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Get ready for a remake of a classic tactical RPG from Japan – FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake is coming soon to GOG!

In the year 2090, the world's conflicts are fought using giant war machines called Wanzers. Huffman Island, the only place where the Oceania Cooperative Union (O.C.U.) and the Unified Continental States (U.C.S.) share a land border is a hotbed of conflict.

An O.C.U. reconnaissance platoon led by Captain Royd Clive is assigned to investigate a U.C.S. munitions plant. They are ambushed by U.C.S. Wanzers, triggering a series of events that plunges the whole island into war. Royd's fiancée, Lieutenant Karen Meure, goes missing in action.

Discharged from the military, Royd sets out to investigate what happened to Karen. His quest leads him closer and closer to the conspiracy behind the incident and the powers that orchestrated it.

All of it with HD visuals and a modern mode with improved controls – wishlist it now so you won’t miss its release or any special offer!
My personal favourite was Front Mission 3. Two whole major campaigns based on a single innocuous choice in the beginning. Tons of characters on both sides which you fight beside and against in each campaign. Front Mission by squaresoft was the tactical mech war rpg back in the day. Never played 1 cos I really don’t enjoy….that type of plot twist that ff7 and Phantasy Star 2 were famous for. Is 1st the only one that will make it to GOG?
arugulaKhan: Oh for the love of-

Enough with the remakes already! If you have the capacity to make a game, make something original.

I loved Front Mission to bits -- 28 years ago. Fond as I am of nostalgia, this is overdoing it a bit...
They tried. With Left Alive not too long ago. Even pulled somebody who worked on Metal Gear Solid series after Kojima got the boot from Konami. I don’t think it went well. It really lacked stealth mechanics for a stealth game imho. How did you find it? I do think it’s not a bad strategy introducing old hits to new generations of gamers, although updating the polish on these games to today’s graphical standards might be helpful.
SpecShadow: Requirements are curiously low, not even Win10/11 only? Or 30+GB space required? Or 16+ GB RAM? Or 1xxx/2xxx/3xxx GPU?
Western devs have a lot to learn, but they despise Japanese games and their effort put in the developements.
The developers are Polish, dude.

arugulaKhan: Oh for the love of-

Enough with the remakes already! If you have the capacity to make a game, make something original.

I loved Front Mission to bits -- 28 years ago. Fond as I am of nostalgia, this is overdoing it a bit...
Not that many people are familiar with this game, and the only way to play it these days otherwise is with emulation, so it's a legitimate candidate for a remake. It's not like it's a remake of a game that's still widely available and came out <10 years ago.
Very nice. Hopefully that means that the upcoming remakes of 2 & 3 will make it here as well eventually.
This would've been prefect for me a few months ago. I wanted a mech game that felt like a mech game. Relayer is nice, but it's basically a fantasy game with different artwork. I had Battletech years ago, but abandoned it shortly after purchase because it was a slog. I retried it, and am actually quite fond of it now. If this game is anything like Front Mission 3 (the only one I played a lot of), it's nice, and feels like a mech game (much more so than Relayer, at least), but has nowhere near the depth of Battletech. I think I'll just stick to Battletech.

That said, I'm happy to see this here. If I'm still alive and have money by the time it releases, maybe I'll even get it, for nostalgia's sake (I did like Front Mission 3, mostly). It's nice to have standard turn-based strategy games here. Last time I liked the sort of real-time games that are popular now (and always have been, actually: I am not the primary target audience for video games) was when the C64 was still my primary computer. If, as some people suggested, this game series were extended rather than remade, I'm sure I wouldn't be interested any more. It'd have to be my all-time favorite franchise (it wasn't) for me to even try something completely different (e.g. I bought Fallout 3 knowing it wasn't my kind of game, but not realizing until too late that they also tromped all over everything else at the same time).
P-E-S: Very nice. Hopefully that means that the upcoming remakes of 2 & 3 will make it here as well eventually.
It's confirmed 3 is receiving a remake? Maybe one day will have PC port of 4 and 5.
Sooooo.....part 3 when? Pretty much the only one I cared about. Even found 5 shrink wrapped copies this one time at a toy store going out of business once. Damn shame I lacked a crystal ball to know to buy all of them lol

But I did buy 1 for a random purchase. Only to find out later how rare a find it was brand new.
I am confused, wasn't Front Mission a Squaresoft franchise?
Mafwek: I am confused, wasn't Front Mission a Squaresoft franchise?
It does say copyright Square Enix at the bottom of the page (and there is a mention of them at the end of the trailer also). Just no mention in the developer/publisher section. I'm glad to see these Japanese remakes from Forever Entertainment, hopefully they will be good. (Hopefully GOG will one day fix the developer/publisher pages so it is possible to see all games from a developer/publisher even when some of them have multiple developers or publishers).
Post edited June 02, 2023 by joveian
Mafwek: I am confused, wasn't Front Mission a Squaresoft franchise?
joveian: It does say copyright Square Enix at the bottom of the page (and there is a mention of them at the end of the trailer also). Just no mention in the developer/publisher section. I'm glad to see these Japanese remakes from Forever Entertainment, hopefully they will be good. (Hopefully GOG will one day fix the developer/publisher pages so it is possible to see all games from a developer/publisher even when some of them have multiple developers or publishers).
Glad to see I am not getting that senile. Thanks for the information!
I tought it was a Switch exclusive, well, to the wishlist it goes

also I hope they bring 2 too to PC even tough it isn't out yet
Great to see this coming here, hope the rest of the series shows up here as well! Never played this one, but rememeber loving the third one on PS1 back in the day.
It's nice that this game will soon be coming to GOG.
P-E-S: Very nice. Hopefully that means that the upcoming remakes of 2 & 3 will make it here as well eventually.
Syphon72: It's confirmed 3 is receiving a remake? Maybe one day will have PC port of 4 and 5.
Indeed it is, although no known release date or estimate as of yet - hell, they're still working on part 2.
Post edited June 02, 2023 by P-E-S
eric5h5: Not that many people are familiar with this game, and the only way to play it these days otherwise is with emulation, so it's a legitimate candidate for a remake. It's not like it's a remake of a game that's still widely available and came out <10 years ago.
That's a fair point.

What doesn't sit right with me, however, is this so called "studio" modifying Front Mission and calling it an "upgrade" (referring here to that "select a campaign" GIF on the game's page; campaigns, plural? Front Mission only had the one).

I've seen the same thing with Baldur's Gate Enhanced and other titles, where "devs" can't resist throwing in some of their own "creativity" to a game yonks better than anything they could make themselves...

It smacks of an art critic "updating" the Mona Lisa and irks me to no end.