'm buying games from. Thief wasn't that bad, Hitman is awesome and I liked the first two Tomb Raiders of the reboot (haven't played the new one yet). Oh, I almost forgot Deus Ex! Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are pretty good! And, yeah, Life is Strange was awesome, too! Squeenix is definitely my favorite publisher.
I've never seen GOG as majorly competitive, more the Aldi to the plebian's K-Mart. While many things are the name brand, that's not actually what I'm here for; I'm more curious about the weekly special and seeing what items they bring to the fore.
real.geizterfahr: Only their old stuff. I can't remember when exactly they went Origin only... Somewhere around Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect 3. From that point on they didn't release anything on Steam.
I just did a search for EA titles on Steam, and apparently I was dead wrong, and you're right - they don't seem to have anything remotely recent up on Steam.

Guess it shows how much I can live without their games.

Thank you for the correction, it might be a mostly irrelevant tidbit of information, but I'll treasure it none the less :)

real.geizterfahr: Nope. But I don't think that a simple overhaul mod could save it for me. It's not that there's something wrong with how certain things work. It's... everything :/ The whole game feels completely pointless. I think Oblivion and Fallout 3 gave me a Bethesda overdose. I realized that when I uninstalled Fallout 4 after four hours (which barely qualifies as a "first look").
Requiem makes the game actually challenging. At least the early-to-mid part of it, which alone was enough for me.

Made exploration engaging to me once again since you could get killed in one or two hits, even when accessing mid-game content. Not sure how it plays out in terms of end game, since I never cared to play that long, but at least with Requiem I got some playtime out of the purchase. Definitely recommend checking it out.

real.geizterfahr: Square Enix is one of the last big publishers I'm buying games from. Thief wasn't that bad, Hitman is awesome and I liked the first two Tomb Raiders of the reboot (haven't played the new one yet). Oh, I almost forgot Deus Ex! Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are pretty good! And, yeah, Life is Strange was awesome, too! Squeenix is definitely my favorite publisher.
If only they dropped Denuvo. As is, I end up looking at their ads, going "aww, this looks pretty neat," and moving on to spend my money on indies.

I'll survive.
Post edited December 03, 2018 by Lukaszmik
Wait, this thread wasn't made by Johnathanamz?
zeogold: Wait, this thread wasn't made by Johnathanamz?
Of course not, it's still here.
zeogold: Wait, this thread wasn't made by Johnathanamz?
<rips off mask>
True. Artifact is still getting review bombed by Steam users due to its monetization, so logically it's the perfect time to put Gwent on Steam and steal Artifact's spotlight!
mechmouse: ...Now would be a good time for GoG to push for an advantage
If they had one, sure. However, GOG should be aware of the possibility of a counter strike.
Catshade: True. Artifact is still getting review bombed by Steam users due to its monetization, so logically it's the perfect time to put Gwent on Steam and steal Artifact's spotlight!
Artifact is such a weird game to make, I'm sure if you did a survey of Steam/Valve fans and asked what kind of game they thought Valve should make next, a microtransactions-heavy digital card game wouldn't even be on a top 100 list. Valve just keep riding those bandwagons genres, I expect their next game will be a battle royale.
mechmouse: ...Now would be a good time for GoG to push for an advantage
Trilarion: If they had one, sure. However, GOG should be aware of the possibility of a counter strike.
"Steam Classics! DRM-Free!"
GOG can't even sort make their website accessible. What makes you think they have the ability to take advantage of Steam? This website is an alternative for a lot of people but not the go to place and there is a very good reason for that. I think this community forgets they're very much the minority on the digital store front.