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dtgreene: #1: People from the UK like to use weight units to talk about money. This results in the statement "I lost 30 pounds" having completely different meanings depending on whether the person saying it is in the US or the UK. (One Twitter post suggested that maybe the UK should sell its method of losing pounds to the US.)
Just wanted to let you know why we use a term referring to weight when it comes to talking about our currency.

The name comes from the fact that it originally referred to a pound of silver, and the full official name is the "Pound Sterling".
dtgreene: #1: People from the UK like to use weight units to talk about money. This results in the statement "I lost 30 pounds" having completely different meanings depending on whether the person saying it is in the US or the UK. (One Twitter post suggested that maybe the UK should sell its method of losing pounds to the US.)
blakstar: Just wanted to let you know why we use a term referring to weight when it comes to talking about our currency.

The name comes from the fact that it originally referred to a pound of silver, and the full official name is the "Pound Sterling".
Canada has a coin called the Loony. I'm gonna let that speak for itself. :P
low rated
jamyskis: I'm finding that I'm having the greatest respect for those who have openly admitted didn't vote because they were to stupid understand the subject matter or even how to vote.
So you respect people in comas..
jamyskis: I'm finding that I'm having the greatest respect for those who have openly admitted didn't vote because they were to stupid understand the subject matter or even how to vote.
Regals: So you respect people in comas..
change your title
change your avatar
Post edited June 27, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Regals: So you respect people in comas..
tinyE: change your title
When you send me love letter from your house in Kaneohe
tinyE: change your title
Regals: When you send me love letter from your house in Kaneohe
You were warned. :D
low rated
Regals: When you send me love letter from your house in Kaneohe
tinyE: You were warned. :D
Non blue warned me...

Need hug bro?
Going to down vote me some more?

Btw what happen your rep went from 465 to 464 better up vote yourself more.
Post edited June 27, 2016 by Regals
jamyskis: You know, in the midst of all the bullshit I've been hearing from Leave supporters (about supposedly no more Muslim immigration, supposedly no longer being subject to the ECHR, abstract accusations of corruption and an "unelected eurocracy"), and my complete lack of respect or sympathy for those idiots who regret their Leave votes (and complaining that the information was supposedly not available before the vote), I'm finding that I'm having the greatest respect for those who have openly admitted on Twitter, Facebook, on camera etc. that they didn't vote because they didn't understand the subject matter. The Socratic paradox perfectly manifest: true wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing.

My greatest contempt is with those people who voted just as a way to stick it to the "Establishment" for reasons that don't even have a fucking thing to do with the EU.
Well, most voters dont have an idea what they are voting on.
How coud they?
I havent met a single politician that have not lied and this does not only apply to the leave side.

So if the remain side wanted to win they shoud have informed people and not resorting to scare tactics.
Scare tactics always backfires.
Post edited June 27, 2016 by Lodium
low rated
tinyE: You were warned. :D
That was HI-LA-RI-OUS, Mr e.

It was hilarious because you put :D after it.
jamyskis: You know, in the midst of all the bullshit I've been hearing from Leave supporters (about supposedly no more Muslim immigration, supposedly no longer being subject to the ECHR, abstract accusations of corruption and an "unelected eurocracy"), and my complete lack of respect or sympathy for those idiots who regret their Leave votes (and complaining that the information was supposedly not available before the vote), I'm finding that I'm having the greatest respect for those who have openly admitted on Twitter, Facebook, on camera etc. that they didn't vote because they didn't understand the subject matter. The Socratic paradox perfectly manifest: true wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing.

My greatest contempt is with those people who voted just as a way to stick it to the "Establishment" for reasons that don't even have a fucking thing to do with the EU.
Lodium: Well, most voters dont have an idea what they are voting on.
How coud they?
I havent met a single politician that have not lied and this does not only apply to the leave side.

So if the remain side wanted to win they shoud have informed people and not resorting to scare tactics.
Scare tactics always backfires.
that and half of the youth who supposedly were Bremain didn't even vote?
Regals: So you respect people in comas..
tinyE: change your title
change your avatar
Would you and your lover please get a room?

low rated
richlind33: Would you and your lover please get a room?
Mr e has a number of lovers.

He's a Homoerectus or something perverted like that.
Rohan15: I'll be perfectly honest, I have no idea what happened. Would someone explain exactly what happened cause I am not getting much in terms of unbiased news here in Texas.
The common man was getting screwed and actually got a vote that meant something. All the stupid cat remain memes and cries of racist from SJWs didn't persuade the British to stay.
Despite these hairbrain tactics failing,national media continues to pour petrol on the bonfire with articles attempting to paint people who voted leave as stupid, with articles such as claiming leavers are regretting it or don't know what the vote meant.
Scottish politicians want another referendum to break away from the UK based on their flawed understanding of democracy.

Plenty of salt from crybaby remainers and some other europeans whom it has nothing to do with.

or maybe nothing is as it seems and it's all part of a devious plan.
CARRiON.FLOWERS: /pol/ is that way -->
richlind33: Off is the general direction that you should fuck.
Sit and spin first cunt.
Rohan15: I'll be perfectly honest, I have no idea what happened. Would someone explain exactly what happened cause I am not getting much in terms of unbiased news here in Texas.
Spectre: The common man was getting screwed and actually got a vote that meant something. All the stupid cat remain memes and cries of racist from SJWs didn't persuade the British to stay.
Despite these hairbrain tactics failing,national media continues to pour petrol on the bonfire with articles attempting to paint people who voted leave as stupid, with articles such as claiming leavers are regretting it or don't know what the vote meant.
Scottish politicians want another referendum to break away from the UK based on their flawed understanding of democracy.

Plenty of salt from crybaby remainers and some other europeans whom it has nothing to do with.

or maybe nothing is as it seems and it's all part of a devious plan.
Yes many people where being "screwed" and were upset with the government.

They are upset with Austerity, not something the EU forced on us
They are upset with the Government, which they re-elected a year earlier and nothing to do with the EU
They are upset with housing prices, an event that happened 15 years ago and nothing to do with population or the EU
They are upset with Immigration, which even post leave will be about he same

People took a vote about the EU and used it to protest about issues not related to the EU

Now the economy is seriously damaged and the poorer areas will no longer have the EU funding they once had to help.
Austerity will continue and be even harsher to counter the falling economy
House prices may fall slightly, but mortgage costs will rise
We'll still have the same government for 4 more years (you've just changed the figure head)
Immigration might fall, but only because we've destroyed our economy and there are no jobs.