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high rated
richlind33: Looks like we got a wide-stancer here, tiny, want to have some fun, mang?!?!?! lol

wpegg: Come on man, you know better than to feed such an obviously bad troll.
richlind33: Fix'd that for you, bro. ;)
I'm not European so I shouldn't be in here in the first place. :P All the mean shit I do in here and I honestly think this is the most disrespectful.
richlind33: Looks like we got a wide-stancer here, tiny, want to have some fun, mang?!?!?! lol

Fix'd that for you, bro. ;)
tinyE: I'm not European so I shouldn't be in here in the first place. :P All the mean shit I do in here and I honestly think this is the most disrespectful.
I enjoy serious discussion, but also enjoy light-hearted jousting. But that's me.

As long as tossers like infinite are around, you come off as a respectful, if not respectable, gentleman. ;p
high rated
tinyE: I'm not European so I shouldn't be in here in the first place. :P All the mean shit I do in here and I honestly think this is the most disrespectful.
richlind33: I enjoy serious discussion, but also enjoy light-hearted jousting. But that's me.

As long as tossers like infinite are around, you come off as a respectful, if not respectable, gentleman. ;p
I sent infinite's 'hope your daughter gets raped' post to three different Blues and they didn't even have the courtesy to remove it or warn him, much less boot his ass.
Regals: Sorry I want to be homosexual and suck penis.
the brexit enemies aren't even too scared of shooting their own supporters to gain sympathy. welcome to the dark side of politics
high rated
richlind33: I enjoy serious discussion, but also enjoy light-hearted jousting. But that's me.

As long as tossers like infinite are around, you come off as a respectful, if not respectable, gentleman. ;p
tinyE: I sent infinite's 'hope your daughter gets raped' post to three different Blues and they didn't even have the courtesy to remove it or warn him, much less boot his ass.
They seem to have their hands full taking care of customer support so I'm not surprised. Or upset. I much prefer under-moderation to over-moderation.
low rated



Maybe if you actually played games or I dunno bought a game on a GAME STORE WEBPAGE
They might give a crap about you tinyEpenis

Your daughters penis smelled like tuna anyways.
Post edited June 21, 2016 by Regals
the cynical part of me enjoys the disruption this will cause to the status quo and wrinkling brows of those with such reservation to disruption to it.

things seem more and more endgame don't they?
Having a Texan perspective I hope Brexit makes the seperation. If not, they will eventually be a state with little power over thier own affairs, much like Texas is helpless before overreaching Federal powers here in the states. They should leave now because in another twenty years they wont have the option outside of armed revolt.

The United states started off very similar to the EU where states were run very independently from one another. Over 200 years those states rights have been completely stripped away, and the UK will slowly see the same thing happen to its self government. Leave now, while you can.
high rated
I thought Ronald Reagan was dead. :P
high rated
johnnygoging: things seem more and more endgame don't they?
I hope so because this game only has one ending and the sooner we get it over with, the more likely that we'll get the chance to play another.

tinyE: I thought Ronald Reagan was dead. :P
I voted for that worthless fuck. :(
Post edited June 21, 2016 by richlind33
high rated
johnnygoging: things seem more and more endgame don't they?
richlind33: I hope so because this game only has one ending and the sooner we get it over with, the more likely that we'll get the chance to play another.

tinyE: I thought Ronald Reagan was dead. :P
richlind33: I voted for that worthless fuck. :(
Calm down friend. We all have skeletons in our closet.
2014 was a shitty year.
2015 was a shitty year.
2016... dear, NATO, please not Belarus or Kazakhstan.... :(
Post edited June 21, 2016 by Lin545
low rated
SirHandsome: The United states started off very similar to the EU where states were run very independently from one another. Over 200 years those states rights have been completely stripped away, and the UK will slowly see the same thing happen to its self government. Leave now, while you can.
Interesting that you say so as from a genereal European point of view, the US federalism is seen as something that always have been the rule, like: "there was the civil war and then boom USA as we know it nowadays was born" ;)

Actually, I would have a hard time imagining an US state trying to get back its sovereignty, seems like science-fiction :o)
high rated
catpower1980: Interesting that you say so as from a genereal European point of view, the US federalism is seen as something that always have been the rule, like: "there was the civil war and then boom USA as we know it nowadays was born" ;)

Actually, I would have a hard time imagining an US state trying to get back its sovereignty, seems like science-fiction :o)
Regardless of how one feels about federalism, Reconstruction was a failure in every possible way, and illustrated that the North wasn't at all morally superior to the South, though I do have considerable respect for Lincoln. The South was going to attempt succession regardless of whether he stood his ground or conceded on the matter of slavery in new territories, but that's understandable given that the status quo wasn't advantageous for them in the ways that it was for the North. IMO, the only thing that would have morally justified the Civil War is a successful Reconstruction that had significantly improved the quality of life of the newly freed slaves, and healed the terrible rift between North and South that survives to this day.

That said, I don't think succession today is all that improbable. We are a wounded nation with a federal gov't that has borrowed far beyond it's means. As it subsumes more and more of the national economy, that economy becomes all the weaker, while at the same time the people who control the business sector are literally running it into the ground extracting value for the sake of short term profits. Something has to give, and fairly soon, I think.
Post edited June 21, 2016 by richlind33