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Nipoti: You are right, we are just getting ready for the Drama™ :)
Thanks, I guess.

But yeah, I remember Hatred's drama, saw it, looked unoptimized and restrictive in terms of gameplay. Character seemed too cringeworthy to tolerate, the mechanics looked tedious at best and the concept of gameplay seemed forgettable (Honestly entirely forgot about the game). I loved Postal 1, but what was that? Early 90's?

Rail shooters are kinda dead, so there are Muslims in it... Don't quite get why people would get worked up about it. I kinda ethnically cleansed the entire world fifty times over in DEFCON without flinching.
low rated
Qz501: Don't quite get why people would get worked up about it. I kinda ethnically cleansed the entire world fifty times over in DEFCON without flinching.
I love incinerating millions in defcon! I personally don't have any interest in supporting far right wing developers when I generally find games by those sorts of people to be childish, mean-spirited, and - always, like the entirety of their lives - utterly devoid of humor. :)
Qz501: Don't quite get why people would get worked up about it. I kinda ethnically cleansed the entire world fifty times over in DEFCON without flinching.
budejovice: I love incinerating millions in defcon! I personally don't have any interest in supporting far right wing developers when I generally find games by those sorts of people to be childish, mean-spirited, and - always, like the entirety of their lives - utterly devoid of humor. :)
Why bring politics into it? Why not just judge products on their immersiveness, quality, replayability, and software durability. When I saw the screenshots and trailer I just assumed it was a 'meh' rail shooter with graphics one step down from Call of Duty 4, didn't really give much thought into the geo-political understandings and identity of the dev team.
Nipoti: You are right, we are just getting ready for the Drama™ :)
Qz501: Thanks, I guess.

But yeah, I remember Hatred's drama, saw it, looked unoptimized and restrictive in terms of gameplay. Character seemed too cringeworthy to tolerate, the mechanics looked tedious at best and the concept of gameplay seemed forgettable (Honestly entirely forgot about the game). I loved Postal 1, but what was that? Early 90's?

Rail shooters are kinda dead, so there are Muslims in it... Don't quite get why people would get worked up about it. I kinda ethnically cleansed the entire world fifty times over in DEFCON without flinching.
They went the extra mile and named an actual and current terrorist organization, and some of the members of this company may or may not have... certain views on Muslims. But really, it's not the fact you kill Muslims in it, it's just a painfully obvious marketing ploy for an otherwise uninspired game from a dead genre. They also said they would never include real world events in theirs games, yet Hatred can be interpreted from the string of public shootings here, and now we get ISIS DEFENSE. Hatred was a response to the SJW games, yet they can't make a fun game to save their lives.

It's cringy in the same way as when that Rambo Rail-shooter came out. It's like... "who thought this would be fun?".
Are they trying to dethrone Shadow the Hedgehog as the 21st century's tryhard edgiest game?
Does it have ISIS mode? Play as an ISIS terrorist? :D

IMO, it sounds like typical modern FPS games.
low rated
budejovice: I love incinerating millions in defcon! I personally don't have any interest in supporting far right wing developers when I generally find games by those sorts of people to be childish, mean-spirited, and - always, like the entirety of their lives - utterly devoid of humor. :)
Qz501: Why bring politics into it? Why not just judge products on their immersiveness, quality, replayability, and software durability. When I saw the screenshots and trailer I just assumed it was a 'meh' rail shooter with graphics one step down from Call of Duty 4, didn't really give much thought into the geo-political understandings and identity of the dev team.
I think their politics seep into their games. Take Grimm - ugghh. Childish. Mean. Not funny. I could also go to Donald Trump rallies, but I would find them offensive. My reaction is akin to the religious and/or far right bitching about a game like Gone Home.

I can read Celine or Hamsun when they're not spouting fascism. Unfortunately these devs are no Celine or Hamsun! :)
Post edited February 09, 2016 by budejovice
high rated
Any estimates yet on when the Hatred devs will hit puberty...?
Qz501: Don't quite get why people would get worked up about it. I kinda ethnically cleansed the entire world fifty times over in DEFCON without flinching.
budejovice: I love incinerating millions in defcon! I personally don't have any interest in supporting far right wing developers when I generally find games by those sorts of people to be childish, mean-spirited, and - always, like the entirety of their lives - utterly devoid of humor. :)
Speaking of DEFCON, how good is the single-player mode?
Randalator: Any estimates yet on when the Hatred devs will hit puberty...?
Best laughter I had since the begin of this thread :o)
Post edited February 09, 2016 by catpower1980
budejovice: My reaction is akin to the religious and/or far right bitching about a game like Gone Home.
Oh, that LGBT bandwagon game that actually didn't say anything about that issue?
Qz501: Why bring politics into it? Why not just judge products on their immersiveness, quality, replayability, and software durability. When I saw the screenshots and trailer I just assumed it was a 'meh' rail shooter with graphics one step down from Call of Duty 4, didn't really give much thought into the geo-political understandings and identity of the dev team.
budejovice: I think their politics seep into their games. I could also go to Donald Trump rallies, but I would find them offensive. My reaction is akin to the religious and/or far right bitching about a game like Gone Home.

I can read Celine or Hamsun when they're not spouting fascism. Unfortunately these devs are no Celine or Hamsun! :)
Yeah, true. I kinda overlooked that setting can influence replayability and consumer enjoyment. Maybe it's just weird for me because I've never really cared one way or another, Gone-Home and Always Sometimes Monsters both seemed too short and uninteresting for me but I never merited my uninterest to the politics of their development team. For me games are just games, I don't really care what the devs believe, if it's a quality product I don't mind playing it. But as I've made it clear, I don't see this as a quality product.

catpower1980: Speaking of DEFCON, how good is the single-player mode?
Soundtrack and visuals both give the game a deep atmosphere, but the singleplayer gets old quickly. The game is mostly multiplayer (atleast for me), the human element really adds complexity to alliances. I'd suggest it, I loved the game
Post edited February 09, 2016 by Qz501
low rated
catpower1980: Speaking of DEFCON, how good is the single-player mode?
I played it against one AI opponent and it was totally and completely one-sided. AI gets blown up. It takes them awhile to get going and by the time they start inflicting casualties they have already lost tens of millions. Though I found it oddly satisfying. I spent some time trying to make the ratio as laughable as I could. :)

It has been a long time since I played it (I completely missed the famous DRM issues from last year, having played it only on computers that are always offline), but I assume adding some more (ai) opponents would even things up a bit?

EDIT: As Qz501 mentioned, for me it really was about the atmosphere. I'm a child of the Cold War and am old enough to have been afraid of nuclear war as a kid. I also loved War Games growing up. That map. Those inbounds. Good stuff. :)
Post edited February 09, 2016 by budejovice
What next 'Hatred' IRA expansion ^^

I looked at a Hatred 'let's play' on youtube, seems nothing special.
Hmm, the vid on steam has it looking like a simple 'sit in one spot and shoot all the crap we throw at you' arcade game.

I guess there's an audience for that type of thing - but seems really boring to me.

Well, I suppose if 'politics' or 'controversy' makes an otherwise simple title more appealing for someone - it's got that too. So, maybe that makes it a win for some folks.. To each their own..

Could not care less if it never hit GOG.
Martek: Could not care less if it never hit GOG.
I care, we still don't have Cuban Missile Crisis, Stalingrad, Great Khan, Icy Hell or World War 1 (Enigma games on the Blitzkrieg 1 engine)!


Okay, maybe I am an elitist, I just want more old games.
Post edited February 09, 2016 by Qz501