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Vitek: GG, everyone!

Lifthrasil: Your Power: You may choose to try to kill someone at Night. You have an unlimited number of kill shots. However, there is a catch: if you target a Vanilla or Goon, they die. If you target a PR of any kind, you die instead.
Vitek: That's quite harsh condition given there was single vanilla in the whole game.
Yes. That's why there was a Survivor part to the win condition as well. The moment that the one Vanilla died, Korotan became a regular Survivor.

Originally, with 13 players, it was planned to have a Goon too. But I decided to balance the 14th player by turning the Goon into a Telepath to give Scum a Daychat. (worth half a player, approximately)

You are an Ultra-Mutant that has taken the shape of Dogmeat, a beloved dog, who totally deserved that you put him down to take his place.
Your Powers: you are an Infector. You can visit one target at Night and bite them. Anyone bitten will fall ill and won’t be able to use any Powers or special skills as long as they are ill. Alternatively, you can perform your faction’s Night Kill.

You are an Ultra-Mutant who took the shape of Sulik, an honorable warrior. But that sledge hammer that oaf was lugging around was really clumsy. You’ve switched that for a far more elegant sniper rifle!
Your Powers: you are a Sniper. When performing your faction’s Night Kill, you will leave no traces at the crime scene. Apart from that big-ass bullet of course.

You are Marcus, a friendly Supermutant. However, your long life and all the cruelty you’ve seen has made you quite timid. You are a Coward, there is no other word for it.
Your Powers: You are a Compulsive Coward. At Night, you have to select one person to hide behind. If you are targeted with any kill at Night, that other person dies instead. Other Night Actions work normally on you.
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Lifthrasil
Good game, guys, especially the Town. The combo between Eng, blotunga and Joe gets a tip of my hat!

Thanks, Lift, for hosting!
You are Miria. You’ve always been kind of a bimbo. Very beautiful, but dumb as a sack of straw. And you’ve always been pushed around. Once, your father even married you at gun-point to a random wanderer! Well, no more. You have separated from your spouse, educated yourself and made use of your experience with violent persons. You are a Profiler now.
Your Powers: You are an FBI-Profiler. At Night you can investigate one other player and you will get one of three results: “Dangerous”, if your Target is a third party killer (SK, Lyncher or similar), “Endangered”, if your Target is the target of a Lyncher or special SK, or “Boring”, if none of the conditions apply. If you get an “Endangered” result, you can take that Target into protective custody for one Night. (one-shot Jailer)

You are Katja. You’ve been a tough scavenger for most of your life. But now it’s time to settle down, you’ve joined those Settlers. They seem to be nice. They don’t judge you for your past. So you decided to help them as best you can. Unfortunately, you don’t have any special skills apart from scavenging. Which isn’t all that useful now.
Your Powers: you are Vanilla. Yes, you are a Vanilla in a role-madness game. Isn’t life in the Wasteland unfair? You can only use your vote for the benefit of your team. Make the best of it!

You are Clover. You’ve been a slave, you’ve been an evil bitch. But it’s time to do something positive with your life. Especially since those Settler have some really pretty bitches among themselves! Yes, you can’t deny it. You’ve always been attracted to women and you like to watch. Men, however, are boring!
Your Powers: you are a Track’er/Watch’er. At Night you can target one person. If that person is female, you will Watch her. If that person is not female, you will track him, to see whether he visits one of ‘your’ bitches. If he does, you see what he does to her. If he doesn’t, you lose interest.

You are ED-E. You are a cheery little robot. After your previous owner wandered off into the Wasteland, you have joined the Settlers to support them. Recently you received an update that allows you to heal infections.
Your Powers: at Night, you may target one person to protect them from Infections and to heal any Infections that they might already have.
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Lifthrasil
Hunter65536: It was fun, got the chance to see things from scum perspective for first time since I hadn't gotten scum roles before. Looks like I am best at roles which have to be lynched to win though. :D
bucktoothgamer: I only have one question for my own sanity:

Which nights of N1 and N2 were I the actual NK Target?
Neither lol, also I wasn't trying to deflect with you and Joe on day 1... it was a legit attempt at a joke :D

bucktoothgamer: I only have one question for my own sanity:

Which nights of N1 and N2 were I the actual NK Target?
ZFR: You'll get to read the scum chat after game is over.

I'm curious if they had Day Chat. to compensate.
We did have a day chat because I was a telepath

Great game Joe, bucktoothgamer, GH and ZFR!

It was cool game Lift, thank you for modding and hosting this game :)
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Hunter65536
dedoporno: Good game, guys, especially the Town. The combo between Eng, blotunga and Joe gets a tip of my hat!

Thanks, Lift, for hosting!
Sorry for giving you the short end of the stick with the game balance. A semi-open role madness with known roles is definitely Town-favouring by the many possible mutual confirmations.
Wow, so we got Hunter for the wrong reason.

GG, everyone. Congrats to winners.

Joe gets the MVP for his target choices. Excellent game (for a change).

Also very good game newbies Eng and bucktooth. Hope you join us next one.

catte, sorry for tunelling. But I really wasn't trying to prove my trap works at all costs. I was actually not sure of it myself given how neither Joe (and later Hunter) caught it, but I misinterpreted your "clearing" me and thought it an attempt at shading, so given the way I read your reaction I thought you're scum.

Thanks for hosting, Lift.
Name Role Action Result
Catte Crazy Inventor watch trent 27, success, trent was visited by GH
Korotan Vanilla Killa -
Hunter65536 Telepath mindread Engerek "active"
blotunga CSI sample flubb fail, flubb hidden, become female
GH Courier message from ZFR to trent success
Vitek Shelterer shelter flubb success
Engerek01 Genderbender bend blotunga success
trentonlf Infector bite ZFR success, ZFR infected
dedoporno Sniper snipe Vitek success, Vitek dies
bucktoothgamer Compulsive Coward hide behind Vitek success, leave DNA
ZFR FBI-Profiler investigate flubb fail, feels sick
JoeSapphire Track'er/Watch'er target ZFR watch, Visitors: GH, trent
flubbucket Medic cure Vitek fail

blotunga to trent: "Heya, I'm going to make a leap of faith here that your claim is genuine. Look up post 54, try to find the breadcrumb. I hope you will trust me enough to give me two actions."

ZFR to trent: "Hi trent. This is ZFR (not sure if the receiver knows who the sender is, so I'm including this). I'm an FBI Profiler. Breadcrumbed it in my very first post. The capital letters in first line spell JED. That's John Edward Douglas, famous FBI profiler.
I'm investigating flub this Night to see if he was a neutral killer going after you. Watch for my breadcrumb of result in first post of D2.
The reason I'm writing this to you is because I believe you're Town given your claim. If it's actually a safe claim given by Lift then well played, and I hope Lift gets and itch in his back just out of reach of his hands and a corn hull stuck in his teeth for a week."

Joe To Catte: "A warm hello to you. THIS IS A TEST OF THE MESSENGER SERVICE. if you enjoyed this communication and would like to receive more communications please send a cheque for 20 pence and a stamped addressed envelope to:
Your mum
Thank you."
Lifthrasil: Yes. That's why there was a Survivor part to the win condition as well. The moment that the one Vanilla died, Korotan became a regular Survivor.

Originally, with 13 players, it was planned to have a Goon too. But I decided to balance the 14th player by turning the Goon into a Telepath to give Scum a Daychat. (worth half a player, approximately)
But he didn't know that and if he made even one kill attempt, he would be dead. I get it is supposed to be used once vanilla is revealed but for someone like me who just craves to have kill, it would be inhuman suffering to not just use it and die horribly. :-)
dedoporno: The combo between Eng, blotunga and Joe gets a tip of my hat!
Oh yes. Nice to see something like that in live action.
ZFR: Also very good game newbies Eng and bucktooth. Hope you join us next one.
I agree! That was a very good performance!

Poor bucktooth had his hiding place nightkilled twice in a row! That was pure chance, but it must have been unsettling.
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Lifthrasil
Lifthrasil: Sorry for giving you the short end of the stick with the game balance. A semi-open role madness with known roles is definitely Town-favouring by the many possible mutual confirmations.
It is what it is, don't worry about it. As I told Joe earlier, everyone is in the same situation and could have rolled whatever. I do admit it has gotten somewhat tiresome to play against the odds as that has been happening to me for quite a while now to the point where I feel like I'm just jinxing my teammates every time regardless of what I do in the actual game. I think I'm done playing for a while.
dedoporno: I do admit it has gotten somewhat tiresome to play against the odds as that has been happening to me for quite a while now to the point where I feel like I'm just jinxing my teammates every time regardless of what I do in the actual game. I think I'm done playing for a while.
Maybe you are and I work as lucky charm.
Since I returned I took part in 4 games. I don't think I played particulary well (I was mostly shit I would say) in any of them and yet I am 4 in 4. As opposite to it, I think you played very well in all of them and yet you are 0 in 4.
I feel like it can't be coincidence anymore. :-)
Night 2

Name Role Action Result
Catte Crazy Inventor coward finder on bucktooth 97, fail
Korotan Vanilla Killa - -
Hunter65536 Telepath mindread Catte "active"
blotunga CSI sample Joe success, but dies
GH Courier message from Hunter to dedo
Engerek01 Genderbender bend Joe success
dedoporno Sniper snipe blotunga success
bucktoothgamer Compulsive Coward hide behind blotunga success, see Catte
ZFR (infected) FBI-Profiler Investigate Joe success, "Boring"
JoeSapphire Track'er/Watch'er watch blotunga bent, see dedo and bucktooth
flubbucket Medic cure ZFR success, ZFR cured

Hunter to dedo: "An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar.
The first orders a beer, the second orders half a beer, the third orders a quarter of a beer, and so on.
After the seventh order, the bartender pours two beers and says, "You fellas ought to know your limits."

Joe to ZFR: "u sent ur role to scum lolololol
pls pass on the attached to dedo
*attached nude selfies*"

dedo to Joe: (naughty dick-pic that I'm not going to reproduce here!)

Night 3

Name Role Action Result
Catte Crazy Inventor Cop Korotan 71, fail
Korotan Vanilla Killa - -
Hunter65536 Telepath Kill Joe success, Joe dies
GH Courier message from buck to joe success
Engerek01 Genderbender bend bucktooth success, buck is female now
bucktoothgamer Compulsive Coward hide behind flubb success
ZFR (infected) FBI-Profiler investigate flubb success, "boring"
JoeSapphire Track'er/Watch'er target Hunter watch, nobody visits
flubbucket Medic - -

Korotan to Engerek: "You overlook that I claimed, that I am an Scholar too. Which is my saying, that my role is useless for anyone else."

bucktooth to Joe: to Joe: " I'm writing this so that I have someone else to vouch for me if my role comes into question again. I am choosing to hide behind flubb tonight. However, IF flub is killed and flips town I will claim to have hidden behind korotan. If you havent chosen to watch yet, I wouldn't mind you following me. Maybe you can pull another deo out of your hat."

Joe to Catte: ""I'm not putting it in the game because I don't want to take your thunder away from you but if you aren't blowing yourself up in a blaze of glory tonight you're Doing It Wrong. Also, I found these under dedo's bed: *dicpics*"
Post edited October 29, 2020 by Lifthrasil
Lifthrasil: Also, I found these under dedo's bed: *dicpics*
I spilled a bottle of coconut juice on those.
Good game, people, sorry for near-snapping on D2, I probably should've handled that differently