It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Time4Tea: I have to agree with this. From the point-of-view of a non-Galaxy-user, it seems that Galaxy is pretty much the only thing GOG has been dedicating any resources to over the past few years. The core website, forums never get any maintenance attention and there is a list somewhere of many offline installers that are behind the corresponding Galaxy versions.

It begs the question though: if Galaxy users are complaining about lack of maintenance of Galaxy ... what the heck are GOG spending their resources on?
nightcraw1er.488: Empty Witcher fandays, and pushing more DRM’d content. Sorry, yes, in before the usual lot turn up, online only content, not DRM because denuvo was not mentioned!
What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
low rated
Time4Tea: I have to agree with this. From the point-of-view of a non-Galaxy-user, it seems that Galaxy is pretty much the only thing GOG has been dedicating any resources to over the past few years. The core website, forums never get any maintenance attention and there is a list somewhere of many offline installers that are behind the corresponding Galaxy versions.

It begs the question though: if Galaxy users are complaining about lack of maintenance of Galaxy ... what the heck are GOG spending their resources on?
nightcraw1er.488: Empty Witcher fandays, and pushing more DRM’d content. Sorry, yes, in before the usual lot turn up, online only content, not DRM because denuvo was not mentioned!

Perhaps every last penny is going into paying CDPrs top dogs huge bonuses for their “excellent” content production?
well i would be surprised if this surprised anybody , it was clear for a long time they just want to be another steam with their own client
high rated
nightcraw1er.488: Empty Witcher fandays, and pushing more DRM’d content. Sorry, yes, in before the usual lot turn up, online only content, not DRM because denuvo was not mentioned!
Lifthrasil: What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
The recent WitcherCon giveaway claims to offer some, but all you actually get is a key for a site that only allows you to view them online or with a specific smartphone app, saying that they only allow it to be viewed on "authorized" devices. That does sound like DRM to me.
Lifthrasil: What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
dtgreene: The recent WitcherCon giveaway claims to offer some, but all you actually get is a key for a site that only allows you to view them online or with a specific smartphone app, saying that they only allow it to be viewed on "authorized" devices. That does sound like DRM to me.
yep i checked it out , and i hate those browser only book sites , why cant i use my own reader...
it is not really a giveaway it is just an ad with partner company
Post edited July 11, 2021 by Orkhepaj
dtgreene: The recent WitcherCon giveaway claims to offer some, but all you actually get is a key for a site that only allows you to view them online or with a specific smartphone app, saying that they only allow it to be viewed on "authorized" devices. That does sound like DRM to me.
Orkhepaj: yep i checked it out , and i hate those browser only book sites , why cant i use my own reader...
it is not really a giveaway it is just an ad with partner company
I personally like to print out online book pages so I can carry them around, however, the cost of ink and paper it takes is sometimes too much.
Post edited July 11, 2021 by BookCrazy
low rated
Orkhepaj: yep i checked it out , and i hate those browser only book sites , why cant i use my own reader...
it is not really a giveaway it is just an ad with partner company
BookCrazy: I personally like to print out online book pages so I can carry them around, however, the cost of ink and paper it takes is sometimes too much.
Yeah I bet it is much more enjoyable than watching it on a monitor and scrolling nonstop.
I'm too eco-conscious for that , and never liked to keep the papers around taking up space.
Hope soon we can get a proper colored ebook reader.
BookCrazy: I personally like to print out online book pages so I can carry them around, however, the cost of ink and paper it takes is sometimes too much.
Orkhepaj: Yeah I bet it is much more enjoyable than watching it on a monitor and scrolling nonstop.
I'm too eco-conscious for that , and never liked to keep the papers around taking up space.
Hope soon we can get a proper colored ebook reader.
You are right, it is much more enjoyable than watching it on a monitor, because I can read it anywhere, anyway. I can hang upside down on monkey bars and read the book without worrying of how much battery life is left on my ebook reader. :)

I am glad you understand
Post edited July 11, 2021 by BookCrazy
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: Empty Witcher fandays, and pushing more DRM’d content. Sorry, yes, in before the usual lot turn up, online only content, not DRM because denuvo was not mentioned!
Lifthrasil: What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
Don’t go calling it DRM, DRM is only denuvo. It’s online only content in the form of account accessed comics. Perfectly acceptable on the site.
SnowSlinger: I too decided not to spend any money on GOG until they clean up their act.
My main reason for halting my buying here is as follows:

I am a Galaxy fan, and there has not been any significant updates or development for far too long. I will not be spending here until I see substantial updates of the Galaxy client (i.e. New features, improvements on the features already present).

Several minor reasons:

The lack of communication with the community;
The support is mysteriously overwhelmed again;
Some decisions of the company I am not entirely comfortable with;

Edit: Another minor reason: GOG has promised integrations with the major stores. The integrations do not function properly, and probably never will, as GOG has obviously promised something they cannot do without the consent and cooperation of the other stores (that is why these crappy integrations are "community made").

That is all.

Good day
nightcraw1er.488: Interesting. Other than CDPrs antics with cyberpunk, Galaxy encompasses everything I am boycotting for. Online requirements for certain content, online only games, sales from epic, failure to get parity with offline installers, no resource put into anything but galaxy etc. In fact you can trace when most things start going bad right back to just before galaxy first release.
what happened just before galaxy first released? I came to forums around 2016, this account is from 2013 but I made it when they gave fallout for free at the time and forgot about gog till later in 2016, never went to forum prior to 2016.
Post edited July 12, 2021 by Truth007
Lifthrasil: What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
dtgreene: The recent WitcherCon giveaway claims to offer some, but all you actually get is a key for a site that only allows you to view them online or with a specific smartphone app, saying that they only allow it to be viewed on "authorized" devices. That does sound like DRM to me.
This is very disappointing to hear. It this really the same site that used to promote itself as '100% DRM-free'?
nightcraw1er.488: Interesting. Other than CDPrs antics with cyberpunk, Galaxy encompasses everything I am boycotting for. Online requirements for certain content, online only games, sales from epic, failure to get parity with offline installers, no resource put into anything but galaxy etc. In fact you can trace when most things start going bad right back to just before galaxy first release.
Truth007: what happened just before galaxy first released? I came to forums around 2016, this account is from 2013 but I made it when they gave fallout for free at the time and forgot about gog till later in 2016, never went to forum prior to 2016.
Lots of things. Quick picks from memory as not going over it all again:
Epic store sales
Gwent loot boxes/gambling
Cyberpunk=online gated content
Installers loaded with galaxy - now reversed somewhat, but still contains galaxy components, and is galaxified installer not plain archive.
Galaxy only promotions
Lack of parity between galaxy and offline installers
Offline installers broken or content cut after having galaxy updates
Endless streams of “when will we get xyz steam feature”
Support of GeForce now, drm streaming
No resources for anything but galaxy
Support response changed to default “why not use our optional client”
No rollback or patch/version download for offline users
Downloader removal
No preorder for offline users (cyberpunk)
Online only games (absolver), and some with online only content (nms was one example, though after kickback finally got fixed at least until the next update)

This is just a quick list, I am sure there are loads more points. We could talk about the lack of any real difference between here and steam now. DRM free has been watered down to basically mean, if it doesn’t have denuvo then we are happy with it.
So yes, galaxy simply removed any difference between steam and gog, and really any point in shopping here.
high rated
Lifthrasil: What additional DRM'ed content did they push? What did I miss?
dtgreene: The recent WitcherCon giveaway claims to offer some, but all you actually get is a key for a site that only allows you to view them online or with a specific smartphone app, saying that they only allow it to be viewed on "authorized" devices. That does sound like DRM to me.
Yep. That's DRM allright. Restricting the use of digital goods to authorized devices. So GOG has no issue anymore with showing openly that they have changed and are now pro-DRM instead of anti-DRM.
nightcraw1er.488: This is just a quick list, I am sure there are loads more points. We could talk about the lack of any real difference between here and steam now. DRM free has been watered down to basically mean, if it doesn’t have denuvo then we are happy with it.
So yes, galaxy simply removed any difference between steam and gog, and really any point in shopping here.
GOG even officially stated concerning DLCs and additional content with DRM:

" long as these additional features and rewards do not affect the single-player offline experience in a major way, we believe that the developers and publishers should be free to design and sell their games in a way they choose."
So they went from enforcing DRM-free to giving publishers free reign to publish whatever they want. As long as the single-player experience is only affected in a moderate or minor way. So basically as long as there is some part of DRM-free single-player left, they define that as OK.
Post edited July 12, 2021 by Lifthrasil
Today, Gog was mentionned in a lengthy Guardian article about, you guessed it, chinese censorship on video games.

After all, they say bad publicity is better than no publicity.
Post edited July 15, 2021 by Dalswyn
Dalswyn: Today, Gog was mentionned in a lengthy Guardian article about, you guessed it, chinese censorship on video games.

After all, they say bad publicity is better than no publicity.
I mean the article is well put together, but not sure how they think GOG is a ''major European publisher'', it takes like a google search to find that out
Post edited July 16, 2021 by Linko64
Dalswyn: Today, Gog was mentionned in a lengthy Guardian article about, you guessed it, chinese censorship on video games.

After all, they say bad publicity is better than no publicity.
Linko64: I mean the article is well put together, but not sure how they think GOG is a ''major European publisher'', it takes like a google search to find that out
I guess there is an ubiquitous confusion between GOG and CDPR and also between the terms 'Publisher', 'Store' and 'Developer'. Not that those terms are difficult, but I have often seen the claim, that GOG is, for example, a developer.