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I found this news, which no-one has posted yet on the GOG forums, for those of you who like the Command & Conquer games.

I won't participate in the discussion as I don't play RTS games (I suck at multitasking and ordering around multiple units at the same time), but leave this link as information for those of you who do like the original Command & Conquer games.
#FCKME that's original. Who would have thought slapping a widescreen mod on an old game would be one a cashcow. Seriously more ip holders should do this, oh wait....
Unfortunately Dragon Age 2 is also the product of the original Bioware developers. And that turned out to be the pinnacle of dumbing down for 2011 - precisely because they were published and "helped" by EA...
My thought exactly.

"...EA is going to partner..." being the key thing here... If Petroglyph were given free leash then the remaster might turn out "good enough".

Any direct EA involvement turns to shit pretty fast so I'm standing on fence for now :D

Post edited November 15, 2018 by sanscript
Not sure if Michael Biehn can pull that off anymore.

Oh, god. Why?

Well, C&C and Red Alert wouldn’t be the same without them, so all three expansion packs will be bundled with the base games into one remastered collection - without microtransactions.
It's hilarious, micro-transactions for a remaster wouldn't even cross my mind, let alone mention it. I'm guessing EA has become quite notorious with this stuff so the answer is there before fans ask the question.

Well, C&C and Red Alert wouldn’t be the same without them, so all three expansion packs will be bundled with the base games into one remastered collection - without microtransactions.
Ganni1987: It's hilarious, micro-transactions for a remaster wouldn't even cross my mind, let alone mention it. I'm guessing EA has become quite notorious with this stuff so the answer is there before fans ask the question.
oh the fans did, this information has been hanging around the community for at least a month on the openra and cncnz forums where jim vassella (he worked on CNC 3 and RA3 IIRC) had first reached out the community to get some initial feedback about such a remaster.

So far the plan is to just remaster C&C Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert, future games like TS and RA 2 might come along later.

I added a wishlist entry for this here:
Post edited November 15, 2018 by Lord_Kane
I'm cautiously optimistic, but it's EA we're talking about.
I pretty much gave up on EA when they axed Generals 2.
At EA:
- Lets announce this shitty mobile C&C game with full of microtransactions.
- But what if the fans will start to complain about it?
- Nah, nobody cares about C&C anymore.
*They announce it*
- See people are complaining, they are still care about C&C
- Perfect, lets milk the money out of them with a shitty remaster attempt
Well, i think i'll remain cautiously optimistic that the remake will turn out well but if they r going the approach of micro-transactions 4 future remasters they can 4get abt me paying a single cent 4 it.
Post edited November 15, 2018 by tomyam80
at this point i don't care. too many let downs by that franchise. when it's released (generals 2, tiberium FPS,) i will have a look then.
Okay... I'm impressed. This sounds so good, it gives me shivers. Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined Petroglyph getting a chance to remaster C&C. Lemon Sky Studios seem to deserve the praise they're getting, but I don't know enough about them. BUT, are you fucking kidding me?!?... FRANK KLEPACKI!!! I think this is the first time I feel the hype for a game. As in true HYPE, and not social media hype.

The thing that would totally blow my mind, would be if EA announces that they are considering releasing on GOG.
MadalinStroe: Okay... I'm impressed. This sounds so good, it gives me shivers. Even in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined Petroglyph getting a chance to remaster C&C. Lemon Sky Studios seem to deserve the praise they're getting, but I don't know enough about them. BUT, are you fucking kidding me?!?... FRANK KLEPACKI!!! I think this is the first time I feel the hype for a game. As in true HYPE, and not social media hype.

The thing that would totally blow my mind, would be if EA announces that they are considering releasing on GOG.
EA being EA, I would not raise my expectations too much... To be honest it may just be that the best thing which we'll get out of this is the original versions landing here on GOG - that's what I'm hoping for at least.

The remasters may end up being mobile-exclusive micro-transaction-ridden flops for all we know, but we'll at least always have the classics, fingers crossed, on GOG.
Post edited November 15, 2018 by WinterSnowfall