nightcraw1er.488: Good for you, you might even get a thank you from Gabe.
Swedrami: Picking up a higher-priced copy on GoG and supporting the DRM-free cause
> picking it up elsewhere cheaper, just because it's cheaper.
I know that's an unpopular thing to do, but that's how I roll.
It would be a different story if there were differences in what's offered, mind you. But as this doesn't seem to be the case and GoG is going to get the same content I don't mind paying more at all.
And who knows - the original might still pop up on GoG alongside the discount one of these days. When EA decides to return and release their back catalogue on GoG again.
either i'm misunderstanding the whole point or some are stuck in their motivational idea's.
if the game is already in your library on steam and the developer that puts some effort towards releasing a remastered game with a discount for the ones who already have the original version then how can this be made a subject for a drm free discussion? DRM free or not such actions should deserve some praise
the game was never drm free to begin with but will be with the remastered version.
new buyers on steam will pay the full price as will buyers on the gog version
if you want to buy the game on gog even if you have the original on steam just for the purpose of supporting gog well, good for you
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just found the article with the information regarding steam
existing owners will receive 50% discount lasting for 2 months
on top of that there is a 10% launch discount
not sure what gog will show towards discounts