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low rated
It has been a while since I actually posted anything since I boycott GoG. I am going to agree on rjbuffchix, this is a topic for everyone boycotting GoG even if you and or others don't agree with their reasons. I started the boycott not just because of DRM but because GoG decided to take opposite stance with Devotion as it was afraid of China and although I don't support killing of innocents and any stances to stop these but the double standards GoG and other companies and countries are taking with Russia vs. the dozens of countries were worse atrocities are occurring on a daily basis for years and begging for their support is disgusting. So yes I am also boycotting GoG for having no backbone or even a value to go by.

Anyhow, if you decided to make this limited to DRM only, then remove me from the list.
low rated
GogWarrior71: I am almost tempted to agree with you, but for different reasons.

I believe that punishing Russian gamers for the actions of one man is grossly unfair and petty. Gog is a video game retailer; NOT a political platform. Gog's focus should be politically agnostic; otherwise by Gog's own standard, Gog should have banned the gamers of every single nation on Earth that is actively committing crimes against humanity.

Consider the Communist Dictatorship of China who has committed intentional genocide against the Tibetans, Uyghurs, Chinese Christians, and brutally persecuted those participants of the "Free Hong Kong" movement of 2019-2020. These crimes alone should have resulted in Gog permanently banning all business with China, but Gog has not done so. So why punish Russian gamers for the actions of Vladimir Putin when Chinese gamers are not being made to face the same punishment for Xi Jinping's crimes?

To the people running Gog:

Please tell me in all seriousness that this move to ban Russian gamers is not the result of the historic blood-feud (bitterness, resentment, racism, revenge) between the people of Poland and the people of Russia. What happened to Poland under the U.S.S.R. was atrocious. I recognize that. But holding today's people of Russia to one standard while continuing to do business with China AND completely ignoring their most horrific of crimes to date?

Evil is evil. You cannot have it both ways. And that is not how you run a business that is supposed to be focused on...

Video Games.

(And exactly when were video games so important that banning their sales to a nation could hold that sovereign nation hostage? Seriously?)

Either you run your business with one standard for all, or you remain neutral with no standards at all.

I am genuinely fed up with the idiotic politics. Yes. I am tempted to boycott Gog.

Prove me wrong.
To my biggest regret, CDPR (And GoG) has become a soulless "triple a" publisher with "everyone owes us" attitude. Today they think that their duty is to make a political statements, by punishing the customers who once helped them grow.
And even now i watch on "thank you" note on a latest cyberpunk patch written in many languages including Russian. And here we are, now it seems like a blatant hypocrisy.
low rated
Thanks for all the work Time4Tea.

I'll vote for Option A

A) This thread should stay focused on the two issues that it was originally set up to highlight, which are DRM and censorship of games on The thread title should also be changed to clarify.

I was here since the beginning of the boycott and can understand where you're going with the 'bait and switch' that can potentially put off people who originally started this boycott.
Furthermore, I appreciate the outreach of opinion.

I'd like to be taken out of the list if Option B passes.
I came here from the Devotion debacle and wanted to voice my support on the point you've made about censorship.

Additions to the original points that alot of us that started this boycott would dilute/bloat our fundamental arguments. This is towards the OG boycotters of 2021, subsequent boycotters are able to make another thread.
low rated
Time4Tea: Hey everyone, there have been a lot of posts in the thread over the past 48 hours or so. I haven't had time to read them all, but I get the jist.

I just want to state that this particular boycott thread is for the specific issues listed in the first post, which broadly relate to DRM and censorship. Whether you agree with GOG's recent moves to stop selling in Russia or not, that isn't what this boycott is focused on and it's possible that people who have already signed up to this one might fall on opposite sides of that fence.

If you want to boycott GOG over the recent decisions, that is fair enough, but I think it would be best if someone made a separate thread and list for that. Again, this thread and boycott were set up for specific reasons, which over 100 people have already signed up for. It is not a general "I'm pissed off at GOG and I want to boycott" thread and I'm not going to do a 'bait and switch' by suddenly adding new reasons to the list without at least consulting with those who have already signed. I have been consistent with this approach to proposed additional boycott reasons in the past.

Thanks and regards,

Thank you for the thread, and all your efforts - of course that goes for the rest of you here, too.


Holding the line.
low rated
GogWarrior71: I am almost tempted to agree with you, but for different reasons.

I believe that punishing Russian gamers for the actions of one man is grossly unfair and petty. Gog is a video game retailer; NOT a political platform. Gog's focus should be politically agnostic; otherwise by Gog's own standard, Gog should have banned the gamers of every single nation on Earth that is actively committing crimes against humanity.

Consider the Communist Dictatorship of China who has committed intentional genocide against the Tibetans, Uyghurs, Chinese Christians, and brutally persecuted those participants of the "Free Hong Kong" movement of 2019-2020. These crimes alone should have resulted in Gog permanently banning all business with China, but Gog has not done so. So why punish Russian gamers for the actions of Vladimir Putin when Chinese gamers are not being made to face the same punishment for Xi Jinping's crimes?

To the people running Gog:

Please tell me in all seriousness that this move to ban Russian gamers is not the result of the historic blood-feud (bitterness, resentment, racism, revenge) between the people of Poland and the people of Russia. What happened to Poland under the U.S.S.R. was atrocious. I recognize that. But holding today's people of Russia to one standard while continuing to do business with China AND completely ignoring their most horrific of crimes to date?

Evil is evil. You cannot have it both ways. And that is not how you run a business that is supposed to be focused on...

Video Games.

(And exactly when were video games so important that banning their sales to a nation could hold that sovereign nation hostage? Seriously?)

Either you run your business with one standard for all, or you remain neutral with no standards at all.

I am genuinely fed up with the idiotic politics. Yes. I am tempted to boycott Gog.

Prove me wrong.
You're right) but not only China and Tibetans and so on) For example, NATO countries and invasion to Iraq)
low rated
Thanks for your support) But let finish political debates, like someone of you said that it's gaming platform, not political)
I have seen an excellent comment at youtube
"I don't have a trust relationship with the President, but I had a trust relationship with CDPR"
And I lot of russian and belarussian people lose a faith to CDPR, GOG, Microsoft and so on. and I don't know when these gamedevs can renew relations with us. And when, these gaming platforms will come back (and I'm sure that they will do, autumn or winter 2022), I think that a lot of russian and belarussian gamers will boycott CDPR, GOG and so on.
low rated
Pity gog hasn't come to the table here;had a few titles i would of liked to buy in the latest sale.
Ah well continue to bleed money gog while i save :)
low rated
I vote for Option B.

GOG has tons of more problems than just censorship and DRM creep only.

Making the boycott only be about those two issues, and nothing else, IMO means that we'd (at least those of us who have other additional objections to GOG's behaviors) would have to pretend that if GOG fixed those two issues, then everything would be fine and dandy, and GOG would have fulfilled its duties and made everything right.

But no, they wouldn't have.

I also don't see any just way how someone can arbitrate something like "my reason(s) for boycotting GOG is more valid than your reason(s) for boycotting GOG."

But by insisting that the boycott must only be about two existing issues, and nothing else, then that is exactly the principle that is being upheld. It's like if there were such a thing as "boycott privilege," whereas some boycotters are able to "lord over" their reasons over that of other boycotters...which isn't justifiable, since all GOG customers should be equal to one another, with no lords dictating what is or isn't a "more valid" reason to boycott.

Having said that, I don't mean to be implying that Time4Tea is trying to be a 'lord' or anything like that. Nothing I said is meant to be any kind of slight against him.

I understand he's doing his best to manage a very complicated situation, so I don't fault him for that.

I'm just outlining my rationale for why I think Option B is the only good choice.

However, I think everything I just said is probably going to be a moot point in regards to this particular thread, since I expect GOG will lock it due to the many political posts in it (although I hope I'm wrong about that).

If that happens, then I still think Option B must be the case for any future Boycott threads that need to be made on this board.

Gersen: Even the whole "DRM + censorship" is IMO already too much. For example "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion" that's a clear and understandable boycott goal, but if you have "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion... and/or stop having online rewards / DRM... and/or resume selling to Russia... and/or cancel the EPIC deal... and/or abandon Galaxy... and/or twenty others things..." it is not a boycott it's just some peoples venting their griefs against Gog.
The final part of that statement is a non-sequitur.

Contrary to what that quoted post says, it doesn't become "not a boycott" just because it has many clear goals, rather than just one.

Although I do agree with you that the boycott should have clarity and specificity as to what exactly it is about.

I think that the best way to achieve clarity in the goal would be, as some of the other posters have suggested, to give each boycotter the opportunity to list their reasons, in their own words, in the OP of this thread (and/or in future boycott threads).

5P34R: I was here since the beginning of the boycott and can understand where you're going with the 'bait and switch'
I feel like going to an Option A would be a "bait and switch," because no doubt some (possibly many) boycotters signed-up under the premise that they could boycott GOG for whatever reasons they wanted to, not solely & exclusively only due to "censorship and DRM."

But implementing Option A would be switching the premise on those users, to a new premise that they didn't necessarily sign-up to.

Time4Tea: I am suggesting that people should make separate, individual forum threads for different reasons they may be boycotting over (such as bad customer support or curation). It's not that difficult to do.
The reason that's a bad idea IMO is not because it is "difficult to do," but because:

a) it weakens the boycotting message by creating disunity and dividing the boycotters into tiny sub-sections, which makes them much less powerful as opposed how powerful they are if we are standing together as a whole community.

b) most or all of those "new boycotting threads" would probably become never seen again after a day or two or three when they fall off the main page and then no one posts in them in any more, thus guaranteeing their ineffectiveness, even if GOG ever wanted to do something about the issues that they raise.

c) if that were to happen, and many posters start making their own boycott thread for every issue worth boycotting GOG over, then chances are GOG's mods would crack down on that, and say something like "there is already a similar thread about boycotting, so I'm locking this one."

HappyPunkPotato: If it does become a general boycott thread, there could be a numbered list of reasons on the first post and people could have the numbers of the reasons they care about listed after their name.
That is a very excellent idea. I can't blame Time4Tea for not wanting to manage such an idea, but I still think implementing that idea would be very good, in case someone else wants to manage it.
Post edited March 10, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
low rated
GamezRanker: That aside, GOG(company) must really be worried about bad PR if they removed a wishlist entry.
I am quite sure that "no political discussions" also applies to the wishlist section.

Yes, they don't remove every discussion, there are not nearly enough moderators to do that. But the more popular ones thery see and remove.
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I vote for Option B.

GOG has tons of more problems than just censorship and DRM creep only.

Making the boycott only be about those two issues, and nothing else, IMO means that we'd (at least those of us who have other additional objections to GOG's behaviors) would have to pretend that if GOG fixed those two issues, then everything would be fine and dandy, and GOG would have fulfilled its duties and made everything right.

But no, they wouldn't have.

I also don't see any just way how someone can arbitrate something like "my reason(s) for boycotting GOG is more valid than your reason(s) for boycotting GOG."

But by insisting that the boycott must only be about two existing issues, and nothing else, then that is exactly the principle that is being upheld. It's like if there were such a thing as "boycott privilege," whereas some boycotters are able to "lord over" their reasons over that of other boycotters...which isn't justifiable, since all GOG customers should be equal to one another, with no lords dictating what is or isn't a "more valid" reason to boycott.

Having said that, I don't mean to be implying that Time4Tea is trying to be a 'lord' or anything like that. Nothing I said is meant to be any kind of slight against him.

I understand he's doing his best to manage a very complicated situation, so I don't fault him for that.

I'm just outlining my rationale for why I think Option B is the only good choice.

However, I think everything I just said is probably going to be a moot point in regards to this particular thread, since I expect GOG will lock it due to the many political posts in it (although I hope I'm wrong about that).

If that happens, then I still think Option B must be the case for any future Boycott threads that need to be made on this board.

Gersen: Even the whole "DRM + censorship" is IMO already too much. For example "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion" that's a clear and understandable boycott goal, but if you have "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion... and/or stop having online rewards / DRM... and/or resume selling to Russia... and/or cancel the EPIC deal... and/or abandon Galaxy... and/or twenty others things..." it is not a boycott it's just some peoples venting their griefs against Gog.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: The final part of that statement is a non-sequitur.

Contrary to what that quoted post says, it doesn't become "not a boycott" just because it has many clear goals, rather than just one.

Although I do agree with you that the boycott should have clarity and specificity as to what exactly it is about.

I think that the best way to achieve clarity in the goal would be, as some of the other posters have suggested, to give each boycotter the opportunity to list their reasons, in their own words, in the OP of this thread (and/or in future boycott threads).

5P34R: I was here since the beginning of the boycott and can understand where you're going with the 'bait and switch'
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I feel like going to an Option A would be a "bait and switch," because no doubt some (possibly many) boycotters signed-up under the premise that they could boycott GOG for whatever reasons they wanted to, not solely & exclusively only due to "censorship and DRM."

But implementing Option A would be switching the premise on those users, to a new premise that they didn't necessarily sign-up to.

Time4Tea: I am suggesting that people should make separate, individual forum threads for different reasons they may be boycotting over (such as bad customer support or curation). It's not that difficult to do.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: The reason that's a bad idea IMO is not because it is "difficult to do," but because:

a) it weakens the boycotting message by creating disunity and dividing the boycotters into tiny sub-sections, which makes them much less powerful as opposed how powerful they are if we are standing together as a whole community.

b) most or all of those "new boycotting threads" would probably become never seen again after a day or two or three when they fall off the main page and then no one posts in them in any more, thus guaranteeing their ineffectiveness, even if GOG ever wanted to do something about the issues that they raise.

c) if that were to happen, and many posters start making their own boycott thread for every issue worth boycotting GOG over, then chances are GOG's mods would crack down on that, and say something like "there is already a similar thread about boycotting, so I'm locking this one."

HappyPunkPotato: If it does become a general boycott thread, there could be a numbered list of reasons on the first post and people could have the numbers of the reasons they care about listed after their name.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: That is a very excellent idea. I can't blame Time4Tea for not wanting to manage such an idea, but I still think implementing that idea would be very good, in case someone else wants to manage it.
low rated
Gersen: I didn't sign up so I cannot vote, but I can still give you my opinion as somebody from the "outside", as I said multiple times, a boycott is a question of communication and in communication one of the most important thing is to have clear message.

Same thing for a boycott, if you want to have any chance or ever accomplishing anything you need a clear goal/message.

Even the whole "DRM + censorship" is IMO already too much. For example "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion" that's a clear and understandable boycott goal, but if you have "We boycott Gog until they sell Devotion... and/or stop having online rewards / DRM... and/or resume selling to Russia... and/or cancel the EPIC deal... and/or abandon Galaxy... and/or twenty others things..." it is not a boycott it's just some peoples venting their griefs against Gog.
I think your post quite nicely illustrates the problem: you are asking for the boycott to be more focused, but on the other hand I have several current signers saying they want it to be more general. I can't please everybody simultaneously, when everyone wants something different. The only way something like this can work is if people are willing to compromise to some degree and accept that a protest by a group of over 100 people isn't going to be perfectly the way they want it.

I agree that, in hindsight (which is always perfect), it might have made more sense to create two separate threads for 'censorship' and 'DRM'. However, at the time the thread was created, those were the two most pressing issues at hand and it made sense to include both. But then, we are where we are, and we can only proceed from where our current position is. We can't go back in time.

Otherwise, I disagree with your last paragraph. It is very clear on the first post what the protest is about. All of the items except the first one (Devotion) are consistent and clearly relate to the issue of DRM on GOG.
low rated
You can move me from sympathetic to boycott.

I was sympathetic to DRM creeping into some games though rarely effecting single player mode.
I definitely disagreed with GoG bowing to communist China flexing its financial muscle in order to delist Devotion.

What's worse is the abandonment of GoG's original mission of proactively resurrecting classic games.
They now sell soft porn and supposed curation is a joke.

Customer service is nonexistent now. Making paying customers wait a month to get a response for a product purchased is outrageous and completely unacceptable.
I sent an email to Crackle streaming service the other day regarding programming. It's a free service that garnishes revenue from ads. I received a response addressing my specific question within three days. That's service.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me though is the biased and selective moderation of the forums.
Bans for political threads don't matter to me per say. As you can see, I have not participated much in the forums considering I have been here over ten years. I would rather play games than run my mouth.
However, the moderators and GoG don't follow the rules as stated.
Most of the political threads I have started or participated in meet the rule qualification of being game related and therefore are valid on the forums:

"Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted. Threads created exclusively to talk about politics will be locked. Users who ignore this rule repeatedly will be met with moderation."

My most recent ban was for linking a game article which discussed wokeness creeping into some games and listed seven specific examples. Clearly this topic was allowed since it was game related according to the rule I cited.
We have all seen GoG moderators lock threads regarding communist China's influence on delisting Devotion, as well as it's restricting portrayal of effeminate men in video games to be sold in China. Both are valid topics according to the rule I cited.
Then GoG will post political threads discriminating against Russian customers because of the war. Clearly a political topic not related to gaming. Who at GoG was temp banned from the forums for that?
Also highlighting identity politics of specific groups for a sale, but not their parallel counterparts, is political.
Yet seemingly it's ok for GoG to violate their stated rules but no one else can.
Where have we seen this before? Think mask mandates. Hypocrisy.

Individuals with a history of making personal attacks against multiple members are allowed to do so with impunity and thus encouraged by GoG moderators to continue to do so. It should be a priority to deal with those individuals who are harming any sense of community here rather than locking political threads that can easily be ignored. The moderators have their priorities upside down.

So, I have refunded all the games I purchased in the last thirty days and won't give GoG another penny.
I don't expect anything to change with the current management as I did not get a response to my inquiries including the moderator who most recently banned me. Another violation of their stated rules:

"If you are confused about any particular action taken that involves you, please contact us."

Clearly, they don't value the considerable financial support I have given as evidenced in my profile, so I will oblige them and withdraw it.

CD Project SA stock is plummeting this year, losing half its value and nearing its all-time low price.
My hope is that they will be forced to sell off the GoG portion of their business and that new ownership will treat their customers with respect and restore sanity to the forums.
low rated
Time4Tea: 11) fronzelneekburm
Gee, my eyes must be playing tricks on me or there's some other user with a username that's damn near identical to mine, because I have told you REPEATEDLY and rather unambiguously to take me off the list.

If you are somehow mistakenly under the impression that the result of the dumbass poll would change my mind: no, it won't. I don't care. I want out either way.

Now get on with it! Posthaste! Pronto! Right away! And don't forget to make it snappy! I'll gladly take it up with the moderators (whatever good that'll do) if you don't get your ass in gear.
low rated
Jorev: You can move me from sympathetic to boycott.
Done. Do you have an opinion on the current vote that is being held?

Jorev: CD Project SA stock is plummeting this year, losing half its value and nearing its all-time low price.
My hope is that they will be forced to sell off the GoG portion of their business and that new ownership will treat their customers with respect and restore sanity to the forums.
We can hope ...
low rated
Jorev: You can move me from sympathetic to boycott.
Time4Tea: Done. Do you have an opinion on the current vote that is being held?

Jorev: CD Project SA stock is plummeting this year, losing half its value and nearing its all-time low price.
My hope is that they will be forced to sell off the GoG portion of their business and that new ownership will treat their customers with respect and restore sanity to the forums.
Time4Tea: We can hope ...
I don't think you should restrict the reasons on this thread why someone chooses to boycott.
The reasons can be numerous and valid.
The point is to show those who maybe listening to recognize the various problems and address them.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by Jorev