It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Laggers: It makes no sense at all. Releasing broken products shouldn't be condoned or accepted as a fact.
Except so far Zaul is the only person I've seen demanding a refund.

Truth be told, since there's millions of computers, with different configurations, slightly different states of OS, different drivers, hardware, etc etc, a product that works perfectly well for one person might not work well for another.

Is the product truly broken? Unlike Arkhan Knight which was known to be totally crap and put out by WB regardless, NMS is probably going to work fine for 97% of buyers (or more). While game breaking bugs (and not issues with it being able to start at all) are going to be fixed as they appear, since not every scenario can be tested by a small team. (Although unittests can do quite a bit of work).
Post edited August 13, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: ... is probably going to work fine for 97% of buyers ...
the question is when? soon™?
rtcvb32: regardless, NMS is probably going to work fine for 97% of buyers (or more).
Yes, that's why both gog and steam review pages are full of people saying that the game doesn't work.
friends, gamers, countrymen: give it a rest!

He isn't listening to you! :P
rtcvb32: regardless, NMS is probably going to work fine for 97% of buyers (or more).
Laggers: Yes, that's why both gog and steam review pages are full of people saying that the game doesn't work.
An update, for those of us who cant even start the game, it may be down to having older CPUs that cannot do SSE 4.1 support. See this post on Reddit:
If this is the case, then it's probably being worked on. could be a simple matter of recompiling it with a different chipset in mind.
low rated
atlasnr: I am wise enough to know better than to pre-order anything in 2016, especially a PC game. However, when covered by the refund policies of GOG or even Steam for that matter I feel a lot safer making an early purchase.

Yet there are cases like this where I question how far that safety net extends. It's a bit disquieting to see GOG turn its back on people like this. It's almost as if they made their refund policy as nebulous as possible in order to pick and choose when to refund even though everything seems to be on the mark for what constitutes a refund.

I almost always choose GOG for my game purchases if it's available here but instances like this make me second guess that. As much as I dislike Steam, their refund policy is clearly stated and always honored. GOG on the other hand seems to be looking for any possible reason to deny a refund.

Certainly a blemish for me on an otherwise great store, site, and team.

Also as a side note to the people telling people "It's your fault for not waiting." That entire line of reasoning is fallacious. GOG simply offering the option of pre-orders says that they have faith that a product will be of a certain quality and so should the consumer. While I will never pre-order due to seeing people get shafted far too often there are some who aren't aware of the risks and rightfully expect GOG to honor their refund policy should a product not work. Telling someone to wait for an undetermined amount of time for a patch does not constitute actual support or troubleshooting.
Steam sux way more than GOG, Steam troll. I don't see GOG rolling out sleazy money-sponges like Neverwinter.

So with all due respect, piss off. : )
tinyE: friends, gamers, countrymen: give it a rest!

He isn't listening to you! :P
This is way more fun than NMS. lol
Post edited August 13, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Laggers: Yes, that's why both gog and steam review pages are full of people saying that the game doesn't work.

An update, for those of us who cant even start the game, it may be down to having older CPUs that cannot do SSE 4.1 support. See this post on Reddit:
rtcvb32: If this is the case, then it's probably being worked on. could be a simple matter of recompiling it with a different chipset in mind.
Great fix, so that's why the game wasn't working for Total Biscuit with his i7 6700... oh wait.
high rated
Laggers: <snip>

This game is not an early access title and it has major issues that are literally preventing people from playing. I rarely buy games at release for this very reason, but when I do and the game is a broken piece of shit I can refund it without question on origin or steam. I never had issues with gog titles before (since I usually buy older games here) so I never knew they could be this greedy for unfairly earned money.
You keep referring to the refund policy of Steam and Origin. They can readily issue out refunds because, with their client service, you are returning the product for a refund. This isn't the case with GOG due to their DRM-Free nature. With GOG you can get a refund and still keep the product in its current state. GOG only asks that they have the opportunity to make things right. If they cannot, the refund is still in effect.
Martek: You just keep arguing "off to the side". GOG IS NOT being irresponsible.

I suppose you didn't read my link to their refund policy?

If you did (whether from my link or not), then the answer is SIMPLE - don't buy if you don't agree to the policy.

Otherwise - PATIENCE.

Don't have any patience? No self control? Does this describe you?

Then I just SMH
whytestallion: Lots of places stock broken products. But lots of places do refunds different too. If you go to a mechanic but they can't fix your problem, you STILL pay them. Here its a bit different but concept is the same. You pay for a product, let them make sure it's fixable first.

You don't go to a software engineer and tell them to have everything 100% perfect the first release day. Why do you expect this from game designers? And why do you think it's okay to demand a refund when work is being put in to rectify this error? Your logic is missing several foundations. Patience won't hurt anyone, especially in the age of screenshots and public opinion. If GOG doesn't live up to their word, there will be problems. But right now they are following their terms closely
Laggers: Do you enjoy getting fucked in the ass with no lube you defend it so hard? This is anti-consumer practice at it's finest. They are holding people's money hostage and offer no solution to the issue. Patience is not a valid response when they give you no timeframe in which the issue will be fixed. Either they can fix it or they can't. "maybe it will be fixed later" is not a valid response and is against their own ToS.

"If, within 30 days after the purchase of your game, you experience technical problems or game-breaking bugs that prevent you from finishing your game, contact our customer support. They will do their best to help you fix the problem and if, at the end of their attempts to solve the problem your game is still not working, we'll give you back your money."

"They will do their best to help you fix the problem and if, at the end of their attempts to solve the problem your game is still not working, we'll give you back your money"

Telling people to wait is not an attempt to solve a problem. An attempt to solve a problem is to give solution like update your drivers or install this distributable. They clearly cannot fix it so by their own ToS they should give people their money back.
HAHAHAHA great defense. A+.

First, you missed number 7 and 8. They say give us a chance. So you're already omitting part of the Terms.
Second, they aren't holding it hostage since it was freely given. Instead they are following a procedure to make sure they don't get screwed. Imagine if all the people found out "I can get this free" then you'd have what happens on google play. Bogus claims. Getting money back while retaining the goods. Now that's fair though right?
Third, why MUST they give a timeframe? You're saying "give me expectations" when they do not know the extent of the problem. In their minds (and many here) it's a small problem with many being able to play and a patch coming. So they fully expect a quick patch BUT that's not in their control. So if we wait, say, a day, what does that hurt? You're so adamant about IMMEDIATE results, you haven't thought how little it will hurt to wait. Or the possible ramifications by acting preemptively.
Fourth, waiting is actually a pretty big solution when it comes to electronic goods. Some things take a bit of time. That's why many support say "wait X hours and if not received, please let us know" (note: this is developers, not the sellers. Can't use that as a defense)

And since you don't seem to be able to read the full Terms

"Our top priority is to help you get the game working, and this means that we will require some cooperation from you. We won't ask anything extravagant, or super time-consuming, like a system reinstall, but if you absolutely refuse to try anything, we won't be able to determine whether the problem can be fixed or not, and won't be able to issue a refund.
This is especially relevant if there are some glaring issues with your computer, like DirectX faults, or drivers that are ancient, or even missing"
Here's a quick steam review:

"10 FPS on a GTX 980?
No Man's Lag
DO NOT BUY... Yet. (They'll fix it eventually.)

Seems to be a coin toss if it will work for you or not at the time of this edit.
Maybe take some of the comments below into consideration based on hardware stated.

Edit 2:
Just saw the game queued up for a quick download. The FPS is much better now. But I still only get 50 max with medium settings.
I'm noticing bad frame drops still. Even while in menu's the mouse will hang randomly for about half a second.
It's getting there.

Cpu: AMD 9590
Mobo: MSI 970 Gaming
Gpu: GTX 980 (Not a Ti) [Driver: 368.81]
Mem: 16Gb
Rez: 1920x1080 120Hz
OS: Win 7 Pro 64bit"

Seems like:
1. The problem is they haven't optimized it
2. They are quickly trying to fix it
whytestallion: ...
As TinyE says, I don't think logic is going to work well with him. At this point I consider him a troll and it's best just not to bother with direct replies anymore.

Being the voices of reason, anyone else who comes and says they have issues suggest waiting for the upcoming patch for compatibility and be done with it.
whytestallion: ...
rtcvb32: As TinyE says, I don't think logic is going to work well with him. At this point I consider him a troll and it's best just not to bother with direct replies anymore.

Being the voices of reason, anyone else who comes and says they have issues suggest waiting for the upcoming patch for compatibility and be done with it.
At this point I'm done.

And yeah, the patch is coming soon. After all this hype and pressure, to not fix it quickly will destroy their market. Not to mention all sites will be forced to give refunds after a period
whytestallion: And yeah, the patch is coming soon. After all this hype and pressure, to not fix it quickly will destroy their market. Not to mention all sites will be forced to give refunds after a period
If it really is just the SSE 4.1 issue, then it just comes down to how you compile the binary to be compatible with as many machines as possible. I know with Unix/Linux and most machines, you'd compile raw 386 code and leave extra 'features' turned off, including SSE, MMX, and other useful instruction sets.

Which brings me to how some software is distributed via sourcecode, where you'd get it, and during the installation it compiles the software to utilize as many of the features you have on the current machine rather than a pre-made universal compatible binary.

Although some software would be compiled with dozens of variations of versions in the same exe file. Pkzip would for example detect the type of CPU you had and features, and then run the best version of the compressor/decompressor from that data.

From all I hear, it seems Crashlands really is the better No Man's Sky.

Sorry for all your troubles. For what it's worth, yes, GOG must refund by the letter of their terms of use. :|
atlasnr: I am wise enough to know better than to pre-order anything in 2016, especially a PC game. However, when covered by the refund policies of GOG or even Steam for that matter I feel a lot safer making an early purchase.

Yet there are cases like this where I question how far that safety net extends. It's a bit disquieting to see GOG turn its back on people like this. It's almost as if they made their refund policy as nebulous as possible in order to pick and choose when to refund even though everything seems to be on the mark for what constitutes a refund.

I almost always choose GOG for my game purchases if it's available here but instances like this make me second guess that. As much as I dislike Steam, their refund policy is clearly stated and always honored. GOG on the other hand seems to be looking for any possible reason to deny a refund.

Certainly a blemish for me on an otherwise great store, site, and team.

Also as a side note to the people telling people "It's your fault for not waiting." That entire line of reasoning is fallacious. GOG simply offering the option of pre-orders says that they have faith that a product will be of a certain quality and so should the consumer. While I will never pre-order due to seeing people get shafted far too often there are some who aren't aware of the risks and rightfully expect GOG to honor their refund policy should a product not work. Telling someone to wait for an undetermined amount of time for a patch does not constitute actual support or troubleshooting.
richlind33: Steam sux way more than GOG, Steam troll. I don't see GOG rolling out sleazy money-sponges like Neverwinter.

So with all due respect, piss off. : )
tinyE: friends, gamers, countrymen: give it a rest!

He isn't listening to you! :P
richlind33: This is way more fun than NMS. lol
There's no reason for you to be disrespectful. You're not changing anyones mind by being a troll.