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Accoun: Wish they had written more than a 2-3 sentences for each level or at least made it a single-page list, but whatever. Page clicks and ad revenue. :-/
XD That's what I thought. It was like a giant advertisement for the magazine.
It's always e1m1 for older games in these "top10"s isn't it?
Elmofongo: My suggestion: Metroid Prime, Level: Everything.
No, any game that thinks first-person platforming is a good idea is disqualified by default. First-person platforming just does not work.
PetrusOctavianus: Also, no Bluff Eversmoking from Unreal?
Amazing level with amazing music. And what made it even more compelling was the small glimmer of hope that you might find a survivor at the end.

From Unreal I'd also add The Sunspire and maybe Terraniux.

SiN had some cool levels, but I played it so long ago that unfortunately I can't remember specifics. IIRC it had the funnest underwater level I've played in a FPS though.
Post edited April 03, 2015 by tootbrush
Elmofongo: My suggestion: Metroid Prime, Level: Everything.
HiPhish: No, any game that thinks first-person platforming is a good idea is disqualified by default. First-person platforming just does not work.
Then you clearly never played Metroid Prime. Because I never had a problem with the Platforming in First Person.

Where did this whole stigma of First Person Platforming even originated? Wasn't every one Rocket Jumping like crazy in the Quake games?
Post edited April 03, 2015 by Elmofongo
I really liked doing the sneaky part in Killzone 3 coop mode.
E1M2 (The Dungeons) of Heretic always comes to my mind as a favorite. I like the loopy flow where you keep going through the central area from different directions, and the clever secrets.
Elmofongo: Where did this whole stigma of First Person Platforming even originated? Wasn't every one Rocket Jumping like crazy in the Quake games?
Must have been Turok.
Personally I don't mind FPS platforming as long as it has quicksave.
I think Metroid Prime Trilogy games for the Wii are fantastic levels, I love how the visuals and sound Nintendo did for Metroid Prime Trilogy!

I have a question, back in the day, earlier on, was a first person shooter, LIKE Doom, but instead of Doom, you fight night time creatures in a haunted "castle" or haunted "library" or house? You walk and instead of "switches" in Doom, you open hidden "Library" book panels to open secret rooms? Does anyone know this game, with magical elements to collect and whatnot? It was a Doom esque game, but not Doom lol. Sorry I don't know the name it was like back on Windows 98 days I played it, so LONG ago, just remember running around from the Doom esque monsters in this hallway or haunted house.
Elmofongo: Where did this whole stigma of First Person Platforming even originated? Wasn't every one Rocket Jumping like crazy in the Quake games?
Strijkbout: Must have been Turok.
Personally I don't mind FPS platforming as long as it has quicksave.
That I agree. Iguana's FPS games are clunnky when it comes to platforming. But thats them.

Other FPS platforming works fine imo.
sreamer17ydr: I think Metroid Prime Trilogy games for the Wii are fantastic levels, I love how the visuals and sound Nintendo did for Metroid Prime Trilogy!

I have a question, back in the day, earlier on, was a first person shooter, LIKE Doom, but instead of Doom, you fight night time creatures in a haunted "castle" or haunted "library" or house? You walk and instead of "switches" in Doom, you open hidden "Library" book panels to open secret rooms? Does anyone know this game, with magical elements to collect and whatnot? It was a Doom esque game, but not Doom lol. Sorry I don't know the name it was like back on Windows 98 days I played it, so LONG ago, just remember running around from the Doom esque monsters in this hallway or haunted house.
I give anything for a Metroid Prime sequal or remake of the first game for the Wii-U or the next Nintendo Console.
Post edited April 03, 2015 by Elmofongo
sreamer17ydr: I have a question, back in the day, earlier on, was a first person shooter, LIKE Doom, but instead of Doom, you fight night time creatures in a haunted "castle" or haunted "library" or house? You walk and instead of "switches" in Doom, you open hidden "Library" book panels to open secret rooms? Does anyone know this game, with magical elements to collect and whatnot? It was a Doom esque game, but not Doom lol. Sorry I don't know the name it was like back on Windows 98 days I played it, so LONG ago, just remember running around from the Doom esque monsters in this hallway or haunted house.
I haven't played it myself, but maybe Hugo's Nitemare-3D?
sreamer17ydr: I have a question, back in the day, earlier on, was a first person shooter, LIKE Doom, but instead of Doom, you fight night time creatures in a haunted "castle" or haunted "library" or house? You walk and instead of "switches" in Doom, you open hidden "Library" book panels to open secret rooms? Does anyone know this game, with magical elements to collect and whatnot? It was a Doom esque game, but not Doom lol. Sorry I don't know the name it was like back on Windows 98 days I played it, so LONG ago, just remember running around from the Doom esque monsters in this hallway or haunted house.
WarlockLord: I haven't played it myself, but maybe Hugo's Nitemare-3D?
That was one of the 1st FPS I ever played. Oh man, nostalgia rush!
sreamer17ydr: I have a question, back in the day, earlier on, was a first person shooter, LIKE Doom, but instead of Doom, you fight night time creatures in a haunted "castle" or haunted "library" or house? You walk and instead of "switches" in Doom, you open hidden "Library" book panels to open secret rooms? Does anyone know this game, with magical elements to collect and whatnot? It was a Doom esque game, but not Doom lol. Sorry I don't know the name it was like back on Windows 98 days I played it, so LONG ago, just remember running around from the Doom esque monsters in this hallway or haunted house.
WarlockLord: I haven't played it myself, but maybe Hugo's Nitemare-3D?
YES THANK YOU I just looked that game up and it was the game I remember, collecting witches' hat or whatever, in this house! I remember playing that game, once or twice as a kid I was like 7 or 6, LOL
WarlockLord: I haven't played it myself, but maybe Hugo's Nitemare-3D?
tinyE: That was one of the 1st FPS I ever played. Oh man, nostalgia rush!
Same here, I just watched a few min. of gameplay footage.... wow, brings back memories, LOL I didn't know what I was doing, and I only had the DEMO , one level, or so, and I remember it came on Floppy Disk drive, and I remember the old Windows 98 machine, click reading those floppies. I remember, our old machine ha da floppy disk drive, a ZIP drive, (bigger form of Floppy). I remember savings tons of things on ZIP Disks all the time and Floppies
Post edited April 03, 2015 by sreamer17ydr
Free Q3Test + q3dm17 + intra-dorm LAN = no work was done that year
-NOLF: Alpine Intrigue

-Jedi Knight: The Lost Planet of the Jedi

-Duke Nukem 3D: Red Light District (for multiplayer, I also like Tiberius Station, Fahrenheit, L.A. Rumble)