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Hey all! Please visit this thread for more up-to-date information:

Right now, I can't unfortunately give you anything concrete.

The update proved to be more difficult than expected but we're determined to make it happen. We're actively working with Bethesda to bring it here. No ETA to give you though :/
Post edited June 11, 2024 by king_kunat
Update : " Hello! I'm sorry for my delayed answer. We're still working to deliver the Update but it proved to be more complex that initially expected. We hope to provide it in May still. "

Post edited May 21, 2024 by Odessam
I just unistalled my microsoft version of vanilla fallout 4 because I bought the GOTY on GOG and for my surprise there is not yet the next gen update.

In the forum I see it will come in may, but today is may/21 already. Is it really coming this month or should I go back to the microsoft version of it (downloading all over again)?
LinksRJ: I just unistalled my microsoft version of vanilla fallout 4 because I bought the GOTY on GOG and for my surprise there is not yet the next gen update.

In the forum I see it will come in may, but today is may/21 already. Is it really coming this month or should I go back to the microsoft version of it (downloading all over again)?
Well I guess I won't go to London then. lol
LinksRJ: I just unistalled my microsoft version of vanilla fallout 4 because I bought the GOTY on GOG and for my surprise there is not yet the next gen update.

In the forum I see it will come in may, but today is may/21 already. Is it really coming this month or should I go back to the microsoft version of it (downloading all over again)?
Unfortunately the next-gen update isn't looking too good right now. I've been hearing rumors that there are a LOT of bugs in the update, including a game-breaker. I can't confirm but the rumors persist.
Will they bring creation kit with the update? Tbh, I'm looking forward to the CK more than this update.
I'm glad GOG delays these updates. I waited a week after the update on Steam, as some of my mods had gotten updated (SKSE mainly) so thought it was safe to update. It woldn't even start. I removed some mods, still wouldn't start. I basically had to remove all but maybe 2 - 3 mods to get it to even start. I had something like 130 mods, so was disappointed. Uninstalled the Steam version and installed the Gog one. Have most of my old mods back and some new ones as well. I and when they update, fine. I'm in no rush!
I would like to use all the mod club mods that I had bought but I also got Vortex to work but as I say, I don't have creation kit mods that I had purchased with steam accnt.
Seems like we dodged a bullet.

I bought the game a few minutes ago and I'll make sure to keep this version of the offline installer.
what I would like to see is people stop calling this game "BETHESDA" it has been bought by Microsoft and Microsoft would like to make some money back from the purchase.
It would be a good idea to go to Nexus nods asap and download the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (UFO4P) version 2.1.5 before it disappears. This is the only version which will work with GOG Fallout 4 version 1.10.163 (“OldGen”) - and the mod author clearly states that it will be removed as soon as the GOG version of Fallout 4 gets updated, which could be any time now.

The latest version of UFO4P (2.1.6d) will not work with ANY version of GOG Fallout 4, either “OldGen” or “NewGen” (if and when it arrives here). That mod’s author has stated clearly that if the GOG version differs from the Steam version - and GOG has at this point confirmed that this WILL be the case (i.e. no CC content) - then UFO4P will not make a special version for GOG. In other words, “NewGen” GOG Fallout 4 will never work with the Unofficial Patch or any of the mods which depend on UFO4P as a requirement.

I would download UFO4P even before buying and backing up GOG Fallout 4 version 1.10.163 since I’m pretty confident that GOG will keep the “OldGen”version available for download even after the “NewGen” update arrives, hopefully permanently because the “NewGen” version is going to be crippled for modding. Still, definitely best to download this and back it up in good time.

It’s a good idea to grab F4SE build 0.6.23 as well, although you can always get older, archived versions of F4SE from silverlock at any time. I’ve no idea why the same isn’t true for the Unofficial Patch, I just cannot understand why the UFO4P author(s) feel it necessary to remove all versions except the current one, especially in cases like this.

TL ; DR :

1.Get Unofficial Patch version 2.1.5 (under Old Files) from Nexus. URGENT.
2. Download and back up GOG Fallout 4 version 1.10.163. SEMI-URGENT.
3. Get F4SE build 0.6.23 from Silverlock. NOT REALLY URGENT.
4. Download any mods which require UFO4P. I’m afraid I don’t have a list of these. SEMI-URGENT.
GOG, Please don't add the Next-Gen update! I've had nothing but problems with it and would prefer to keep the pre Next-Gen version. I just switched from Steam to GOG due to Bethesda doing this crappy updates, which now includes Fallout 4 along with Fallout 3 and Skyrim Special Edition. DO NOT UPDATE my copies of these games!
publishermike: GOG, Please don't add the Next-Gen update! I've had nothing but problems with it and would prefer to keep the pre Next-Gen version. I just switched from Steam to GOG due to Bethesda doing this crappy updates, which now includes Fallout 4 along with Fallout 3 and Skyrim Special Edition. DO NOT UPDATE my copies of these games!
I'm with you on that 100%!
Please, add the new update.
I'm glad that the GOG version of Fallout 4 is still at ... I have absolutely no interest in the NextGen patch.

I just downloaded the above version again and saved the offline install files to a disk (along with a few modifications for it).

The user “Theoclymenus” has already described it well with the unofficial patch. If anyone needs it, the German version is also available here as 2.1.5 - .

The current new version 2.3.20 of the “Workshop Framework” modification ( was released after the NextGen patch, but it was still created in the old format, so it works with Fallout 4
Post edited May 28, 2024 by Bibbsi
Clegane1: Please, add the new update.
I'm right there with you.

I want to finally have the update too...