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Telika: As opposed to ?

Which is the marvellous Country Of The Clever People, which population is immune to demagogy and anti-intellectualist propaganda, and where (just as miraculously as in the realm of economy) the Free Market of Ideas automatically benefits the most enlightened, fair and accurate worldviews ?

Because, you know, I'd be gladly moving there if it was on Earth.
jamyskis: Honestly, political discourse is on the whole a lot more rational in most Western European countries, including (and perhaps despite the SVP) Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries, although excluding countries like Greece. A lot of that is largely to do with a much more balanced news outlet landscape in those countries.

Of course, that's not to say that there aren't plenty of extreme nativist and communist idiots in countries like France and Germany, but they don't dictate the tone, despite perhaps the disproportionate amount of media coverage that they get. Conversely, there are obviously plenty of rational political debaters in countries like the UK and the US, but the media landscape in those countries prevents balanced reporting, and centrist viewpoints seem to be pushed to the wayside.
You don't seem to measure very well the weight of the SVP in Switzerland, or its ideological content and campaign rhetorics. Or the pervasiveness of the FN ideology in French politics, be it in the discourses of a Sarkozy or of a Manuel Valls.
mechmouse: We've had nothing but piss-poor reporting and misinformation from the beginning of this debacle so why stop now.

The most disturbing thing out of all of this, is vast manipulation of the public by groups that have a vested personal interest in pushing the vote one way or another, rather than the greater good of the UK.
jamyskis: From a propagandist's point of view, the pro-Brexit propaganda was actually a stroke of genius. It was the real elite basically railing against the fictitious "elite", exploiting the misconception among the unwashed masses that there is some kind of all-encompassing conspiracy among everyone with a seven-digit annual income to islamise the world and bring them all under the yoke of some notional anti-British authority.

In reality, the pro-Brexit campaign was spearheaded by a political and economic elite whose power base and chief sphere of influence is centred around Britain: Peter Cruddas, Stuart Wheeler, James Dyson, Rupert Murdoch, Richard Desmond, basically the sorts of people whose political influence and power will now only grow because the only legislative power will be concentrated solely in London, whose ear these elites have. These are the people who don't really have much political or financial capital outside of the UK.

And because these Britain-centric elites basically control the media in the UK, it enabled them to unleash the relentless barrage of propaganda that won them the referendum.

(Oddly enough, the left-wing media in the UK - the Guardian and Observer in particular- is largely controlled by journalism trusts as opposed to "rich elites". The only politically influential owner of a left-wing news outlet in the UK is that of the anti-Putin Lebedev family, which owns the Independent.)

The only genuinely neutral news outlet in the UK - the BBC - has had its reputation successfully dragged through the mud by the far right, who have conducted a rather successful campaign to paint it as some kind of left-wing stooge, such that people have been indoctrinated not to trust it. We've had the same problem with a far-right smear campaign against the ARD public broadcaster here in Germany.

Ultimately though, the ones to blame are the British public, who have time and again demonstrated to spectacular effect that for the most part, they are completely fucking incapable of any independent thought or research. Most Brits that I've spoken to about Brexit don't even have the slightest clue how politics or the wider world actually works. Whenever I'm in the UK visiting family, I avoid talking about politics, lest I feel the urge to smash my head through a door, and as soon as a political discussion unfolds, I just leave the room. I can't be doing with the ignorance and the conspiracy theory screaming.

At the end of the day, the information was out there for people to find. It's not like there were Chinese-style net filters or the country was reliant on a North Korean-styled intranet. But most people chose to rely on The Sun, the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, Twitter and Facebook for their "news".

And that, good sir, is why I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the British. Not because of the way they voted, because of the way they chose to be lazy and ignorant out of fear that they might discover that they are not quite so inherently superior as they thought..
Yeah you can trust none of the Daily Express (The worst one, have you seen their front page yesterday? It is one of the most sensationallist pieces of rubbish I've ever had the displeasure of reading, and I've read some of the things Donald Trump has said. They truly think that the EU is going to entrap Britain into a federalist european state, which is impossible because of something called patriotism which still exists in all EU countries and is partly fuelled by media like the Daily Express ), Daily Mail (Almost as bad as the Express.) or The Sun (The least worst one actually.) for your 'news' ( For all 3 or these, think Breitbart or InfoWars levels of bias except mainstream.) and you're right they have demonized the BBC as some socialist, leftist organization when they try to be impartial and succeed for the most part.

And also, not everyone over here is as contemptible as you claim everyone here is. Public opinion seems to be turning towards remain and has been since the referendum. There is a new (Albeit weekly or bi-weekly.) pro-european paper called the New European which apparently already has a 250,000 circulation and I've seen many Leave voters saying they have buyer's remorse. I am convinced if the country voted again, it would vote remain. I suspect ciruclation and website visits of the papers I mentioned above have declined since the referendum. I think the majority of people want a 'soft' brexit (ie the sane option which keeps us in the single market.) even if we leave at all. This court ruling has bought out the true idiots who voted leave (Probably mostly UKIP voters and 'hard' brexiteers who love that idiotic liar Farage who has spent most of the life he got back campaigning for the only politician who is even more of an idiotic liar.) as a vote for leave was partly a vote for democracy and soverignty of Parliament and when they get that they throw their toys out the pram. Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables and, from the previous posts from you I have seen, you are better than that.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by sherringon456
jamyskis: And that, good sir, is why I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the British. Not because of the way they voted, because of the way they chose to be lazy and ignorant out of fear that they might discover that they are not quite so inherently superior as they thought..
You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
Ian: [...] the majority of MP's seemingly more concerned about their jobs than the people they represent. [...]
Isn't this how it works all around the world? ;-)
Ian: [...] the majority of MP's seemingly more concerned about their jobs than the people they represent. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Isn't this how it works all around the world? ;-)
True lol - i just hate politics in general lol - only requirement for the job........."can u lie through your teeth and keep your face straight" lol

EDIT - good to see u Hyper mate :)
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Ian
jamyskis: And that, good sir, is why I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the British. Not because of the way they voted, because of the way they chose to be lazy and ignorant out of fear that they might discover that they are not quite so inherently superior as they thought..
wpegg: You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
But lebensraum is a British concept, you know...oh wait...

Never mind.
sherringon456: -snip-
Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables and, from the previous posts from you I have seen, you are better than that.
wpegg: You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
Almost identical reaction to the same impulse, so I dare to ask you both at once.
You both look disappointed and a bit hurt now, when you are on a recieving end of jamyskis' contempt and dismissiveness for anyone who doesn't met his/her political standards. And still, you are not concerned about the approach and attitude, only about wrong choice of targets. So something that is commendable when aimed at "those who deserve it" is unfair when used on someone innocent, like you.
You correctly noticed jamyskis is on slippery slope here; are you sure you are not in the same position?

I am sure you know how "morally myopic" is to set different moral standards for judging different groups of people - this is pretty much the point of discrimination. I have no reason to think you are anything but decent persons; or to doubt your intelligence and good intentions in your political interests (and for the record, I agree with opinion that leaving EU wasn't good idea, but that's beside the point now).
So please answer me this sincere question. What is the point of not treating (selected group of) your presumed political opponents the same way as anybody else? Why is so important to hate your enemies and even love the hatred for them?
sherringon456: -snip-
Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables and, from the previous posts from you I have seen, you are better than that.
wpegg: You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
Zabohad: Almost identical reaction to the same impulse, so I dare to ask you both at once.
You both look disappointed and a bit hurt now, when you are on a recieving end of jamyskis' contempt and dismissiveness for anyone who doesn't met his/her political standards. And still, you are not concerned about the approach and attitude, only about wrong choice of targets. So something that is commendable when aimed at "those who deserve it" is unfair when used on someone innocent, like you.
You correctly noticed jamyskis is on slippery slope here; are you sure you are not in the same position?

I am sure you know how "morally myopic" is to set different moral standards for judging different groups of people - this is pretty much the point of discrimination. I have no reason to think you are anything but decent persons; or to doubt your intelligence and good intentions in your political interests (and for the record, I agree with opinion that leaving EU wasn't good idea, but that's beside the point now).
So please answer me this sincere question. What is the point of not treating (selected group of) your presumed political opponents the same way as anybody else? Why is so important to hate your enemies and even love the hatred for them?
Well said!

I'll posit that hatred is inherently irrational, and coincides with denial/distortion of what is actually true. What we hate is mostly something we ourselves create, and reflects emotional damage that has not healed. People are far better served by healing than they are by hating, but for many hate is something that is clung to as though it is a treasure of immense value -- which is sad given that the only thing it really achieves is to poison one's soul.
sherringon456: -snip-
Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables and, from the previous posts from you I have seen, you are better than that.
wpegg: You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
Zabohad: Almost identical reaction to the same impulse, so I dare to ask you both at once.
You both look disappointed and a bit hurt now, when you are on a recieving end of jamyskis' contempt and dismissiveness for anyone who doesn't met his/her political standards. And still, you are not concerned about the approach and attitude, only about wrong choice of targets. So something that is commendable when aimed at "those who deserve it" is unfair when used on someone innocent, like you.
You correctly noticed jamyskis is on slippery slope here; are you sure you are not in the same position?

I am sure you know how "morally myopic" is to set different moral standards for judging different groups of people - this is pretty much the point of discrimination. I have no reason to think you are anything but decent persons; or to doubt your intelligence and good intentions in your political interests (and for the record, I agree with opinion that leaving EU wasn't good idea, but that's beside the point now).
So please answer me this sincere question. What is the point of not treating (selected group of) your presumed political opponents the same way as anybody else? Why is so important to hate your enemies and even love the hatred for them?
This is a tough question. I'd say because some of them appear to hate or at least dislike us as much if not more. I wouldn't really say I love any hatred or dislike I have for them or their ideology. There are some that don't hate or dislike us as much and I don't really hate or dislike them, just disagree with them. The thing I hate the most is their racist, sexist, xenophobic ideology.

Also, my reaction may seem similar because I didn't have time to read most of Jamskyis post when I first saw it or post a long response and I saw the reaction of wpegg as the first indication that he had said that when I returned. I edited my initial post (Which was a lot shorter than the post there you see now.) to say something similar because I agreed with what wpegg said though.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by sherringon456
sherringon456: Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables
sherringon456: The thing I hate the most is their racist, sexist, xenophobic ideology.
This made my day.

The sad (and sometimes funny) thing is, that fanatics are so completely incapable of reflecting and applying the same standard to themselves as they apply to anyone else.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Zabohad: Almost identical reaction to the same impulse, so I dare to ask you both at once.
You both look disappointed and a bit hurt now, when you are on a recieving end of jamyskis' contempt and dismissiveness for anyone who doesn't met his/her political standards. And still, you are not concerned about the approach and attitude, only about wrong choice of targets. So something that is commendable when aimed at "those who deserve it" is unfair when used on someone innocent, like you.
You correctly noticed jamyskis is on slippery slope here; are you sure you are not in the same position?

I am sure you know how "morally myopic" is to set different moral standards for judging different groups of people - this is pretty much the point of discrimination. I have no reason to think you are anything but decent persons; or to doubt your intelligence and good intentions in your political interests (and for the record, I agree with opinion that leaving EU wasn't good idea, but that's beside the point now).
So please answer me this sincere question. What is the point of not treating (selected group of) your presumed political opponents the same way as anybody else? Why is so important to hate your enemies and even love the hatred for them?
sherringon456: This is a tough question. I'd say because some of them appear to hate or at least dislike us as much if not more. I wouldn't really say I love any hatred or dislike I have for them or their ideology. There are some that don't hate or dislike us as much and I don't really hate or dislike them, just disagree with them. The thing I hate the most is their racist, sexist, xenophobic ideology.

Also, my reaction may seem similar because I didn't have time to read most of Jamskyis post when I first saw it or post a long response and I saw the reaction of wpegg as the first indication that he had said that when I returned. I edited my initial post (Which was a lot shorter than the post there you see now.) to say something similar because I agreed with what wpegg said though.
When I don't have a god to worship, I worship ideology instead.

Attacks on my ideology is attack on my new god.

I am guilty of it in the past, I am ashamed to admit, even now I am still guilty of it from time to time.
jamyskis: An excellent article here by The Lawyer (as in the magazine, not the man) regarding what the High Court decision actually means as well as illustration of the piss-poor state of affairs of the British press that contributed to this ridiculous farce.

tl;dr: The Prime Minster does not have the authority to unilaterally take any action that would remove or confer rights to British citizens. Any such action must be decided by the democratically elected parliament.
It's bad article from self serving interests and the ruling is nothing more than an attempt to muddy the means to exiting the EU.

There is a case that the judges were wrong.
A deeply troubling and wrong-headed decision
When it comes to using the prerogative for “less Europe”, there are implied limitations which do not seem to exist for “more Europe”
On 3rd November 2016 the Divisional Court handed down its judgment in R (Miller) -V- Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2016] EWHC 2768 (Admin). The court has, to the surprise of most informed observers, decided that it is outside the prerogative powers of the Crown for notice to be given under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union to withdraw from the European Union.

In reaching this decision, the judgment has overturned the accepted understanding about the respective power of the Crown on the international plane to accede to and withdraw from international treaties, and the powers of Parliament to alter the internal law of the United Kingdom.
And that, good sir, is why I have absolutely nothing but fucking contempt for the British. Not because of the way they voted, because of the way they chose to be lazy and ignorant out of fear that they might discover that they are not quite so inherently superior as they thought..
Fortunately most other Europeans have sensible opinions on this matter without resorting to childish tantrums and attempts to stir up hatred between them in an attempt to deflect from the problems their own country is having or their wishes for the UK to go in a political direction that the majority doesn't want.

As for the rest of that post.
The only genuinely neutral news outlet in the UK - the BBC
sherringon456: -snip-
Avoid rhetoric that deals in absolutes, you are in danger of stooping as low as brexiteers and deplorables and, from the previous posts from you I have seen, you are better than that.
wpegg: You're embarrasing yourself. You're almost inverting the hate. You've strove so hard to fight people on this forum that discriminate based on "taste". Now you go categorise a nation in the same bland manner that people might categorise a race or religion. You're better than this.
Zabohad: Almost identical reaction to the same impulse, so I dare to ask you both at once.
You both look disappointed and a bit hurt now, when you are on a recieving end of jamyskis' contempt and dismissiveness for anyone who doesn't met his/her political standards. And still, you are not concerned about the approach and attitude, only about wrong choice of targets. So something that is commendable when aimed at "those who deserve it" is unfair when used on someone innocent, like you.
You correctly noticed jamyskis is on slippery slope here; are you sure you are not in the same position?

I am sure you know how "morally myopic" is to set different moral standards for judging different groups of people - this is pretty much the point of discrimination. I have no reason to think you are anything but decent persons; or to doubt your intelligence and good intentions in your political interests (and for the record, I agree with opinion that leaving EU wasn't good idea, but that's beside the point now).
So please answer me this sincere question. What is the point of not treating (selected group of) your presumed political opponents the same way as anybody else? Why is so important to hate your enemies and even love the hatred for them?
Those are quite a few words you've put in my mouth there. I assume you're taking most of those conclusions from my sentence "You're almost inverting the hate". However I think you're misunderstanding my intent with that. I was not suggesting that Jamyskis was misdirecting his hate and targetting the wrong people, I was suggesting that a lot of the attitudes that he resents are those of irrational hatred, and that he was undermining his position by adopting an attitude of hatred for himself.

I do not value hating enemies, as I do not value having enemies. There are people that hold opinions which do not align with my own views, some that are polar opposite. It is the opinions I argue against, not the people (though at times I may lose my temper). I fully believe those people fully believe in their opinions, I believe that some of those views can be destructive and dangerous, and to see them aired is upsetting. So in answer to your question, it is important not to hate your enemies, it was hate that I was disputing, not directing.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by wpegg
sherringon456: This is a tough question. I'd say because some of them appear to hate or at least dislike us as much if not more. I wouldn't really say I love any hatred or dislike I have for them or their ideology. There are some that don't hate or dislike us as much and I don't really hate or dislike them, just disagree with them. The thing I hate the most is their racist, sexist, xenophobic ideology.

Also, my reaction may seem similar because I didn't have time to read most of Jamskyis post when I first saw it or post a long response and I saw the reaction of wpegg as the first indication that he had said that when I returned. I edited my initial post (Which was a lot shorter than the post there you see now.) to say something similar because I agreed with what wpegg said though.
Gnostic: When I don't have a god to worship, I worship ideology instead.

Attacks on my ideology is attack on my new god.

I am guilty of it in the past, I am ashamed to admit, even now I am still guilty of it from time to time.
Being human isn't anything to be ashamed of. If you learn from your mistakes you're doing better than most of us are.
Personally, I'm all for the idea of the EU, it's still the best way to the United Federation of Planets, but not at all costs and some things aren't ideally handled to put it mildly.
You can be for and against something at the same time, it's called weighting/consideration. It's a strange concept for people since it doesn't fit into the two dimensional "us or them" and "friend or foe" mentality that is still so present since prehistoric times and gets used by propagandists of all ideologies as a means to an end.

The worst thing is, that the EU never does seem to get the message at all and isn't really willing to improve itself due the ridiculous leadership that is sitting in those chairs.
Then again the Russian, Chinese and American powers and ideologies are far worse and again it's about pragmatism vs. idealism which is never a nice game.

That said: There should be no place for hatred here or anywhere else, we're screwed enough as it is.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Klumpen0815