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Crewdroog: psssh, whatever. you're gonna go to dinsneyland and ride small world over and over again. dont lie.

aaaand i just put that song in my head.
CarrionCrow: I'd rather sit here and watch a 72,000 copy round of Insomnia, starring Jack Keane 3, at the low low price of 100 dollars apiece, with electrodes attached to my groin that administer electric shocks if I begin to fall asleep.

just me mentioning the ride makes you yearn for it. the little replica you have in the basement just doesn't cut it, i know!
Well Teslagrad definitely has a interesting artstyle but my wallet says no.
Getcomposted: Another side note.
All the sleep deprivation is making me loop(ier).

If we're the only people on GOG right now, who's buying all the games? O_o
GhostwriterDoF: Most of the people making purchases are not active in the Forum, though I suppose some might
monitor the Threads to see if people are talking about the specific games that are up in the cycle.

In the past, people in the Threads were trying to "sell" people on getting the games by talking about them,
which is how the Jack Keane thing went haywire, and spilled out of the Forum and all over the internet. heh!
Some people are looking, some bots are scouting. I'm pretty sure any bot scouting the front page doesn't need input from the forums and the lurkers that own them don't need to have a forum presence.
HypersomniacLive: For some reason I read that as "mating". p_O
The_Blog: Damn guys, you know what I would LOVE to see on gog? Anno. Anno all the way...
*waves hands in a visionary manner*
No seriously. I would Love to play Anno 1503 and Anno 1602 in a Windows 8 compatible version again. I have the Special Edition of Anno 1503 here and it even comes with a colored 100 pages thick manual. 100! pages with tactics and EVERYTHING explained.
That would be nice. Although i never played 1503, only 1602 and then 1404.

Edit: missing word added.
Post edited March 09, 2015 by ElTerprise
CarrionCrow: Had an awesome person gift a couple from the promo to me, so now I have Challenge of the Five Realms as well along with Slave Zero.

If I can get some more money before it ends, I'll end up with Realms of Arkania 3, Journeyman Project 2 and 3, maybe Deadlock 1 and 2, maybe Redline.
jackster79: Check your PM buddy! :-)
That is frigging awesome, thank you. =)

Seriously though - I don't need any more games. -laughs-

I passed any possible "need" stage over a year ago.

(Internally, there's a voice saying I need more games, even as I type that I don't....)
Dalthnock: About indie movies, though... be realistic. Nobody cares about them. Especially when there are so many good movies dating back all the way to the 30s. Why would I want to watch some mushroom-trip independent film when I can watch a Hammer film for free any time I want?

And I'll keep doing it until I can get a legal copy that I can OWN. Not just rent. And if some countries get it first, so be it. Eventually, most countries will get them as well. But it has to start somewhere.
PaterAlf: To be honest, I prefer a good indie movie over a Hollywood movie most of the time. I still go to the cinema at least once a week and most of the stuff I watch are indie movies. There is so much fantastic stuff from all around the world (especially Asia, South America and also from North and South Europe) that most people never hear of and that is absolutely worth watching.

These are the movies that GOG can get (and while most of them are not English, there are often at least English subtitles because publishers tried to sell them or showed them on international festivals) and these are the people that are most probably willing to distribute their movies DRM-free and worldwide. Use them to show the big studios that money can be made with such a business model and maybe they will follow.
Oh, I'm not talking about the recent blockbusters. I was hoping when GOG talked about getting movies, it'd focus more on the old ones that stood the test of time. I'd love to buy the entire Hammer Film collection, for example. Or the Marx Brothers movies, Back to the Future Trilogy, Conan, Superman, etc. Hell, maybe we could get the campy 60s Spiderman, Hulk, etc.

Of course, I'm just pulling these titles out of my ass, but it's what I'd like to see here.

If I start buying indie movies, the only thing I'll tell the industry is that I want crappy, low-budget films with nonsensical plot. I will admit that there may the the odd really good independent film, but sooner or later, those will gain a cult following, so that works for me.

Again, I will NOT subject myself to experimental stuff just to make a point that the industry won't get. Life is too short to waste like that.

Remember, region-free DVDs are a thing. They didn't appear out of thin air, out of kindness from the big studios or because everyone was buying indie films.

There is a way to make distributors notice what you want. But you have to hurt them where they care.
Crewdroog: psssh, whatever. you're gonna go to dinsneyland and ride small world over and over again. dont lie.

aaaand i just put that song in my head.
jadegiant: Cursed by Din?
hahaha, probably 'cause i'm here and not playing his game!
Well, I hope Wasteland 2 shows up at a decent price in the next sale, since that's the one I really wanted to get this time -- bad timing meant I was either asleep or doing something else!

EDIT: Frankly, I'm somewhat relieved that this one's winding down now! :-)
Post edited March 09, 2015 by blakstar
My name is Geronimo Rhöder and i reside here. My goal is to loot some crits ^^
HypersomniacLive: For some reason I read that as "mating". p_O
You have a thing for W's?
CarrionCrow: I'd rather sit here and watch a 72,000 copy round of Insomnia, starring Jack Keane 3, at the low low price of 100 dollars apiece, with electrodes attached to my groin that administer electric shocks if I begin to fall asleep.
Crewdroog: lies!

just me mentioning the ride makes you yearn for it. the little replica you have in the basement just doesn't cut it, i know!
There is only one way that I would do such a thing, and that would be if there was someone I deeply care for who liked it enough to want to go.

Then I'd go on the fucking thing....

But otherwise? Not gonna happen.
Crewdroog: psssh, whatever. you're gonna go to dinsneyland and ride small world over and over again. dont lie.

aaaand i just put that song in my head.
CarrionCrow: I'd rather sit here and watch a 72,000 copy round of Insomnia, starring Jack Keane 3, at the low low price of 100 dollars apiece, with electrodes attached to my groin that administer electric shocks if I begin to fall asleep.
You also put it in mine. LOL There are WAY too many songs I recall from childhood just from having them drilled into me in elementary school, and that was one.

I can hear my 10-year-old self singing it over and over and over at the commencement exercises.

That is one way to keep me awake - have me sing a song to myself that I cannot get out of my head. XD
Crewdroog: you know what was my first introduction to gog? the last spring insomnia sale. meeeemmmoriesssss.......
... all alone in the moonlight...
ViktorDavion: My name is Geronimo Rhöder and i reside here. My goal is to loot some crits ^^
Viel Glück dabei :)